Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Chompsta

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Yeah that anti tank shot which stuns vehicles, couldn't remember what it was called.
The tank was still alive, its main gun was destroyed, but still shooting.
I totally forgot to take a replay, I was too busy yelling at my friend because it was a load of crap lol. (I was vsing my friend in that game)

ANd the reinforcement thing isnt a glitch. You only get reinforcements after every single building is destroyed
You are meant to be able to get reinforcements after you lose your HQ and any engineers on field.
For the second one, next time don't use an engineer squad to recover such emplacement ;). That bug happens to all factions and it cannot be fixed AFAIK.
Thought it might have been that, this problems never come up for me as I'm more of a diehard German player haha.

Bugs & Tech Support / Bug Report - Tiger Tank and Soviet Reinforcements
« on: January 02, 2013, 08:23:44 AM »
Hey guys loving the mod so far!
Just have 2 bug reports that I have found so far.

1. Tiger Tank
I shot a Strelky RPG at a severely damaged Tiger Tank (into it's front armour) which blow off the main turret. However, the Tiger was still able to shoot it's main turret.
The status icon on the tank and the physical appearance both showed a broken main turret.
By severely damaged Tiger, I mean lowest health possible and a Damaged Engine.

2. I was playing as Russians on the [EF]Moscow map, I had lost all my buildings except the Tank hall and 1 MG nest.
I had no units left yet I could not call any reinforcements to repair my base, even after 5 minutes.
Once I had lost the MG nest (Which was my final building) I could call in reinforcements.
I do believe that the MG nest I reoccupied with a squad of Engineers so that might have glitched with the reinforcements.

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