Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [] Crash to desktop
« on: May 22, 2013, 10:57:05 PM »
ok got it

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [] Crash to desktop
« on: May 22, 2013, 09:40:24 PM »
ok thanx for the reply

Code: [Select]
RELICCOH started at 2013-05-22 22:29
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 8191MB Physical Memory, 6244 Physical Available, 3953 Virtual Available
RUN-OPTIONS -dev -mod Eastern_Front -notriplebuffer
WORKING-DIR F:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
USER Orestis

22:29:52.16   2 Logical Processors detected
22:29:52.16   Multithreading Enabled
22:29:52.16   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
22:29:52.16   XTHREAD: Detected 2 core(s) with 2 hardware thread(s)
22:29:52.16   XTHREAD: Main thread now used as XThread 0
22:29:52.16   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 1
22:29:52.16   MATHBOX -- Version=6, Cpu=Intel Pentium III:f=6,m=7, Mode=SSE
22:29:52.24   GAME -- Company Of Heroes, 2.700.0, Build live.2.700.0, Type live, Language english
22:29:52.25   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC1, 1.0
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataArtHigh\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\DataArtHigh\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\Movies\'
22:29:52.25   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC2, 1.0
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataArtHigh\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\DataArtHigh\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\Movies\'
22:29:52.25   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC3, 1.0
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataArtHigh\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\DataArtHigh\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\Movies\'
22:29:52.25   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_OPS, 1.0
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Ops\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\Ops\Data\'
22:29:52.25   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front, 1.0
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'RelicOnline\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\RelicOnline\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Engine\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\Engine\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'WW2\Data\'
22:29:52.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\WW2\Data\'
22:29:52.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Data\'
22:29:52.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\Data\'
22:29:52.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\Data\'
22:29:52.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataArtHigh\'
22:29:52.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\DataArtHigh\'
22:29:52.27   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\DataSoundHigh\'
22:29:52.27   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
22:29:52.27   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
22:29:52.27   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
22:29:52.27   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
22:29:52.27   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
22:29:52.27   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
22:29:52.29   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:29:52.29   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:29:52.29   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
22:29:52.29   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
22:29:52.29   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\DataAttrib\'
22:29:52.29   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\Movies\'
22:29:52.29   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Engine\Movies\'
22:29:52.29   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Orestis\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\WW2\Movies\'
[Cope FactionFix] - DLL loaded
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Initialising
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Found Lua's loadfile at 0x656FF957
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Lua's loadfile patched
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Self-test completed
22:29:52.34   GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
22:30:02.43   WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 10.085000s
22:30:02.51   NET -- NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
22:30:02.51   NET -- SteamService: region is [GR]
22:30:02.51   NET -- SessionInternal: Instantiating
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 202
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 201
22:30:02.51   NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
22:30:02.51   NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
22:30:02.51   NET -- Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
22:30:02.51   NET -- Transport::PurgeConnections - high water mark is 1
22:30:02.51   Loaded 589 badwords from data:OnlineConfig\Badwords.lua
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 0
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 1
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 2
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 3
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 5
22:30:02.51   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 6
22:30:02.51   NET -- SteamLoginService::SetConnected: Steam connection established
22:30:02.51   NET -- OnConnect: successful connection established, enabling reconnect
22:30:02.51   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:30:02.51   NET -- OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
22:30:02.51   NET -- SteamLoginService::OnLoginChanged
22:30:02.51   NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
22:30:02.51   NET -- OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
22:30:02.51   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SelectProfileAsync, parent AccountInternal
22:30:02.51   NET -- SteamLoginService::OnLoginChanged done
22:30:02.51   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetRelationshipAsync, parent RelationshipCache
22:30:02.51   NET -- Profile  selected on controller#0
22:30:02.51   NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
22:30:02.51   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SelectProfileAsync, parent AccountInternal
22:30:02.51   GAME -- Available memory: 8191MB Physical RAM, 8189MB Pagefile, 4095 Virtual Address Space
