Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - epicawesome

Pages: [1]
Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [1.800] GUI bug
« on: May 19, 2013, 05:22:05 AM »
Dl'd and ran it. Looks like the command bar is fixed.

Awesomely fast work! *tips hat*

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: [1.800] GUI bug
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:44:00 PM »
I'm getting the same issue with the command tree selection bar for the soviets not working with EF 1.800. It's just like Fatalflasback's GUI picture/post link with the 4 empty abilities with new ones stacking to the right and then cutting off or not showing up at all.


- Naval Infantry doesn't show up when researched.
- For Breakout, whatever my last researched item is (Attack Planes or IS-3/152) it does not show up. Just like Fatalflasback's GUI issue, it's been cut off.

I tried a clean install of EF with no changes with an updated (2.700) steam version.


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