Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - commando101

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Bugs & Tech Support / Re: *NEW NEW* If your game crashes - Post here
« on: August 10, 2010, 06:05:23 PM »
I get the same problem any map over 4 players (Stalingrad, Berlin etc) and the game crashes, doesnt even finish loading just end up getting "Failed to create dump file (error 183) and then crashes to the desktop. If i play americans or british the map will load but will crash 10mins into playing :(.

I have no problems at all with normal company of heros and i run the settings at high, i did lower the setttings to medium to see if it would work and it it did load Stalingrad. however its a pain to play it in medium graphics especially if normal company of heros works fine :)

Is there a fix for this error or a way around it? any help would be appreciated as the MOD is awesome

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