Company of Heroes: Eastern Front
Other discussions (Read-Only) => Off Topic => Topic started by: PoliorcetE on January 13, 2012, 10:28:25 PM
hi all
any "surprise" for the anniversary release ? ;D ( 19-01-2010 )
What's the sense of this thread?
Moved to offtopic.
He just wanted to know whether we've planned something special for the second anniversary of EF's release. It's the 21st of January, by the way.
i think its like fishing for sneek peeks, etc.
delete if you want....
it's just a question and you can answer yes or no , that all
I stop asking questions, I promise, as we can not ask for anything
mmm... I guess we could have something, let's hope we can finish all our stuff before that day :).
omg thats in one week :O
How about a new color for the forum ;D?
How about a new color for the forum ;D?
good idea - make it green, so possibility of flame war decreases :D
How about a new color for the forum ;D?
good idea - make it green, so possibility of flame war decreases :D
What does green have to do with flame wars :P
I think it will sooth your eyes, thus less rage => less flamewars.
noo green will be fresh to burn for flame wars
Brown will be better for promoting flamewars
I thought bright colors like red, pink, yellow, and orange made people happier :P
I thought bright colors like red, pink, yellow, and orange made people happier :P
Brown isn't a light color? xD
Bright colours in nature mean "don't eat me I'm poisonus" or " I'ma red so I'ma danegrous"
But to people, seeing bright colors make them happy but hungry XD
I thought bright colors like red, pink, yellow, and orange made people happier :P
Brown isn't a light color? xD
Not nescessarily :P
what about sydney funnel webs, there black and very dangerous.
what about sydney funnel webs, there black and very dangerous.
What does that have to do with new colors :P?
No Some said that bright colours in nature mean there dangerous.
Everybody likes pink <3 The colour of the german panzer corps!
Everybody likes pink <3 The colour of the german panzer corps!
"This is Pink Panther Panzer! Pride of the fatherland!"
nice. just like the pink panther. (
nice. just like the pink panther. (
I actually didn't know this video existed till now :P. Nice skin anywho :D
We should buy a cake for Major Danko :P.
Major Danko? How will he be able to eat it ;D?
Major Danko? How will he be able to eat it ;D?
Just like he eats the german bullets :-X. He is ,almost always , the one who die's first.
And he presents you with 8CP when killed. When played as axis.
Maybe we should make Danko's cake out of bullets :D
with grenades as candels?
With flares as candles ;D
yes, and if you take out the flares it pulls the pins of grenades
Revealing the inside of the cake which is a giant tank shell
God this is so Off topic XD
KABOOM there goes major dankov
And Major Danko comes back to life for 37 mp. (Like 3 conscripts :P)
So are there seriously any plans for EF anniversary???
Maybe.. who knows? :P