Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - heavypanzer

Pages: [1]
Balance Discussion / remove sturmmovie reinforce ammunition cost?
« on: May 28, 2011, 08:46:26 AM »
with the strange ammunition income in EF, the sturmmovie became none-spamable unit and not IMBA anymore, but so far soviet is lack of detector....but the stormmovie seems the most expensive detector in this game, give mine sweeper to some unit? ???

Suggestions / Patch 1.10 is awsome!
« on: May 25, 2010, 07:32:02 AM »
Mod of the year! additional call-in M4 76W and new engineer

backpack is awsome!!!

but M4 76w is obviously OP~

also panther F is in my wishlist in ostheer.

:) ( just one little hope)

And there is some game crashing issues for me and some of

my friend, game always crash when the game is nearly end

(it's not hardware's problem IMO, we all have a fine PC)

Ostheer Suggestions / Adding a futuristic panther ausf F.
« on: February 06, 2010, 09:15:21 AM »
So far, the off-map units are always slow, expensive and needs lot of command point。

well here comes a idea about a cool-looking tank: panther ausf.F and with its thick armour,faster speed and powerful Kwk44/2 L71 75mm main gun, ostheer can finally stand against the tide of soviet armour.(there is a rumour:20 of them were builted to join the war in Berlin)

Also people are get bored with the old panthers  :(

Command point:6
Cost:750 manpower
Can only keep two of them in the battle field

here is some pic.

Red Army Suggestions / Re: Sniper Ace
« on: February 03, 2010, 06:00:53 AM »
IMO it's too expensive and too fragile,and just can't find the upgrade they've changed

Balance Discussion / Re: SU100 is a joke
« on: January 30, 2010, 07:19:49 AM »
Jadgpanther only take 2 shoot can knockdown a SU-85, 3 shoot can knockdown a SU-100. SU-100 and SU-85 must be cheaper,and firepower should also be increase a little, the health needs to be increase,and the munition costs turn down to 250...........the fire range is a liittle short...

but the T34/85 needs increase its price, 380MP 80 fuel is fair enough.

Suggestions / Re: New Model for SU-100 has some mistake
« on: January 29, 2010, 08:07:25 AM »

I'm sorry, I'm not criticize this mod,

this is the one of the best mod I've never seen, I just want to give some suggestions,

thank you guys giving the COH a brand new race!

I just eager to see it becomes perfect!

Suggestions / New Model for SU-100 has some mistake
« on: January 28, 2010, 04:51:54 AM »
First of all, thanks to give us such a nice mod! But, there still needs some balance modification.

I've notice that the new SU-100 has been added, but it just look like SU-85 with spring and longer main gun.

here is some pictures about SU-85 and SU-100
the differencies between them is not only the main weapon,but the command cupola.



Talking about the ISU-152, It seems its main gun can't tracking enemy target like the new SU-85 and SU-100 does,this make it almost can't open fire if enemy vehicle is moving

                                                                 thank you!

Bugs & Tech Support / Re: The Bug Thread
« on: January 25, 2010, 09:20:36 AM »
Guards and Shock Guards's reinforce hotkey is the same as Smoke grenade

Suggestions / Re: ISU-152 SU-100 SU-85 's main gun suggestions
« on: January 23, 2010, 07:26:16 AM »
Awesome! SU-100 is such lovely!

1.The Main gun of self propelled weapons should also be updated, main gun mount should able to travel left or right

2.And I've seen the IS-2M's skin is a little bit different in the shoutcast on the top of tank turret which the white cross is much better looking I think ;)

Thank you guys, this is the most excellent mod I've ever seen!

Suggestions / ISU-152 SU-100 SU-85 's main gun suggestions
« on: January 23, 2010, 05:16:13 AM »
As we can see, the ISU-152 and SU-100 SU-85's main gun only can move upward or downward, but cannot move left or right, I hope it will be updated just like Stugs  ;)

and I didn't find any different between SU-85 and SU-100(upgraded and new builted)

Balance Discussion / Re: ISU-152 (Juggernaut)
« on: January 23, 2010, 02:55:41 AM »
well,IMO, just nerf its firepower,but incrase its reload time a little bit,

the speed of this beast should be incrased, and make him only can be call in

one in a game!

PS:why can't its main gun move left or right....either do other self-propelled weapons

Post Merge: January 23, 2010, 02:56:46 AM
well,IMO, just nerf its firepower,but incrase its reload time a little bit,

the speed of this beast should be incrased, and make him only can be call in

once in a game!

PS:why can't its main gun move left or right....either do other self-propelled weapons

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