Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Bugs & Tech Support / v1.7.0.2 bug (gfx gitch probably)
« on: November 29, 2012, 11:04:44 AM »

After a few games in the last couple of days I noticed (so did the fellow players in those games too) there's a problem with the Jagdpanther (PE, tank busters unlock). In game it appears without it's main cannon.
I tried it numerous times and it persisted this way.

Hope it gets fixed.



Suggestions / Re: A new faction for Eastern Front
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:56:06 PM »
Let's vote! :D
"What third axis faction you would like to see":


This is not All WW2 faction mod this is EASTERN FRONT mod.

Based on Eastern front in Europe not Eastern Asia :D :D :D



Community Events and Tournaments / Re: SUGGESTION: 1st EF TOURNAMENT
« on: June 02, 2010, 04:26:02 PM »
Any news about the tournament ?

Is it a "go" ?

Ostheer Suggestions / Re: Nazi Propaganda Truck
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:56:19 PM »
Interesting idea.

Suggestions / Re: Campaign Structure
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:08:57 PM »
Totally off topic,

But the most devastating losses from the Allies in WW2 were suffered by Greece, that's if you take in mind the percentages of total population/losses.


Bugs & Tech Support / Re: EF v1.1 crashing
« on: June 01, 2010, 11:02:37 AM »
Object Scarring On < turn that off also it's known to cause issues

Will do and as always will report back.

What did you do with sturmovie ingenery at the time of the crash?

Actually nothing, cause I was playing as PE. Russians were both AI (me as PE and a friend as Wermacht).
I couldn't see anything special happening at the time cause all the players 9BOTH ai 7 HUMANS) we had finished the whole command points tree and have had already used/deployed all available units in the field (my JAGDpanther was destroyed already twice after having it salvaged it with a BergeTiger)

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: EF v1.1 crashing
« on: May 31, 2010, 07:04:41 PM »
Even with all settings in low will crash?

Haven't checked that  ??? . I'll give that a try then and see if it helps.

Will report back.

Post Merge: May 31, 2010, 10:17:42 AM
Even with all settings in low will crash?

Haven't checked that  ??? . I'll give that a try then and see if it helps.

Will report back.

At last !!! Success !!!

I changed a couple of graphic settings and even Zhytomyr map loaded (and played out) fine  ;D

Here is the list of my settings as they were:
Shader Quality High
Model Quality High
Antialiasing None
Texture Detail Ultra
Shadows Medium
Reflections High
Post Processing On
Building Detail High
Physics High
Tree Quality Medium
Terrain Detail Medium
Terrain Fidelity Ultra
Effects Density High
Rain Detail High
Object Scarring On

With the above settings the game plays fine in all circumstances except for EF, and specifically the Zhytomyr map (but not only thatsee the above thread what my problems were).
So the only settings i changed after blackbishop's suggestion, were the Texture Detail and Texture Fidelity (both from Ultra to High).

I'm really happy now and hope EF won't crash on me anymore. Will report back again after some more testing with other maps/setups.

Thanks  :)

Post Merge: June 01, 2010, 02:32:24 AM
Everything went fine and actually i was inthe final stages of the best game i have ever played in CoH since it was first released. Epic battle at Zhytomyr, 2 humans as Germans (1 PE and 1 Wer) vs 2 Normal AI as Russians.
The game palyed flawlessly for almost 2 hours and while we had established territorial control and we were bringing the heat to the Russian base, the game unfortunately froze  ::) ??? :-[ (I had to hard reboot my PC)

See the warnings log in case it helps the developers to identify the culprit.

I was realy sad for this to have happened, especially in that game.


Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Temp folder erro!!
« on: May 31, 2010, 10:03:08 AM »
It's the same error i get while trying to play the Zhytomyr map  :-[ . Check my thread in the Tech support forum.

I have tried everything i could so far but still happens.

Need help !

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: EF v1.1 crashing
« on: May 31, 2010, 12:43:36 AM »
Sorry to bother you again about this, but the crash/problem still persists  :-[ .

I emptied my temp folder, uninstalled EF, updated vga drivers and directx, even did a compte hard disk defragmentation just in case it helps. But still crashes...  :-[

I hope there will be someone with a solution soon.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: EF v1.1 crashing
« on: May 28, 2010, 09:57:13 AM »
ow, yah, you posted in the first page "temp is full" or something right? That's why you can't find anything. You could try to clean your temp folder.

I had already emptied the temp folder but it did the same thing  :-[

Else, since this crash while load only occurs on Zhytomyr, just avoid it ;)

Will do a full fresh install of EF and see if it helps out.

Post Merge: May 28, 2010, 11:52:58 AM
I'm completely frustrated  :-[ ???

I did a complete uninstallation of EF, updated everything to latest (directX, .NET, ATI drivers), emptied the Temp folder and then i reinstalled fresh the EF.
But again i get the crash i did in the first time (first post).

I have no clue what to do...  ??? and it's a shame cause i really enjoy EF.

1. Use the uninstaller
2. delete the Eastern_Front folder (in company of heroes folder)
3. Install 1.10
4. Patch to 1.11
5. Patch to 1.11.1

Will do it now and see if it helps.

Bugs & Tech Support / How to properly uninstall and re-install EF ?
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:02:12 AM »
Since I am experiencing crashes while trying to play this excellent mod, I thought i could give it a try and uninstall and reinstall just incase it helps sort things out.

Can someone please advise on the proper way to uninstall EF v1.11 and reinstall it ?

thanks in advance.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: EF v1.1 crashing
« on: May 28, 2010, 12:58:24 AM »
Alright, cope needs the dump file. Create a crash and then in the bug report, click "more details" (or what it says) and in the list there's a file ending with .dmp that should be in your temp folder. Find it (make sure the name & time are correct) and upload it here.

Ok i just replicated the exact same crash as i have described it in my first post in this thread.

Map Zhytomyr, skirmish, me playing PE and an AI playing the Russians. Again i got the same error while still on the loading screen before even getting into the game map.

See below the uploaded files. As far as the dump file, I wasn't able to find one in the Temp folder, instead I found a file named "bugsplat.log" (see below) and seems to be the one you might need.

I'm really frustrated....  :-[ and will wait anxiously for your response.

P.S: I also had another crash before the one I stated aboove. It happened on Rostov map, 3v3 all humans (2 WE 1 PE and 3 Russinas), game crashed (screen frozen) a few seconds after my Jagdpanther entered the map.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: EF v1.1 crashing
« on: May 27, 2010, 10:39:30 PM »
Actually, I found out that you can enter %temp% instead.

Yeap, saw it in your other post. Got to walk the dog now and will post later.


The general rule of delete files from the temp folder is
"If it haven't been changed since you started the computer you can remove it".

Got it , thanks.

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