Company of Heroes: Eastern Front
Eastern Front Mod (Read-Only) => Community Events and Tournaments => The Great Patriotic War => Topic started by: GodlikeDennis on May 22, 2012, 05:00:12 AM
stuff here.
Ready and willing to battle on Wednesday or Thursday 8 PM to 3 AM UTC (4-11pm EST)
well snugs, it looks like we should put together a team to put down this incursion.
Snugz can not participate in this attack. The players that could participate are players in adjacent or in that territory.
Snugz can not participate in this attack. The players that could participate are players in adjacent or in that territory.
LOL really ;D ? Im around 100% as close to 29 as you are to 36 (1 sector away) So how is that not possible?
Snugz can not participate in this attack. The players that could participate are players in adjacent or in that territory.
LOL really ;D ? Im around 100% as close to 29 as you are to 36 (1 sector away) So how is that not possible?
You attacked Sector 47, which is Uman. I retreated back to Sector #49. Sector #36 is adjacent to Sector #49, so I can move with Kleinburger to attack it. You can defend Sector #36 because you are adjacent to it. Sector #47 is not adjacent to #29.
Snugz can not participate in this attack. The players that could participate are players in adjacent or in that territory.
LOL really ;D ? Im around 100% as close to 29 as you are to 36 (1 sector away) So how is that not possible?
I retreated back to Sector #49.
LOL Lie! says "48 Kiev Kiev ( 6 ) Cranialwizard" in your own thread ROFL try better next time bro ^^
I had meant to go back and correct myself earlier, but I thought I corrected the chart when dennis posted. Since he's high command I should be listening to him more, as because I'm a mod on the allied side I resigned from commanding positions.
Crani will retreat to 49.
Darc and Neos to 39.
Glimz and Ape to 46.
I forgot to update the map.
I had meant to go back and correct myself earlier, but I thought I corrected the chart when dennis posted. Since he's high command I should be listening to him more.
Cmon for reals? Whats written is written dude, imo you can't just go around changeing stuff for your advantage.
I had meant to go back and correct myself earlier, but I thought I corrected the chart when dennis posted. Since he's high command I should be listening to him more.
Cmon for reals? Whats written is written dude, imo you can't just go around changeing stuff for your advantage.
Look man, I had simply forgotten to update the map, Dennis told me to go to a specific decisions and I didn't consult with him prior when I asked to be moved to Kiev, and I agreed with him. I forgot to post because my HDD has been crashing constantly and I've been getting busy, it's why the video isn't out yet. If I had time I would update the whole thing.
This conversation is reaching a point where it should be continueing in a private chat instead of public thread. BUT for fairplays sake lets continue here.
Cmon man be fair, You started retreating to Minsk, Then Kiev, and now Carpiquet? Its getting a little ridiculous imo. I stand by my point whats written is written, and can't be changed to your advantage and desire.
This conversation is reaching a point where it should be continueing in a private chat instead of public thread.
wow. good old Prokhorovka. i dont think this one has changed much. since 1.0. maybe sector layout.
wow. good old Prokhorovka. i dont think this one has changed much. since 1.0. maybe sector layout.
There were a few changes overall in 1.6. Cover was reduced a bit, wrecks removed, areas improved, sector layouts changed IIRC.
ahh. i guessed it got sector rework along with all the others in 1.6. still though, good map.
Did some modifications to the North-Western area. There should be a house somewhere by now. New fords were added and two starting position were moved.
April 3rd I think.
It would appear as though Simuz, Yauz, and me are defending. At least this is what I'm told :P
Can play on saturday or sunday norwegian time.
Yeah I can't do Saturday or Sunday, so I'm out it seems.
I'm gonna be ready for action at any time the next few days. Long weekend too over here in the US, which means no work on Monday either.
Can play any weekday as well if there's no hurry to do it this weekend.
Guys you need to play this one today, get together and start arrangeing a time to play this game today.
Yeah I can't do Saturday or Sunday, so I'm out it seems.
Looks like I'll be joining the fray.
Next round I'm changing the rules so none of these happen last minute, myself included admittedly.
