Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Off Topic / Re: "Enemy at the gates", beloved cinema in West :)
« on: January 26, 2010, 01:34:03 PM »
I think EatG is a classic hollywood war movie. no one knows nothing about the historical background, but lets do it and add some great explosions and nazi stuff  ;D

THE stalingrad movie for me is "STALINGRAD" by Joseph Vilsmaier. It´s a realistic movie from the point of view of some German Landser and there´s no heroism, just dirt, blood, pain - as it was! If you don´t know this movie i recommend you to watch it and avoid the hollywood-war-crap!


General Discussion / Re: SOLVED Grid Keys: How to do it in EF
« on: January 25, 2010, 11:03:37 AM »
ok...i solved the gridkey-prob. there´s also a post on

1. download this rar file with the modified keybindings
2. extract it to <yourdrive>\CoH\WW2\Archives\
3. backup and then edit the Eastern_Front.module file in your coh folder this way:
3.1 search for the entry [data:common:02]
3.2 replace the "archive"-lines with

archive.01 = WW2\Archives\WW2Data_KeyDefaults
archive.02 = WW2\Archives\WW2Data
archive.03 = WW2\Archives\WW2Art
archive.04 = WW2\Archives\WW2Sound
archive.05 = WW2\Archives\WW2ArtAmbient
archive.06 = WW2\Archives\OFSPData

now you´ve got one additional line with the modified keybindings. and thats it  ;D

greetz and happy hunting

General Discussion / SOLVED Grid Keys: How to do it in EF
« on: January 22, 2010, 01:10:03 PM »
Hi all!

I´d like to make a gridkey-config for EF, but i coudn´t figure out in which file the keybindings are located. I checked the /data/games/keydefaults.lua with corsix modstudio but there are no specific keybindings for the Russians.

Can anyone tell me which file is used by EF Mod??


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