Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - augustbaine

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: Eastern Front Hotfix 1.04
« on: March 07, 2010, 05:51:23 PM »
awesome! cant wait for the 1.05 patch. is it possible to give us some kind of time frame as to when to expect the patch? e.g. 2 weeks? 3 weeks? also, just a small note but, i hope that the zhytomyr map not appearing on the map list will be fixed?

keep up the good work!

Strategy and Tactics / About the IL2 Sturmovik
« on: February 03, 2010, 03:54:34 AM »
This ability sort of stumps me. When I use it, sometimes planes will fly by and do their thing, but sometimes nothing happens at all. Pre-latest patch, lots of planes fly by a lot. To be honest, the panzer elite's similar ability (Henshel Hs 129) has me confused as well since it behaves like that too. I'm not here to gripe about the IL2 Sturmovik ability being OP or what not, but am just hoping for someone to explain to me about how this ability works, nuances, etc.

Announcements / Re: Eastern Front Hotfix 1.04
« on: February 02, 2010, 05:05:04 AM »
i should be more clear as to who my post was to, i was trying to help out by saying what id found not post a fix, more directed to the devs.
 it would be best for you to wait for them to take care of it.

Understood. That's also why I said "with permission". I hope no one was offended by what I've said. I'll be waiting for the next update  :) In the meantime, loving cottbus and strelkys  ;D

Announcements / Re: Eastern Front Hotfix 1.04
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:45:45 AM »
It looks like the problem with Zytomyr could be its directory, the sga if you open it, doesnt go data/scenarios/mp its onlt got data

Post Merge: February 01, 2010, 07:03:33 PM
i was indeed able to get zytomyr working by simply extracting files to my documents/my games/ company of heroes/ww2/data/scenarios/MP and opening with map maker and re-exporting to sga, this solved the problem it had of not showing up

With permission, is it possible for you to share that "fixed" map file? I'm an absolute noob with these things. I'm just itching to play the fixed map (I'm a sucker for chokepoint maps hehe), and would appreciate it very much if you can help those of us (?) with that problem.

Announcements / Re: Eastern Front Hotfix 1.04
« on: February 01, 2010, 05:19:48 PM »
Is the '4p_Zhytomyr.sga' in the 'Eastern Front\Archives' folder? Although, I can't see the module being different, you may need to update the your Eastern_Front.module file under '[data:common:01]' with

Code: [Select]
archive.13 = Eastern_Front\Archives\4p_Zhytomyr

Forgive my noobness, but what do you mean? I've never modded before, and I'm not sure what you want me to do. About the map not showing part, I think someone else has mentioned it as well for 1.04.

Post Merge: February 01, 2010, 09:23:33 AM
I have not encountered that Strelky upgrade error you mentioned, so.....don't know what's going on there. Both SMG and LMG upgrades work just fine. And I cannot hide that the SMG upgrade just rocks. Seriously, PPSH just rocks. Here in Eastern Front, it can really turn the tide of battle against Werchmat/Panzer Elite troops, especially when employed by several squads.

Anyone help with this shortcut thing?

Well, it's not an "error" so to speak. It's a very minor thing. Here's how to recreate it. Build strelky, select, then click on "upgrade to LMG". You'll notice that the button to upgrade to ppsh still remains, and is clickable and will go into the "queue". But when the LMG upgrade is done, the ppsh button disappears. As I said, not game breaking or anything, nor buggy. Just a minor detail, perhaps to be done when polishing up the mod  :)

And yeah, ppsh ROCKS! it was only thanks to a couple squads of ppsh strelkys that I could fend off a couple of panzer elites and prevent them from blowing up my very expensive tank  ;D

Announcements / Re: Eastern Front Hotfix 1.04
« on: February 01, 2010, 04:08:01 PM »
I have noticed that after patching to 1.04, the map Zhytomyr is missing. I understand it was "gone" since 1.02 due to the bug, but I had thought that it was back on 1.04. I can see the file in my directory, so it's just the map not showing up in the list. I'm not certain as I have yet to check individually, but some other maps may not be showing up in the list as well.

Also, I have to echo some of what has been said here. One of which is that the tank raiders can no longer capture points. Is this done on purpose or still a bug? If it's on purpose, then the description needs to be changed.

On a smaller and very minor detail (I noticed some small details), the strelky infrantry has some issue with the upgrade. When I upgrade to ppsh, the other option disappears and the upgrade starts, which is fine. But if I were to upgrade to LMG, the ppsh upgrade option remains, and only disappears after the upgrade is complete. Not game-breaking or anything. Just thought I'd point it out.

All in all, good work on the changes/balances. I do hope a hotfix to fix the map issues will be released, though. I'm eager to try out the fixed up Zhytomyr map  :)

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: AI does nothing?
« on: January 24, 2010, 05:05:13 PM »
Alright, thanks for clearing that up. Good work again, and I hope things will get patched up soon  ;D

Bugs & Tech Support / AI does nothing?
« on: January 24, 2010, 10:57:16 AM »
Hi I'm a long time fan of CoH, and have only just discovered this great mod. Seems that the devs for this mod spent a very long time on this, and the results show! Job well done to the devs.

On to my problem. I'm not sure if I'm missing something here, but so far, having tried only the Zytomyr (spelling?) map, it seems that the allied AI does nothing. They just build their buildings and sit around. I tried searching in this forum, but cant seem to find an answer for this problem. Congrats again for the job well done, and I hope someone can help me with this problem.

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