Ostheer Suggestions / Another new concept of Ostheer!
« on: January 20, 2010, 05:52:14 PM »
Hello everyone!
First I want to thanks to DEV's for the great job they did by implementing the Red Army in Company of Heroes. Having no more patience till date of release I decided to made a concept of Ostheer, to post here some ideas that maybe will be useful for the development of this faction.
In my vision the OSTHEER is a tactical and a fast faction:
1. Its infantry units have a fast caping speed which allow in the beginning to gain a lot of map control. Historically speaking we all know that the Ostheer occupied very larges territories in the first stage of WWII by applying the Blitzkrieg. So the first particularity of Ostheer is that its infantry units can double their caping speed of sector by using two squad instead of one!
2. All the Ostheer units are already produced but they wait to be deployed to the battlefield. That mean they will join battle very fast but cost more than similar units of other factions.
3. The headquarter for Ostheer is a rail station where will arrive for battle any demanded unit (let's call it simple SHQ). So the SHQ is composed by a building (the station), behind this is the railroad, then a platform where will be unloaded from the train all the units, no matter tiers are from (looking like the rail station from the middle of map Wolfheze or from Lyon). Again, is a fact that most of the Ostheer troops were transported to the front by trains. On the railroad is parked a train what will make a specific sound when troops arrive.
4. The Ostheer start the game having no starting build SHQ instead have 4 unit: 2 Pioneer squads and 2 Grenadiers. These units should first capture sectors and then Pioneers proceed to building the SHQ. The SHQ is free (the others faction already have one, right?), have the same health as the others HQs and can be build in any captured sector that is connected with the first named "the starting sector". This situation I want to call it providing functionality of supply lines without Ostheer couldn't deploy units on the battlefield and is equivalent to an encirclement.
5. Ostheer can build faster its buildings using more squads of pioneers (maximum three!).
6. While Pioneers build the SHQ the other units can retreat in case of danger or to provide protection against early base rushes, but they cannot reinforce. In this situation the starting units will have a defensive bonus while the Pioneers can build trenches only around the base (defensive emplacement are available only choosing the defensive doctrine). Once the SHQ is build the bonus is lost, reinforcements are available and the units can engage fights.
7. It's clear that an Ostheer player have to chose from beginning from various strategies.
An offensive player will try to setup his base farest from the starting sector to gain control of the map (action similar to moving the British HQ truck). This could be risky if enemy capture the rear sectors Ostheer lose the connection with starting sector including the control of its supply lines, being encircled. By an other side the base could be in radius of enemy artillery who fire constantly strikes once they discovered it. Although dangerous, this tactic have the advantages of control resources, quickly reinforce of troops and their fast returning in battle.
As opposite of this play style, a defensive player will build him SHQ immediately in the starting sector avoiding the early pressure of base or artillery strikes. As a penalty his starting units can't retreat until the SHQ is finished and haven't the defensive bonus. The Pioneers still can build trenches.
8. The SHQ can't garrison infantry units!
9. After SHQ is finished Pioneers can build for each tier a single building in any captured sector (not for free). This four buildings are not factories but command offices (simple CO) who allow to call units to the front. These could look like any small neutral building (i.e. like that on center map Loraine) but having different skins. We will have CO for Infantry (T1), CO for Support teams (T2), CO for vehicles (T3) and CO for tanks (T4). It can't build two same CO simultaneously.
The reason for these command office was the fact that Ostheer established HQ for its divisions in the local buildings they found on their advance: rail stations, government building, churches, civilian buildings, etc. I was thinking to use in this way the neutral building but on a lot of maps these buildings are rarely and in disadvantage positions. Solution was to build them and consider that they indeed existed there and Ostheer upgraded them as command offices.
10. Every CO, instead of SHQ, can garrison only max 2 infantry squads: mg42, pio's, infantry, etc. and have same health as similar enemy or ally buildings. Because of this particularity to be as a bunker is wisely to build at least one in proximity of the SHQ to provide defense for the station and arriving troops (if garrison units).
