Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - SamoanSamurai

Pages: [1]
Mapping / Re: Map wishes
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:38:27 AM »
Lol @evilSpike!

yes i would like urban maps dont really care about ruins or number of players in map, but would like a semi-city/industrial sector meets woodland/manor/estate/castle. and chop and change that one map into different maps.

Also is there a possibility to have scripted maps? Cause one idea i've had since i was young was a map obliterated by arty. But the map starting off fine, then an arty strike at like 10mins into the game then 30mins, then 45, then 50. All to mix it up  :P

Mapping / Re: Just a note to all you map makers!
« on: February 02, 2010, 01:30:09 AM »
Halbe can you fix it... :'( :'(

Oh and i get that hills are great... But mate seriously... it ruined a game cause friend couldnt hit my at gun and my mg couldnt hit ANY inf. The inf could shoot back but i couldnt hit them. Oh and i forgot to mention that I could not see his inf below on the screen. i could see them on the tactical map but not infront of my inf on my screen (cliffs = bad!) and my two mg units (one inside a building the other pointing straight at the units) were killed but his untouched (cause he found a sweet spot that couldnt be hit by any incoming fire).
@WartyX Hills are fine your right... But have you been to europe? its kinda flat! True story! the smallest hills here where i live are mountains in europe. and if your gonna do cliffs dig them into the terrain not huge things that pointing into the camera so it forces perspective. JEEEZ >:(!

Mapping / Re: Just a note to all you map makers!
« on: February 01, 2010, 11:51:35 PM »
@nbeerbower ok then i'll come back with the comprehensive list. But when you add elevation into a map (oh i mean extreme elevation. you really dont need cliffs in CoH it just doesnt work). It is ruined. The fact that CoH units cannot shoot at/hit an enemy down a hill (that in reality it should win) doesnt add anything to the mod or the map!

is that more helpful?

Mapping / Just a note to all you map makers!
« on: February 01, 2010, 08:30:01 PM »
 >:( >:( >:( >:(

Just a little rage for ya! But Seriously whats with all the hills??? ? have some of you people even been to Europe?

Its a serious question! Cause where in the hell are all these bloody hills coming from! I can't believe some of the maps that are made with HUGE Hills and mountains. I live Wellington we have mountains and hills ALL over the show... Yet the maps in CoH are ridicules. Just silly even with how many and frequent people will want to put hills into this game.

What makes it worse is CoH has a radius view in it. So if the drop off hits the half way down the hill you wont be able to see the bottom of it(the hill i mean). I played one of your maps lastnight and was frustrated when the American mg could shoot through the earth and my mg42 couldn't hit him at all on the 6v6 withe tunnel on the right (southern flank) of the map(the name eludes me at the moment)

Balance Discussion / Gaurds Grenades!
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:22:16 AM »
I dont know about anyone else. But the biggest issue i have with the Gaurds is thier grenades (the normalones). I know that that grenades can do alot of damage to a light vehicle (like a bike or a kettenkrad) but grenades never take out a triple vet knights cross squad. that was horrible and it didnt happen to me it happened to someone else. (these are all the timed normal thrown and wait grenades) which if they are staying at their current power should be either thrown only once/longer timer/weakened

the other issues I have are the fact that two gaurds squads can take out a stug/panzerIV with the AT grenades they get! Thats really bad!

Balance Discussion / Re: Reality Check for EF team
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:54:11 PM »
Cool thanks Burro. I just wanted to know if someone was doing something about it. and like most said I aslo didnt think anyone was sitting on thier hands. Its early days!

Balance Discussion / Re: UNITS STATISTICS
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:01:33 PM »

But seriously whats teh accuracy of the soviet armour... every shell hit something while i was playing my last game.

Balance Discussion / Re: Reality Check for EF team
« on: January 23, 2010, 11:18:20 AM »
EF team what mostpeople is saying is very true. I already have friends that refuse to play it because they are sick of playing someone who has not put the same hours into the game and getting beaten by a simple "spam conscripts".

A little balance would be GREAT  ;D! I mean you guys have put too much work into this. You cannot let this die out and fail cause its too unblanaced.

@Zerstorerflieger :
"mostpeople - okey, lets "kill" the Soviets, and all "German" will rule as usual - so what will be the point to play the bull shit faction? So, nobody will play it either "

Sorry mate you dont actually play enough of CoH to comment then. I usually play as german side and we have a 50/50 win ratio. Its actually a well balanced game. If you want to cry about that then do so on another forum.

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