Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Wingflier

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Announcements / Re: Future contents for the mod!
« on: December 17, 2013, 01:57:37 PM »
Awesome update!

Can't wait to see what else is in store.

SO excited to play it tomorrow :D

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: Ostheer bugs galore
« on: December 14, 2013, 10:18:47 AM »
Thanks for your replies!

Announcements / Re: ModDB MOTY 2013 - Top 100
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:24:05 AM »

A few things you didn't specify, does the Infantry Gefechts Kommand and Infantry Gruppen Post both come unlocked at the start now? This seems ideal and it opens up new options for the Ostheer Commander.

Yes, tier system is like PE now.

Announcements / Re: ModDB MOTY 2013 - Top 100
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:22:01 AM »
Fantastic job guys!

I'm really impressed with the new changes <3.

1. Giving the Soviet Support Barracks the two unlocks upon completion makes it much more viable as a starting option than before.
2. The nerf to the Soviet Propaganda tree was certainly warranted.
3. The changes to the Ostheer are AMAAAAZZIINGG!!!!
-Only putting 2 "pool units" in each building is a nice touch.
-Giving Ostheer two different mortar squads in their first building makes them extremely unique (very nice).

A few things you didn't specify, does the Infantry Gefechts Kommand and Infantry Gruppen Post both come unlocked at the start now? This seems ideal and it opens up new options for the Ostheer Commander.

Why does the Ostheer Commander get two different (relatively similar) mortar options coming from the Gefechts Kommand? Is there a fundamental difference between the two besides relatively minor statistical variations?

Are the modernization and support upgrades still in the game for certain Ostheer buildings?

Thank you for this update. Can't wait!

We are still testing, changing and adding stuff to see how it works in game.

IF someone really wish to see our progress - watch this . Some test games with medium to low skill play from my side I guess but still if you watch carefully you will see most of the changes we are working on.
I watched the replay (all 3 hours of it), I was very impressed!

The changes were fantastic. It seems you split the "T1 option" into 2 different buildings: One which houses the Landsers, Snipers, and Mortar squads and the other which houses some kind of "Officer squad", light recon vehicle, etc. (was hard to tell because it wasn't you using it). In addition, the MK42 upgrade for the Landsers seems harder to obtain somehow. Perhaps you have to upgrade it manually if you researched it after the unit was built, I can't tell.

In this regard they are similar to the Panzer Elite. You choose a starting T1 building which kind of determines the outcome of the rest of the game.

The T2.5 building now seems a lot more reasonable as well. With the Panzerfulisiers, AT Guns, Tanks, and APC all being in the same place, this is a lot more practical than it was before.

Now there is an actual choice of upgrading your Landsers heavily and skipping the Panzerfulisiers, or skipping the Landsers, using Stormpioners in conjunction with the Officers and focusing more on the Panzerfulisiers as your main infantry unit later.

Anyway, I'm very impressed. One thing I didn't understand is why there were 2 different "mortar units" in the same T1 building, but I'm assuming that's just something you're working on.

Keep up the good work.

well, all u need are landsers anyways in the current Version. we're planning to improve the inner facfion balance With the Nest patch, so overall teching will be better distributed and more fluent.
With the extremely well-balanced and polished nature of the older Russian faction, I'm sure it will turn out well.

Any idea on when that patch is due out? I'm excited to play it.

How much fuel does Wehr t2 require? 35+25. in total 60 fuel.
How much fuel does Ostheer t2 require? 25+35. in total: 60, just like Wehr t2.

Sooo they're both a t2 unit which serve a similar role, and they arrive precisely at the same fuel cost into the game. From timings/mp cost Ostheer is a bit better/cheaper, actually.

It doesn't matter if a unit is in t3 or t4, technically it's still a 60 fuel tech unit and performs like that.
I feel like we may be on a different page here.

In that post that you replied to, I was comparing the OH Panzerfusilier to the WM Grenadier. I did this because, quite frankly, they are very similar in costs/stats.