11. By default any new arrived unit in the rail station will rally near the CO which belong to unless the player fixed another rally point.
12. Tech three for Ostheer is follow (of course after building the SHQ), supposing that every tier have four type of units - similar to Werhrmacht buildings:
I. first must building T1 - there will be available to deploy only firs two units;
II. second must building T2 - from now are available first three units of this building and is unlocked the thirty unit in T1;
III. at this point player can chose between T3 and T4 (unlocking in this way the fourth unit in T1 and T2):
a. if chose to build T3 player is able to call all units of this CO;
b. if skip T3 and go for T4 will be available only first two unit from T4 because the thirty need building T3 and the fourth is available after any doctrine (an army group - north, center or south) has been choose.
I created a mix from the other faction tech three that may not seems original but I think is simple.
13. About veterancy
As I wrote as beginning, Ostheer units cost more than similar units of other faction (for the balance) but they spawn immediately at the SHQ (or after a few seconds to allow playing a little animation and sound for unloading by train). That's just for the basic units (meaning no veterancy). Veteran units cost more resources than the basics and need more time for deployment (according to the level) because they need making a training stage before battle. Before calling such units must research a training upgrade at the SHQ. This idea of veterancy isn't my and belong to lord Rommel and Ryousan (don't know who exposed it first) and I found it awesome. I.e. depend the game situation instead of calling a triple vetted tiger you chose call a basic tiger and a squad of pio's and one of grenadiers for support and immediately response (as at the supermarket
The doctrines call-in units will have no veterancy when arriving of map, only after can be upgraded to a veterancy level (that cost resources according to level). After choosing is not possible to raise level.
14. Securing sectors
Captured sector can be securing by calling a new unit from T1: a radio operator squad having four men and being equipped with communication system. Once they reached the captured sector the ability (communication with the base - same role as scout car from PE) must be activated. Because they lose mobility is wisely to place them in green cover. Enemy can negate secured sector by killing this squad or force it to retreat. The number of these units is unlimited but they have modest combat skills and cost more than a basic infantry squad so shouldn't spam these.
The radio units can't use their ability in neutral buildings or sitting in trenches just on the ground or while garrison the CO (tiers) buildings. That make this combo (radio unit + command building) working similar to British trucks.
15. List of global upgrades:
- SHQ: research training stage for veteran units - allow to call vet units;
- T1: upgrade to hospital - heal all infantry unit in range and medics pick-up casualties returning free squads;
- T2: research explosives - deploy Goliath (not free), pio's can place mines and grenadiers can throw anti-infantry grenades;
- T3: upgrade to garage - repair all damaged vehicles and tanks in range;
- T4: research logistics - reduce upkeep of troops by 30% (because German tanks have big consumption of munitions and fuel).
16. Losing buildings
- If any tier building is destroyed it could be rebuild unlimited anywhere on captured sectors - with condition to have the SHQ.
- If SHQ is destroyed you all know that Fuhrer will not allow us to surrender. That's why a triple pio's squad come off-map and the SHQ can be rebuild one last time only in the starting sector unless that is not captured by enemy or the base was established already there from the game start (this time it will cost resources because of balance).
17. Next I present a list of the must have units in Ostheer buildings (in my opinion). A lot of them are copied from other members posts - don't still remember wherefrom to mention all - so don't banned me please. I take only that look great for me.
SHQ - Pioneers (three men squad, can build, repair, build sandbags, barbed wire, obstacles, trenches; MP 40)
- Kubelwagen (scouting car, detect snipers, available after building T1; mounted MG)
T1 - Radio squad (four men, securing sector ability; MP 40)
- Grenadiers (four men, upgrade to MP 44 or light MG)
- Heavy grenadiers (four men, have Panzerschreck)
- Sniper Officer (binocular - increase sight radius once ability active, cost munitions)
T2 - MG 42 (HMG)
- Mortar team
- PAK 38 (camouflage ability - same as Wehrmacht)
- Flak 30 - mobile AA cannon (slow, can fire only when stationary)
T3 - Infantry halftruck (same as PE)
- Panzer II (role - armored car)
- Panzerwerfer 42 (halftruck having mounted rockets battery - work similar to nebelwerfer)
- Marder II (weaker than Marder III?)
