Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - Panzermann

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Russian Tank Suggestion
« on: March 21, 2008, 06:40:48 PM »
keep up the awesome work you guys! :)
 i saw this dragon 1/35 scale model of a t-34 with mattress springs mounted on its armor to cause German shells/rockets to detonate prematurely, pretty awesome:

They were Bed Frames looted from Berliners by just one Tank Platoon, so it wouldn't make much sense to use this in any period earlier than the final battle of Berlin.

General Discussion / Re: Scale of Models used in COH?
« on: March 08, 2008, 09:35:50 PM »
Thanks for the link! :)

I have started work on a Marder II based on the Panzer II chassis.

General Discussion / Re: Scale of Models used in COH?
« on: March 07, 2008, 10:44:58 PM »
sorry for not replying earlier, have been playing about with the program.
Yes, the models are "scalable".

However, I have no idea how to import/export models from COH to max, vis versa, Hell I can't even find the models in COH!! not in the main directory, only through world builder.

I've made this CV 35 Flamethrower version of the CV 33.
Yeah my rendering is pretty crappy, never been my strong suit with my 1/35th scale models.

General Discussion / Re: Scale of Models used in COH?
« on: March 03, 2008, 08:38:28 PM »
oh, one more thing.

What Polygon count do you guys use (range), I usually get yelled at cause the models I supply are too "detailed" (high polygon count)

General Discussion / Re: Scale of Models used in COH?
« on: March 03, 2008, 08:26:31 PM »
what's BGF?

Yeah good idea, I was about to go a do something similar only the hard way round, I was going to build the model, import it to COH World Builder & sit it alongside a COH vehicle.

General Discussion / Re: Scale of Models used in COH?
« on: March 02, 2008, 11:44:02 AM »
I really don't know, I've only just started to use a 3D program, still finding my way about, & I'm not sure if the models can be rescaled, they may have to be completely rebuilt in the new size.

Eastern Front / Re: Who was the best commander in WWII?
« on: March 01, 2008, 03:55:16 PM »
Who was the best commander in WWII?

Without a doubt General Erhard Raus

Possibly the most overlooked & underrated Panzer Commander of WWII

Eastern Front / Re: The Importance of the Eastern Front.
« on: March 01, 2008, 03:28:25 PM »
Most exact information on the German atomic program is classified until 2045.  There are eye witness reports from sources trusted by the U.S. military that a 1 kiloton bomb was tested late in the war, and many documents of radiation poisoning from a dirty bomb test.

Now, I have to ask why would those "files" be locked until 2045?
After all America's own Manhattan Project & others have been declassified for decades.

I'd also like to see some sources, particularly with those dealing specifically with "Radiation Poisoning from a Dirty Bomb test", coincidentally a "Dirty Bomb" or "Radiological Dispersal Device" can not be considered the same as an "Atomic Bomb", it's use is marginal & relies on mass hysteria for effect rather than Lethal Radiation Poisoning.

There is also the contended point that Russia would have attacked Germany no matter what.  There is ample evidence that the enormous German gains at the opening of Barbarossa were a direct result of attacking on the eve of a Russian invasion of Germany.  Russian troops were caught out of position while readying their own invasion and taken by surprise.  There is supposedly a large amount of evidence in the form of orders and communications records that support this.
Quite correct, you can see the advanced planning stages, including the "War Games" held by the inner most circle of the Soviet Government (in Russian)

Some stories are true that never happened.
Some events do take place but are not true; others are, although they never occurred.
 ~ Elie Wiesel ~ Author of "Night" A Holocaust Survivors tale

Nazi use of atomic weapons to kill Jews at Auschwitz

Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal. Nuremberg: IMT, 1947.

21 Jun. 46

"Mr. Justice Jackson:
    And certain experiments were also conducted and certain researches conducted in atomic energy, were they not?
"[Albert] Speer:
    We had not got as far as that, unfortunately, because the finest experts we had in atomic research had emigrated to America ...
"Mr. Justice Jackson:
    Now, I have certain information, which was placed in my hands, of an experiment which was carried out near Auschwitz. The purpose of the experiment was to find a quick and complete way of destroying people without the delay and trouble of shooting and gassing and burning, as it had been carried out, and this is the experiment, as I am advised. A village, a small village, was provisionally erected, with temporary structures, and in it approximately 20,000 Jews were put. By means of this newly invented weapon of destruction, these 20,000 people were eradicated almost instantaneously, and in such a way that there was no trace ..."

If you believe that, you'll believe anything!

Let's keep it real ay!

General Discussion / Re: Scale of Models used in COH?
« on: March 01, 2008, 02:47:41 PM »
Hi thanks for your reply.

I hoping to build some models, but without a scale starting point I'm stuck.

General Discussion / Scale of Models used in COH?
« on: February 28, 2008, 04:42:42 PM »
I understand that the vehicles etc in COH are "low polygon" models but I was wondering, what scale are they?

I've seen a few 3D modeling Tutorials & for flight sims at least they say that the models used are 1:1 scale life size!

does it matter what scale you make them or does the COH engine automatically scale the models for it's "world"?

Suggestions / Re: New German Units
« on: December 30, 2007, 01:52:36 PM »
How 'bout a Marder II based on the Pz II chassis?
Or the "other" Marder III, Panzerjäger 38(t) für 7.62cm PaK36(r) Sd Kfz 139 

And for something totally unique & different, how about a single Captured T-34 in German Panzergrau, could be used to support SS Auxiliaries or "Osttruppen" units, perhaps even bought as a "package" in one of the Doctrines like the Urban Assault package used to be before Relic screwed it & removed the troops from the StuH & Tiger Ace, or it could be used as a bonus i.e. left on the map somewhere for the player to find & recover it with the Bergetiger.
The Bergetiger currently remains a "pet hate" of mine since only 3 known field conversions of this unit existed, I would much prefer to see the Pz III, Pz IV Bergepanzers or the Bergepanther utilized for this role.

Suggestions / Re: Russian buildings
« on: December 30, 2007, 01:28:28 PM »
The  large pictures of Stalin were used as propaganda and to discourage the Germans from trying to take the buildings from them.
How did that work?
Were the Pictures of Stalin imbued with Psychic Energy, which when a German Soldier approached caused it to emanate Psychic waves of "go away"?  :P
Or maybe the Russians airdropped leaflets over the German lines with the words "Soviet Brothel-Now Open for Business-come meet Stalina-Gorgeous Russian Model!!"  8)

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