However, the Grenadier is a T2 tech which you can get significantly earlier than the Panzerfusilier.

Why do I say this?

The Wehrmacht T2 is reached by Escalating to Skirmish Phase and building a Krieg Barracks. All of that costs 60 fuel. However, the Commander will also build a Wehrmacht Quarters before that, so the total before you can finally get a Krieg Barracks up is 75 fuel. However, and this is important, you can get the Krieg barracks much faster than the OH Commander can get the Schutzen War Camp. Why? Because in order to get there, the OH Commander has to build 3 buildings. This time is spent occupying a squad or more of Engineers, which are much more battle-hardy for the OH than they are for the WM, I might add, who must stay in base until all 3 buildings are completed.

The Wehrmacht player can, after the Quarters are created at the beginning of the game, keep his Engineers out in the field building structures, minefields, MG Emplacements etc. until the completely autonomous Skirmish Phase is reached, and only then do they need to return to build the Krieg Barracks.

So yes, it's a question of time and resources. Not only that, but the OH player has to spend 10 more fuel (85 instead of 75) to be able to build Panzerfusiliers. IN ADDITION, I think someone could make a very strong argument that the "Support Modernization" upgrade generally needs to be researched before T3 is considered because of the important halftrack and indirect fire support which is so crucial at that part of the game. The additional Panzershreck for the Panzerjagers is nothing to scoff at either. Skipping those crucial benefits for a slightly better infantry squad (unless you want to spend ANOTHER 40 fuel) seems like strategical suicide. So if you add the extra 30 fuel on top of the current T3 costs and at 115 fuel to realistically reach the Panzerfulisier phase, there is really no comparison between the two.

I completely agree with OP's suggestions. Light Machine Gun team is a joke and Panzerfuliers are comparative to Wehrmacht Grenadiers, which are a T2 tech.

The only potential problem I can see with this change is that Panzerfuliers may overshadow Landsers after the first 5-10 minutes of the game. However, if you're going to keep Panzerfuliers as a T3 tech you need to buff the living hell out of them.

Ostheer Suggestions / So many problems and bugs with the Ostheer
« on: December 03, 2013, 02:41:13 AM »
Too many problems with the Ostheer to list:

1. Sniper can not use “Burst Fire” mode from buildings.

2. PanzerJager squad extremely buggy and extremely weak. Still misses often with the “Focus” ability activated. Why do they come in squads of 3? Please buff.

3. LMG team is just pathetic. They are only somewhat useful with the “hot barrel” ability activated. Their DPS is horrible as a T2 unit and for the cost. With half the squad size of the American Rifleman, who also have a researchable suppression ability, they are absolutely inferior in every way. HORRIBLE.

4. Panzerfuliers do not correctly fill their role as a T3 anti-infantry tech. Underpowered compared to the Wehrmacht Grenadiers which are a T2 tech and probably even worse than Landsers with the MK42 upgrade.

5. The camouflage mechanic coming from “Ambush Tactics” makes the infantry units affected extremely buggy. They won't attack when an enemy unit comes in range, and no, I did not have “hold fire” selected. The camouflage mechanic called “Ambush” on many of the OH T4 Tanks is just as buggy and needs to be addressed. View this thread for more information and a replay:


Improved Fortifications
“Famo can construct Panzernests” - No they can not.

“Plus Stormpioners, Landsers, and Panzerfuliers can construct Foxholes” - No, Stormpioners can't construct Foxholes, but they can construct Panzernests.

Come on guys, this is literally a 2 minute fix. Keep your tooltips up-to-date.

Dig In
First of all, the description of the skill doesn't even fit into the box that it's placed in. Secondly the entire thing needs to be rewritten using grammar please.

have the Wehrmacht Pillbox tooltip for some unknown reason. No, it can not transform into a Medic Station, MG Nest, or Repair Center. It comes as an MG nest. That is so incredibly misleading.

Panzerfuliers have a tooltip that says their grenade ability comes from the assault pool and their anti-tank weapon comes from the support pool. In actuality, the grenade ability comes naturally, and the AT weapon comes with a building upgrade.