T4 - Panzer III (ability: fire smoking shells for covering panzers)
- Panzer IV
- Wespe (medium artillery; ability rapid fire; available only if are build all four buildings)
- Tiger I / Stug III / Panther - depends on doctrine (idea of lord Rommel).
18. Army groups (doctrine operations) - I think is by far the best name to use for Ostheer doctrines.
North (focused on assault operations): - unlock Tiger I, can have just two in the same time
- infantry can sprint;
- mortar can fire incendiary rounds;
- call Brummbar;
- flammenwerfer pio's upgrade;
- call fanatic squad: an elite team having 4 men, can use Panzerfaust and attack targets with a lot of grenades;
- off-map Gustav strike.
Center (focused on panzer operations): - unlock Stug III tank hunter, should be limited on three their number
- drop supply: transport plane flight over the selected area dropping munitions and fuel supplies;
- tanks can speed up: - only for a short amount of time then same period of time will move with slow speed because the lack of fuel;
- call an Elephant tank (only one per game);
- Abwehr intelligence (inform about every produced enemy tank);
- HEAT shells: - increase the penetration of enemy armor;
- Stuka raid.
South (focused on fortress operations): - unlock Panther, not limited
- build defensive emplacements (MG nest, AT bunker and AA bunker)
- Hold the line! - all units receive an attacking bonus while active;
- hull down tanks: - allow tanks to dig in for better defense instead lose mobility;
- encirclement warning - play an alarm when enemy units entering in starting sector or its neighbor sectors (apply only to captured sector);
- threadbreaker shot ambush: allow camouflage of heavy grenadiers in green cover and fire a first threadbreaker shot.
- call heavy artillery unit.
*Note: I know that Ostheer seem over-powered but this can be balanced by making its units the most expensive from the game.
That’s my story!
First I want to thanks to DEV's for the great job they did by implementing the Red Army in Company of Heroes. Having no more patience till date of release I decided to made a concept of Ostheer, to post here some ideas that maybe will be useful for the development of this faction.
In my vision the OSTHEER is a tactical and a fast faction:
1. Its infantry units have a fast caping speed which allow in the beginning to gain a lot of map control. Historically speaking we all know that the Ostheer occupied very larges territories in the first stage of WWII by applying the Blitzkrieg. So the first particularity of Ostheer is that its infantry units can double their caping speed of sector by using two squad instead of one!
2. All the Ostheer units are already produced but they wait to be deployed to the battlefield. That mean they will join battle very fast but cost more than similar units of other factions.
3. The headquarter for Ostheer is a rail station where will arrive for battle any demanded unit (let's call it simple SHQ). So the SHQ is composed by a building (the station), behind this is the railroad, then a platform where will be unloaded from the train all the units, no matter tiers are from (looking like the rail station from the middle of map Wolfheze or from Lyon). Again, is a fact that most of the Ostheer troops were transported to the front by trains. On the railroad is parked a train what will make a specific sound when troops arrive.
4. The Ostheer start the game having no starting build SHQ instead have 4 unit: 2 Pioneer squads and 2 Grenadiers. These units should first capture sectors and then Pioneers proceed to building the SHQ. The SHQ is free (the others faction already have one, right?), have the same health as the others HQs and can be build in any captured sector that is connected with the first named "the starting sector". This situation I want to call it providing functionality of supply lines without Ostheer couldn't deploy units on the battlefield and is equivalent to an encirclement.
5. Ostheer can build faster its buildings using more squads of pioneers (maximum three!).
6. While Pioneers build the SHQ the other units can retreat in case of danger or to provide protection against early base rushes, but they cannot reinforce. In this situation the starting units will have a defensive bonus while the Pioneers can build trenches only around the base (defensive emplacement are available only choosing the defensive doctrine). Once the SHQ is build the bonus is lost, reinforcements are available and the units can engage fights.
