Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

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Messages - UNSF

Pages: [1]
Balance Discussion / Re: Tanks of USSR
« on: May 16, 2012, 10:12:45 AM »
That is what I mean  ;D
Most basic tanks of other factions can't keep up with infantry movements, only T-34 can. I think T-34 moves quick like Light Vehicles lol
Is this really ok balance wise? Because I certainly don't want my infantry fighting T-34s  :'(

Balance Discussion / Re: Tanks of USSR
« on: May 16, 2012, 05:03:13 AM »
I actually am curious about the maneuverability of T-34s...
Is it just me, or T-34s turn a bit too well for a tank? Sometimes I think it even drifts  ;D
With a T-34, sometimes I find that the best way to deal with a clump of soldiers is to simply crash into them.
With a Stug, Panzer IV (Wehr and PE), Sherman, Cromwell (without Flank speed), I don't think this is possible  ???
Since the soldiers usually quickly get away (despite occasional wrong movements),  while a T-34 is so fast that it can easily chase and make extremely tight turns to run them over.

Note I am not saying they are, I am wandering if they are.
I am the type who enjoy Single Player Campaigns more than Skirmish and Multiplayer.
So despite having bought the game for 2 years I have only played a few Skirmish games and all of them against CPU; maybe this isn't an issue against humans?
And I certainly don't know how a T-34 drives like  ;D, maybe this is why it is a successful tank?

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