I am ready to play today and 2mmrw :P. Although I admit I will be out for a short while
Will be available some time after 24.00 today.
I'm available starting from this time right now. We'll probably need to wait around 10 hours or so before we can get it started, due to Dennis's time zone though.
Next round I'm changing the rules so none of these happen last minute, myself included admittedly.
Yea, maybe a rule that says all attacks must be posted by wendsday.
I think its the time zones that are the biggest constraint rather than planning
EDIT: So guys exactly when are we playing this game? I kinda need to know. Please use the 0000 - 2400 time system (idk what its called) because GMT is too confusing for me. Im ready to play when ever :P
Will be available some time after 24.00 today.
This time suits me. We'll see if it suits GLD and darc.
Please use the 0000 - 2400 time system (idk what its called) because GMT is too confusing for me. Im ready to play when ever :P
That's called military time, and is still reliant on time zone anyway.
I say this again: I am up to play the entire day today, except with an absence starting from 5:30PM to around 9-11PM PST today. I can then come back for a few hours to play afterwards too, but I'll probably be a little drunk lol. Tomorrow, I can play the entire day, no strings attached, and I'll probably get up early; around 6 AM PST to meet Dennis's time zone.
TBH, making any maps larger than 2v2 is really a problem, because of all these time zone restrictions from everyone. It really takes a fucking miracle to fit even 1 hour of 6 people's schedules together.
I say this again: I am up to play the entire day today, except with an absence starting from 5:30PM to around 9-11PM PST today. I can then come back for a few hours to play afterwards too, but I'll probably be a little drunk lol. Tomorrow, I can play the entire day, no strings attached, and I'll probably get up early; around 6 AM PST to meet Dennis's time zone.
TBH, making any maps larger than 3v3 is really a problem, because of all these time zone restrictions from everyone.
4v4s are only on Capitals IIRC.
You responded too fast...I meant 2v2s ;D
You responded too fast...I meant 2v2s ;D
Well I figure they're few and far between but I guess I could make sure there aren't too many.
I need a replay in 13 hours.
I think many of the ppl are offline now (probably sleeping) :(
Simuz, Yauz & CatFishy is online atm, we only need the allies. Darc and JB will show up soon i think, they normally play around this time of the day. Im talking to GodlikeDennis as we speak, But its late in Australia atm so he can't promise to be alot more online.
Oh lawd
Worst case scenario does the Allied team have any substitute for either JB or Darcreaver in case they don't show up?
LOL we've already replaced one of them(neos). Don't tell me we'll have 2 replace all of them XD :P
I'm on right now, and will be on for the next 8 hours, and after that I'm going out to party again...what more can you expect from my availability? Come on...make this shit happen! We're are NOT gonna lose the territory because Allies don't show up...
I'm online as well.
We're are NOT gonna lose the territory because Allies don't show up...
Actually if this is the case we will WIN be default. No territory gained or lost.
Edit: PM me when you are all ready to fight. I'll be doing other things till then :P
I'm on
Come on! We need this to happen.
Next round, precautions will be taken to prevent things like this. We ordered attacks on Thursday to make matters worse :(
JB can take my place. I need to sleep right now.
Where's Darc?
That means we need one more Allied player to step up. Currently its:
Allies: Darc(maybe), JBConqueror
Axis: Simuz, Yauz, Fish
JB can take my place. I need to sleep right now.
So I'm filling in for two people now, 3v2 lets go!
In all seriousness though this game probably won't happen. I've got to go in an hour and a half, darc is no where to be seen and we have no one who would be suitable to replace GLD. If it was me in charge I'd leave it until tomorrow or cancel it entirely.
Besides, the new rules don't come into affect until the next round, so we automatically get the win. ;D
Isnt there anyone to substitute for you guys? Like any person at all no matter the skill lvl?
JB can take my place. I need to sleep right now.
Besides, the new rules don't come into affect until the next round, so we automatically get the win. ;D
That, to be fair, is just that, not fair. I have to call this round a forfeit.
Games normally won't happen unless there is a serious plan in motion.
Guys, please refer to rule 1. 8)