Bugs & Tech Support / Re: 2.300 Bugs
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:33:39 AM »
When i cap first point the game crashes everytime!
I try to play with Russia on 4x4 maps with fixed switched positions, anihilate condition, max resources.
The game start having crashes since patch EF_Setup( and i stop plaing it.
Now i see it has EF_Setup( but stupid crash is still there.
I send a reports about that bug i hope you fix it or just remove EF_Setup( patch.
At least tell me what to do to avoid crashes or how to avoid installing of EF_Setup(
I want to play new patches without that crash.
I try to play with Russia on 4x4 maps with fixed switched positions, anihilate condition, max resources.
The game start having crashes since patch EF_Setup( and i stop plaing it.
Now i see it has EF_Setup( but stupid crash is still there.
I send a reports about that bug i hope you fix it or just remove EF_Setup( patch.
At least tell me what to do to avoid crashes or how to avoid installing of EF_Setup(
I want to play new patches without that crash.