Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Noobas1979

Pages: [1]
skin pack installed?
except that embedded inside of any particular mod, for example, mod Modern Combat, but special separate mod for textures we do not have

Tech Support / You have been invited to the game, but you can not enter
« on: November 30, 2013, 02:04:18 PM »
Hello! Excuse me, please, for my English: I talk with help Google translator.
First off thank you so much for making this mod!
But help me please with next problem: when I and my friend invite each other, we always get message "You have been invited to the game, but you can not enter"! This message and error is not in game of other modifications, and "disable all the reward units before joining your comrade's match" does not help us.
We have COH New Steam Version 2.700.1 and EF

Please help to solve this problem!

Thanks in advance!

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