Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - mudcrab

Pages: [1]
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Problem with launching the game
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:16:12 PM »
As I said earlier, I'm horrible with tech stuff, so I have no idea what half the stuff you're talking about means, and even if I know what it means, I have no idea how to do it, especially zipping.  Also, being the genius that I am, I just realized that I can view the cut off parts of information by leaving my cursor over it. In case that's all you're missing, I'll send it to you in a PM.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Problem with launching the game
« on: August 18, 2010, 10:26:57 PM »
My computer and tech skills are absolutely horrid, so I'm not exactly sure what you mean by keys, but here's the data that was at the end of the regedit path, which I think is what you want.


Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Problem with launching the game
« on: August 18, 2010, 09:46:31 PM »
I was able to fully follow the path in regedit, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do from there.

As for the file's location, there is a .ini file called Languages in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\company of heroes\EF_LauncherData, which I believe is the right location.

Also, the language I have is English.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Problem with launching the game
« on: August 18, 2010, 06:22:40 AM »
Thanks. That seems like it should work, but now I have an entirely different problem.

I've just finished redownloading and reinstalling EF, but when I start up the launcher it says 'Unable to locate "EF_LauncherData\Languages.ini"', and theres no text on any of the buttons in the launcher, or the error message that appears when I click on what should be Launch. I've probably uninstalled and reinstalled EF 10 times trying to get it to work, and its been doing this as well as not creating a desktop shortcut for the last 5 at least.

Bugs & Tech Support / Problem with launching the game
« on: August 18, 2010, 12:23:24 AM »
I first downloaded EF a few weeks ago, and kept running into the same problem. I could get it installed, but whenever I launched it I'd always get the same error message, "unable to find company of heroes directory". I got CoH from steam, so I figured that might have been the problem, but when I uninstalled it and redownloaded, this time making sure I installed it to ...\steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes, I encountered the same problem. I looked around this forum for more help, and found a post by someone with the exact same situation as me. I can't link to it, but as of this post I found it on the second page of the forum, titled "Install problems" and by someone named Ramone. The mod who responded in that thread was very helpful, but even after following all of their advice, I still couldn't get EF to run. As that thread seems to have died, and because there might be others with the same problem, I decided to make a new one. If anyone can provide me with any help to this problem, I would greatly appreciate it.

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