Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Painsaw

Pages: [1]
Red Army Suggestions / Re: For The Motherland! - Whistle
« on: April 21, 2010, 07:17:59 PM »
I think the whistle, though not historically accurate, is what most folks would relate with the soviet charge.

But, all of the conscripts screaming 'Uraaaa!' or 'Za Rodinu!' would have an equal effect. Just some audible confirmation that the ability was used I think would add a lot with the satisfaction of sending Conscripts into the breach.

Just my input.

Red Army Suggestions / For The Motherland! - Whistle
« on: April 21, 2010, 04:57:59 AM »
Though it's pretty minor, I'm thinking it would be very neat to hear multiple comissars blowing into whistles as NKVD Conscript squads are being affected by For The Motherland!

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