Why do I care so much about these tooltip errors?

Quite simply, because after 6 years, the EF team hasn't found it necessary to make an in-game overview of the new races, their purposes, strengths and weaknesses, and overall playstyle tips and tricks. So the new player has to rely on the in-game experimentation and tooltips in order to learn about the game. So if those are wrong, then you've really screwed the pooch. I will be working, during my Christmas break, on some kind of .pdf file for this purpose.

I will continue to update this thread as I find more (and I will find more).

Thank you for your consideration.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: 2-man Sniper team
« on: November 30, 2013, 08:57:38 PM »
I agree with chaosval, and I've messaged the EF team about this specifically.

For a mod of this size (and with this much effort), it's absolutely insane not to include some kind of overview.pdf file with the mod. There are SO many things about the new races that players will not understand. For example, the old 4 races handled veterancy completely differently. How do the new races handle it?

Another example, the Ostheer Panzernests seem to do absolutely nothing. Is this just a case of me not knowing how to use them, or a huge oversight from the developers?

The in-game hints (loading screen) say that the new races have unlockable reward vehicles, but yet when you check the unlock section, these are nowhere to be found.

What does the mod change about the original 4 races that nobody knows about, or are they exactly the same? Is the combat system, veterancy system, experience system (Commander Trees) altered at all from the original game?

As you can see, there are literally hundreds of questions that are unanswered about the 2 new factions (as well as the old 4) that the playerbase may never know because there's nowhere to check for these things. It is literally baffling that after 6 years of development, nobody has taken the time to make some kind of guide.

General Discussion / What does it mean by "EF Challenges"?
« on: November 26, 2013, 12:06:24 PM »

Check out this stickied thread. It says that (regardless of what game you own), you can play "EF's challenges".

I personally own vCoH and OF, but I don't see or have access to any "challenges". Am I missing something?

Bugs & Tech Support / Unable to unlock rewards vehicles
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:24:32 PM »
What gives?

I installed Company of Heroes "New Steam Version" on Steam, then installed the Eastern Front patch on top of it, as instructed. However, when I go to the vehicle section of the "rewards" tab, I only see the vanilla CoH rewards there. I don't see the options for the two new factions, or the mod-specific unlocks.

I own Company of Heroes and Opposing Fronts, I do not own Tales of Valor. Could that be why?

Bugs & Tech Support / Ostheer bugs galore
« on: November 25, 2013, 10:22:44 PM »
The "Army Fortress" Commander Tree is just a complete mess.

1. Improved Fortifications:
"Famo can construct Panzernests plus Stormpioners, Lansers, and Panzerfuliers can construct Foxholes."

What is "Famo"?

2. Panzernest "Primary defensive structure. Can upgrade to aid station, repair station, or MG emplacement."

-Nope, it can't do any of this. Once you build it for 200 manpower and 25 gas, it does absolutely nothing.

3. Ambush Tactics

-The camouflage provided by this ability is very buggy. Units sometimes won't even fire when an enemy walks into their range (even while the hold fire ability is off).

The "Ambush" ability possessed by the Stug IIIs and the Panzer IVs etc is also extremely buggy. Replay attached. At 27:30 look at the Western most side of the battlefield. The Stug III goes into "ambush mode", cloaks, then as enemy units approach a few seconds later, uncloaks, then does nothing except get destroyed until I turn OFF ambush mode and force it to retreat.

At 31:30 a group of Lansers (Western part of the map) in automatic camoflauge mode (Ambush Tactics) does absolutely nothing while a nearby enemy squad attempts to take a point. They only fire when specifically ordered to. Continue to watch this area and you will see many more examples of this weird and buggy behavior.

4. Panzerfuliers

The description states that they get the "grenade shower" with the assault pool and "disposable anti-tank weapon" with the support pool. This is untrue, both abilities are available regardless of which pool is chosen.

I'm sure there are a lot more I forgot to mention but this should do for now.

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