Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Playmobill

Pages: [1]
Mapping / Re: New Berlin by Playmobil
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:45:13 PM »
Could always use Filefront?
I remember that Filefront made good reviews, but it takes more than 3 days to publish the link last time i posted a map, so now i prefer to keep filefront for final releases.
Its because they test the map before, and because sometimes their staff seems to have a lot of work aside so its a bit slow to get a quick beta link for us :(

edit: Ive been told that for my DL link, registration to BK-mod was requiered, so that explain much better the broken link reported :/

DOWNLOAD Berlin 1945 (8P) from

will work better now ^-^

Mapping / Re: New Berlin by Playmobil
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:34:13 PM »
yeah it seems that the bbcode was adding 'http://' to the link each time i tryed to fix the post, so i removed the " and thats ok now, the link works finely without quotes

I know that can sound weird to host it there for ya, but Relicnews attachement page is out of order (this is where i usualy put files) + i can see the download counter if all links goes to the same file

Mapping / Re: New Berlin by Playmobil
« on: May 10, 2011, 05:11:11 AM »

link fixed:
DOWNLOAD (8) Berlin 1945 (beta 0.36)

Rmb: it is still in beta stage, there is still some unfinished areas, but we can play it doesnt really disturb the game

Hoping i'll see the end of the tunnel quickly, I can't wait for the moment where i'll finish it.

Mapping / Re: New Berlin by Playmobil
« on: May 09, 2011, 06:34:37 PM »
I hope you are not mad that I shared your work without your permission.
lol i'm proud that you liked the map pics even if its still a beta stage, so don't worry you won't need my permission ;)
+ as you saw it, it was planned since the start to be played in EF mod, so.. ;)
But i was quite worried by the already existing Berlin maps.. EF and OMG has already one, + at least 2 other Berlin map exists, one by Mattdamon in here (actualy Streets of Berlin) and one other from battlefield 1942 ("Berlin 1942" funny to play for BF fans) so.. i didn't want to short-circuit anybody's map..

If its possible to brainstorm about that, i don't want Matt's work to be lost.. maybe we can find a good idea to reconvert all his work.. where were the allies in berlin, when the soviets where in the reichtag ?
that could be an idea (also i can help if he wants us to have the same visuals and athmosphere (its supposed to be the same city, so that would be nice if they look like so). even if its not the same part of Berlin

Don't worry BurroDiablo, i'm not focused on Reichtag and brandenburger, for now my goal is to finish the tiergarten parc and ensure that the ruined riverside and the parc side won't make the map laggy (got to check carefully each tree and each ruinned wall, to remove a maximum of useless walls/trees

Mapping / Re: New Berlin by Playmobil
« on: May 08, 2011, 05:36:37 PM »
well there is an other problem than the fixed WB (i already use the fixed one) : the stamp tool has a limit. if your map has too much details, only part of it (and a random part) will be saved. that doesnt seems to depend of the computer, as my new one is nearly a war-machine and it still doesnt change the quantity of object that can be stamped finely.

So to stamp a map like this, i should have done this before reaching this amount of details, because im affraid its far too late now :(
The other way to stamp the whole map is to stamp part by part, but assembling it is a nightmare so i think i have enought work without it ;)

But i can put the reichtag outside as its a simple stamp (dont need to stamp a big area)

For the parc, its already nearly 40% of the whole map so i think is large enought (it cover nearly all the south riverside). Ive already added a wreck of tiger, but i was affraid of axis salvage so i think i will add next wrecks carefully (i prefer adding em on allies side, because they cannot salvage it and they have a chance to break the wreck (give xp + remove the salvage for axis).

last point, i've already been looking for shells for the pantherturn and didnt found any in coh database splats. so i've put bullets instead, better than nothing (splats is zoomed). i believe maybe i can find some NIS shells somewhere, in model, but i dont like the idea of a model since its cylindrical, it will add lots of polys for a so tiny detail, its not good for the optimisation lvl i want to keep.

Mapping / Re: New Berlin by Playmobil
« on: May 08, 2011, 02:58:50 AM »
Hey guys!

note: historicaly, i know its not the americans but the russians who entered in Berlin first, so the map will regain it's historical accuracy when played in Eastern Front Mod.
Don't worry i didn't said that for nothing!
 i'm just keeping some doubts about the reichtag and the brandenburg gate, because as u know it, mine are not really accurate, especialy in comparison to the Berlin map that EF and OMG share.
So i think ill contact the map makers to ask them advices about it, because till the moment i saw their screen, it was too late, the way they have built it is hard to forget so trying to do better after seeing it even harder now :(
I knew i was certainly not the first guy to try to map Berlin, so i had 2 ideas:
- to start WITHOUT looking for other Berlin maps.. to stay independant, because as i feared it, it was hard to not be inspired by what i saw after my search when i found your berlin.
- and to name it 'Berlin 1945' hoping nobody ever though about the same name to avoid confusion.

+an other mapper also make a nice Berlin map in EF forum so I was not very hot to post my map here..
untill i read this topic;)
What i can say is that im really happy that u like the screens. So i'll post here all next updatesto the map.

PS : for the spawn postion, i'm affraid this would change the map in a chokepoint map with bridges epic trafic jams if we turn the spawns to make the reichtag on both armies side, not only on axis side..
I wanted a real plan to make the map more interresting, but i was affraid of tactical issues for balancing the game.. thats why i took this shape for the map (based on a soviet assault map) where bridges are not the center of the battle, they are important, but not too much.

For now i'm working on the Tiergarten in front of the reichtag, that will provide half of the battlefield, so i believe its in the middle of this parc that shit will hit the fan ingame.. so i try to make it destroyed, but not to much, il love gardens so i dont want to make the lunar crateers that should actualy replace it.

Off Topic / Re: EF Comic book by Wordsmith
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:19:34 AM »
Man, this just looks brillant! :o


Ok i'll try!
I tried to use snipers for assaulting the church in vienna, but they got killed several times, sometimes without shooting anything before.. And the human shield of conscrit was instakilled :(
maybe it was not the right human shield against a double MG + pak + sniper..

For the double Tank, thats actualy what i do, but in early game it is not possible, not enough fuel :(

Everything is in the title ;)

I know im not a good player, but i think is some maps (new moskov for example or most hardly, in Vienna), i got mass-killed by a simple f*** axis MG squad in a building, and early tanks dont really help me since AI often get a pak38 that nearly never miss his target..

I my mind, i'm suffering from the lack of mobile mgs. the only response i can make is arty and mortar, witch is easily counterable by simply moving axis troops..
soviets dies so fast now that if axis put an mg on the good house, VP games are toasted (especialy in Vienna or in Moskov, no cover to counter the axis mg in Vienna church.. witch cover 2 VP at the same time oO)

aie aie plz make the mobile mg animated as soon as you can dudes ;)

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