7. It's clear that an Ostheer player have to chose from beginning from various strategies.
An offensive player will try to setup his base farest from the starting sector to gain control of the map (action similar to moving the British HQ truck). This could be risky if enemy capture the rear sectors Ostheer lose the connection with starting sector including the control of its supply lines, being encircled. By an other side the base could be in radius of enemy artillery who fire constantly strikes once they discovered it. Although dangerous, this tactic have the advantages of control resources, quickly reinforce of troops and their fast returning in battle.
As opposite of this play style, a defensive player will build him SHQ immediately in the starting sector avoiding the early pressure of base or artillery strikes. As a penalty his starting units can't retreat until the SHQ is finished and haven't the defensive bonus. The Pioneers still can build trenches.
8. The SHQ can't garrison infantry units!
9. After SHQ is finished Pioneers can build for each tier a single building in any captured sector (not for free). This four buildings are not factories but command offices (simple CO) who allow to call units to the front. These could look like any small neutral building (i.e. like that on center map Loraine) but having different skins. We will have CO for Infantry (T1), CO for Support teams (T2), CO for vehicles (T3) and CO for tanks (T4). It can't build two same CO simultaneously.
The reason for these command office was the fact that Ostheer established HQ for its divisions in the local buildings they found on their advance: rail stations, government building, churches, civilian buildings, etc. I was thinking to use in this way the neutral building but on a lot of maps these buildings are rarely and in disadvantage positions. Solution was to build them and consider that they indeed existed there and Ostheer upgraded them as command offices.
10. Every CO, instead of SHQ, can garrison only max 2 infantry squads: mg42, pio's, infantry, etc. and have same health as similar enemy or ally buildings. Because of this particularity to be as a bunker is wisely to build at least one in proximity of the SHQ to provide defense for the station and arriving troops (if garrison units).
11. By default any new arrived unit in the rail station will rally near the CO which belong to unless the player fixed another rally point.
12. Tech three for Ostheer is follow (of course after building the SHQ), supposing that every tier have four type of units - similar to Werhrmacht buildings:
I. first must building T1 - there will be available to deploy only firs two units;
II. second must building T2 - from now are available first three units of this building and is unlocked the thirty unit in T1;
III. at this point player can chose between T3 and T4 (unlocking in this way the fourth unit in T1 and T2):
a. if chose to build T3 player is able to call all units of this CO;
b. if skip T3 and go for T4 will be available only first two unit from T4 because the thirty need building T3 and the fourth is available after any doctrine (an army group - north, center or south) has been choose.
I created a mix from the other faction tech three that may not seems original but I think is simple.
13. About veterancy
As I wrote as beginning, Ostheer units cost more than similar units of other faction (for the balance) but they spawn immediately at the SHQ (or after a few seconds to allow playing a little animation and sound for unloading by train). That's just for the basic units (meaning no veterancy). Veteran units cost more resources than the basics and need more time for deployment (according to the level) because they need making a training stage before battle. Before calling such units must research a training upgrade at the SHQ. This idea of veterancy isn't my and belong to lord Rommel and Ryousan (don't know who exposed it first) and I found it awesome. I.e. depend the game situation instead of calling a triple vetted tiger you chose call a basic tiger and a squad of pio's and one of grenadiers for support and immediately response (as at the supermarket

The doctrines call-in units will have no veterancy when arriving of map, only after can be upgraded to a veterancy level (that cost resources according to level). After choosing is not possible to raise level.
14. Securing sectors
Captured sector can be securing by calling a new unit from T1: a radio operator squad having four men and being equipped with communication system. Once they reached the captured sector the ability (communication with the base - same role as scout car from PE) must be activated. Because they lose mobility is wisely to place them in green cover. Enemy can negate secured sector by killing this squad or force it to retreat. The number of these units is unlimited but they have modest combat skills and cost more than a basic infantry squad so shouldn't spam these.
