You guys are taking to much offence here.
Am I complaining ? Sure
Am I complaining about you ? No, nor do i in any post.
Am I complaining of EF itself ? No, as a matter of fact I compliment your masterpeice in my last post.
I merely try to better understand your position better in the absence of any comprimising attitude on your part. So allow me to share my thoughts, if they offend you, or piss you off, just dont reply and I too will disappear. But my opinion in the matter is not intended to offend, so dont take offence over the word "lame". Its just my opinion okay ? No harm in it.
You're complaining that we're not allowing everyone who can't be asked to put the same effort in to learn to mod/skin/model to to 'nick' ,what we had to work for 3 yrs to construct, then go around publishing saying 'look how good my mod is' and how much better I can make EF cause I know better blah blah blah.
You put it so plainly, but essentially yes. This is what I am complaining about.
If you're so adamant you can create a better mod and want to share your amazing mod making skills with the rest of the world, then build one from scratch, no one is stopping you.
But don't come crying that we're not allowing you to 'butcher our mod' and then present it as 'Little Johny's EF mod', credits or no credits.
Huh ? Litte off topic here man, I have not debated any of this
No, I wasnt adamant that I can create a better mod. Nor share my "amazing mod skills" as you put it. I am not a modder, nor do i claim to be one.
I depend on "Johnny's little EF mod" to make the experience of YOUR work enjoyable.
I'm not debating this, not sure why you mention it.
What is lame, is that there are people out there who think its ok to say 'Now that you've done all the hard work and made all the content, I should be able to nick it all, put 3 lines and change a thing here and there,then present it as my improved version and great achievement'.
I agree with that completly. And can understand your concerns here, but this is unavoidable. You concern yourself with matters that you cant likely change. This has less to do with what other publishers claims are likely to be and more to do with some faith that fans will know and give credit to where it is due, no matter what other small sub-mods make claims of. This wouldent even be a consideration to you at all if you had some faith in your fans and followers of your work giving you the credit you deserve.
As a skinner, I've given shit loads to the community over the years for which I've spent a stupendous amount of time. So don't preach about 'sharing' etc. Modding Relic's factions is one thing. Modding someone else's mod is a whole different thing.
Yea yea i get it already. Its your baby, your work, your time, you want to protect it..... Sound about right ?
Just try asking Blitzkrieg Mod,N44, EIR, OMG if you could re-balance their mods a bit and publish them as your own version...see what they say...'NO' will be the...'polite term'
Because of EF's unique content some people seem to think that the rules somehow change....well, NO they don't.
Why would I do that ? I'm not interested in their mods. I'm sure thier great and all, but not really interested.
Anyway. Thanks for the constructive portions of the discussion gents. I'm sure we have debated it to a conclusion.
Thanks Zerstörer for sharing your thoughts on the matter, appreciate the feedback. Have to sift through some strong thoughts here to find your stance on the matter ,but I think its clear, and more importantly, why you wish it that way.
Although I understand your concerns with not allowing others to publish sub-mods for EF. I hope one day you reconsider down the road sometime. I wish you luck and congratulate you (and the rest of your team) and all thier work and effort.