« on: January 14, 2010, 04:43:03 AM »
I saw that a lot of ostheer doctrine suggestions has an SS doctrine, so I thought I would come up with one of my own. In my opinion, the SS doctrine should be focused on elite units and "shock and awe" tactics, and would be mix of the blitzkrieg and terror doctrines. Also, the grenadier unit is replaced by the stormtrooper unit, which costs 375 manpower and is identical to the blitzkrieg doctrine unit.
Left Side "Assault Unit" Tree
• Sturmpioneers-50 munitions-1 cps
allows you to build sturmpioneers from your headquarters. They are identical to regular pioneers exept that they all have flamethrowers, they have more health, and can place powerful explosive charges, and cost 250 manpower.
•Brummbar-550 manpower-3 cps
calls in a Brummbar assault gun, which has heavy armor and a 150mmm gun that has a huge splash radius and large splash damage. However it is very slow and its high-explosive shells are useless against heavy tanks.
•Jagdtiger-free-4 cps
calls in a jagdtiger, which has more health than a king tiger a a massive 128mm gun that can one-shot most medium and light vehicles. However, it is pathetically slow, has a slow turning speed, a huge firing delay, and a huge reload time. It does not gain veterancy and can only be called in once.
Right hand side "terror" tree.
•"Unrelenting Assault"-50 munitions-1 cp
gives infantry the "unrelenting assault ability which makes them take less damage, move faster, and fire faster for a short period of time.
•"Terrorizing Propaganda"-100 munitions-2 cp
instantly suppresses all enemy infantry in its large target area.
•SS training-100 munitions-3 cp
doubles the rate which all units gain veterancy, makes infantry unsurpassable, and increases vehicles sight range and rate of fire.