Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - theLoliBrigade

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Bugs & Tech Support / Re: A data sync error thing?
« on: November 22, 2012, 10:02:17 PM »
In my first post I recognized that the devs were making a joke. However if a problem that denied a group of players came up, you would think the devs would try to reassure the players who would like to play again that the problem is being fix rather than post things like:
Yeah, no more comp stomps. Me and my stream need fresh blood. Come my children, come to papa! :D
As someone who takes the time to read the posts and reply compared to someone who just skims through the threads to see if the problem is being taken care of, that person isn't going to find these posts very reassuring and feel like they are being cut out and looked down upon because they would rather play with friends then against them.
The problem I saw was a lack of sensitivity for the lurkers who are just trying to figure out their problem, and that there was never an answer that didn't have a, "to stop people from playing vs. cpu" attached to it until the fix was announced. A simple, "It was a mistake that being looked into, we will notify you when a fix is released." would have worked.

Anyways, I am very thankful for the hotfix, and again, I don't blame the devs and balancers who were just trying to have a little fun. This'll be my last two cents on this topic so if anyone wants to bring something up with me please PM me.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: A data sync error thing?
« on: November 22, 2012, 05:18:17 AM »
I do play 1v1 from time to time when my friends aren't on, but most of my time on CoH even without the EF mod was playing with my friends against the bots. I play StarCraft II a lot but my friends only like the custom games where I like normal games. I don't mind playing against people but my friends really don't like it, and when a game that should be open to both casual and competitive players is suddenly not catering to one or the other it really hurts the outlook of players.
I understand that the devs may be doing this because they want more stats for their balancing or because there may be a long queue before another PvP game is played, but denying something to other players doesn't seem very fair. I think that having a happy community is more important then trying to balance the game quicker. Balance issues will always come up, and hell if there is even a team dedicated to playing just for finding balance issues sign me up cause I'd love to help, but taking away something for the sake of balancing a mod from players who just want to play for the sake of playing because they enjoy the game seems like a step away from an inviting community. Unless the devs are whole heartily gunning for a competitive only game and could care less about the number playing the mod for fun then it is their decision. But I feel that with CoH2 coming (a whole year from now) which is pretty much what this mod is, just letting players play the game seems like more then enough, specially with all the devs are doing to expand on their already amazing mod.

Anyways, I want to apologize for being a little off topic and/or I'm sounding rude, its not my intention.

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: A data sync error thing?
« on: November 22, 2012, 01:33:15 AM »
What is wrong with playing against bots? My friends and I just play this game casually and like to mess around against bots and pull silly army comps and strats. We don't like the pressure of playing against other people because we know we aren't that great at the game. We would rather laugh and joke around for 3 hours against bots who throw themselves at our impenetrable defense we spent a long time building and perfecting than play for rank against other people.
I know that this is getting hotfixed, and it sounds like the devs are joking about the purposeful implement of a way to get rid of "compstomps", but honestly the way y'all talk about it it sounds like it is some kind of taboo to even play with friends against AI. Though it is probably the purist in the competitive players showing.

Anyways, I've been a player and big fan of this mod for a good while now and I just hope that we can keep both the casual and competitive players in mind. This is a really great mod and it deserves all the rep it is getting and all the money it will never see from Russians selling pirated versions of this mod too. Looking forward to the hotfix so my friends and I can go back to throwing conscripts at MG42s.

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