22:30:03.70   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx10.dll'.
22:30:03.70   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx9.dll'.
22:30:03.71   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
22:30:03.83   SPDx10 -- Adapter [AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series]: 2003MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2092MB shared system memory.
22:30:05.40   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
22:30:05.48   SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX10 Rendering Device] version[4,36]
22:30:05.48   GAME -- Resolution set to 1280x768 (fullscreen).
22:30:05.53   SPDx10 -- Adapter Description = AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
22:30:05.53   SPDx10 -- Driver Vendor = 0x00001002  Device = 0x0000683f  SubSys = 0x04271043  Rev = 0x00000000
22:30:05.53   SPDx10 -- Driver Version  Product = 0x0008  Version = 0x0011  SubVersion = 0x00  Build = 11.72
22:30:05.53   SPDx10 -- Driver LUID = 0x00000000-0x00008ecc
22:30:05.53   SPDx10 -- 2003MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2092MB shared system memory available.
22:30:05.53   ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps40]
22:30:06.52   SPDx10 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 1024.
22:30:06.66   SPDx10 -- Gamma Caps - Scale/Offset supported: no, Max: 1.00, Min: 0.00, Number of Control Points: 1024.
22:30:06.67   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
22:30:07.06   GameObjLoader 0aaace00 - resetting counters
22:30:07.06   GameObjLoader 0aaace00 - Created loader
22:30:07.06   GameObjLoader 0aaacf60 - resetting counters
22:30:07.06   GameObjLoader 0aaacf60 - Created loader
22:30:07.07   NET -- QuickMatchInternal::SetTuningInfo - tuning CRC is 218470533.
22:30:07.07   GAME -- Beginning FE
22:30:07.07   UIFrontEnd - Loading Front End
22:30:07.07   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
22:30:07.13   SOUND -- Initializing ...
22:30:07.18   INNIMapDCA Key not found: sp_speechducker::time
22:30:07.52   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
22:30:07.52   UIFrontEnd - Initializing Forms
22:30:08.75   CampaignFilter::BindFilterSpecificWidgets()
22:30:08.82   Activating screen: MovieScreen
22:30:08.82   NET -- SteamGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersAsync::Process: number of players is now 3904
22:30:08.82   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetRelationshipAsync, parent RelationshipCache
22:30:08.82   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent UserStatsCache
22:30:08.84   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:30:09.22   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:30:09.22   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:30:09.25   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent UserStatsCache
22:30:10.67   Activating screen: AppLoadingForm
22:30:10.67   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 2 (gold=0)
22:30:11.22   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Invasion of Normandy' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\COH.CAMP) with 15 missions, [coh]
22:30:11.22   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Liberation of Caen' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP1.CAMP) with 9 missions, [cxp1]
22:30:11.22   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Operation Market Garden' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP2.CAMP) with 8 missions, [cxp2]
22:30:11.22   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Falaise Pocket' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC3.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc3]
22:30:11.22   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Causeway' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC2.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc2]
22:30:11.22   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Tiger Ace' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC1.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc1]
22:30:11.54   GAME -- Using player profile ODYSSEAMKV
22:30:12.80   Dx10Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_multiply' in the ShaderDatabase.
22:30:13.34   Dx10Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_depthadditive' in the ShaderDatabase.
22:30:13.52   UpdateBannedList -- 0 users banned.
22:30:14.55   NET -- QuickMatchInternal::SetTuningInfo - tuning CRC is 218470533.
22:30:18.09   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 2 (gold=0)
22:30:18.09   CRC & Version Info : 000002bc:62cfc203:9826da6b eastern_front:700:factionfix.dll 1
22:30:18.09   Activating screen: FEMovie
22:30:18.09   Activating screen: OnlineWidget
22:30:18.09   Activating screen: FE_mm_01
22:30:18.10   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 2 (gold=0)
22:30:18.10   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
22:30:18.10   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
22:30:18.11   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
22:30:18.11   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
22:30:18.11   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
22:30:18.11   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
22:30:18.11   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
22:30:18.11   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
22:30:18.11   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
22:30:18.11   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
22:30:18.12   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
22:30:18.12   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'



Code: [Select]
-- Log file for all error messages related to the Scar --

Starting SCAR...
Init Alt CT
Sandbox race= allies_soviets
player has upgrade is3 and kv1
player has upgrade su122
Sandbox race= axis
race is axis
WC_CheckEndGame: Annihilate: killing a player from team: 1
Shutting Down SCAR...
Starting SCAR...
Init Alt CT
Sandbox race= allies_soviets
Sandbox race= axis
race is axis
WC_CheckEndGame: Annihilate: killing a player from team: 1
Shutting Down SCAR...


I found the dmp file too, but I'm not sure how to attach it

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [] Crash to desktop
« on: May 22, 2013, 06:54:10 PM »
I also have a problem on launching multiplayer on 1.801.

I have the steam version (latest), and EF is launching properly, I can play Campaign and skirmish, but as soon as I click on multiplayer it crashes on desktop. Any ideas?

thank you

Pages: [1]