The radio units can't use their ability in neutral buildings or sitting in trenches just on the ground or while garrison the CO (tiers) buildings. That make this combo (radio unit + command building) working similar to British trucks.
15. List of global upgrades:
- SHQ: research training stage for veteran units - allow to call vet units;
- T1: upgrade to hospital - heal all infantry unit in range and medics pick-up casualties returning free squads;
- T2: research explosives - deploy Goliath (not free), pio's can place mines and grenadiers can throw anti-infantry grenades;
- T3: upgrade to garage - repair all damaged vehicles and tanks in range;
- T4: research logistics - reduce upkeep of troops by 30% (because German tanks have big consumption of munitions and fuel).
16. Losing buildings
- If any tier building is destroyed it could be rebuild unlimited anywhere on captured sectors - with condition to have the SHQ.
- If SHQ is destroyed you all know that Fuhrer will not allow us to surrender. That's why a triple pio's squad come off-map and the SHQ can be rebuild one last time only in the starting sector unless that is not captured by enemy or the base was established already there from the game start (this time it will cost resources because of balance).
17. Next I present a list of the must have units in Ostheer buildings (in my opinion). A lot of them are copied from other members posts - don't still remember wherefrom to mention all - so don't banned me please. I take only that look great for me.
SHQ - Pioneers (three men squad, can build, repair, build sandbags, barbed wire, obstacles, trenches; MP 40)
- Kubelwagen (scouting car, detect snipers, available after building T1; mounted MG)
T1 - Radio squad (four men, securing sector ability; MP 40)
- Grenadiers (four men, upgrade to MP 44 or light MG)
- Heavy grenadiers (four men, have Panzerschreck)
- Sniper Officer (binocular - increase sight radius once ability active, cost munitions)
T2 - MG 42 (HMG)
- Mortar team
- PAK 38 (camouflage ability - same as Wehrmacht)
- Flak 30 - mobile AA cannon (slow, can fire only when stationary)
T3 - Infantry halftruck (same as PE)
- Panzer II (role - armored car)
- Panzerwerfer 42 (halftruck having mounted rockets battery - work similar to nebelwerfer)
- Marder II (weaker than Marder III?)
T4 - Panzer III (ability: fire smoking shells for covering panzers)
- Panzer IV
- Wespe (medium artillery; ability rapid fire; available only if are build all four buildings)
- Tiger I / Stug III / Panther - depends on doctrine (idea of lord Rommel).
18. Army groups (doctrine operations) - I think is by far the best name to use for Ostheer doctrines.
North (focused on assault operations): - unlock Tiger I, can have just two in the same time
- infantry can sprint;
- mortar can fire incendiary rounds;
- call Brummbar;
- flammenwerfer pio's upgrade;
- call fanatic squad: an elite team having 4 men, can use Panzerfaust and attack targets with a lot of grenades;
- off-map Gustav strike.
Center (focused on panzer operations): - unlock Stug III tank hunter, should be limited on three their number
- drop supply: transport plane flight over the selected area dropping munitions and fuel supplies;
- tanks can speed up: - only for a short amount of time then same period of time will move with slow speed because the lack of fuel;
- call an Elephant tank (only one per game);
- Abwehr intelligence (inform about every produced enemy tank);
- HEAT shells: - increase the penetration of enemy armor;
- Stuka raid.
South (focused on fortress operations): - unlock Panther, not limited
- build defensive emplacements (MG nest, AT bunker and AA bunker)
- Hold the line! - all units receive an attacking bonus while active;
- hull down tanks: - allow tanks to dig in for better defense instead lose mobility;
- encirclement warning - play an alarm when enemy units entering in starting sector or its neighbor sectors (apply only to captured sector);
- threadbreaker shot ambush: allow camouflage of heavy grenadiers in green cover and fire a first threadbreaker shot.
- call heavy artillery unit.
*Note: I know that Ostheer seem over-powered but this can be balanced by making its units the most expensive from the game.
That’s my story!
