Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Eastern Front Mod (Read-Only) => General Discussion => Topic started by: RedGuard on August 21, 2011, 10:36:42 AM

Title: EH dying or just out of steam?
Post by: RedGuard on August 21, 2011, 10:36:42 AM
where is the new patch already FFS. we have about a gigantic whole 12 people waiting impatiently to get their hands on it

ps they play wehr
Title: Re: EH dying or just out of steam?
Post by: Tico_1990 on August 21, 2011, 11:01:55 AM
Redguard, if all you can do is complain about axis fanboys, a supposed plot to nerf the soviets into oblivion, and troll the forums, then please leave.
No one is forcing you to be here and no one is forcing you to play as the (in your view) underpowered soviets, if you want to play with stronger soviets, play 1.00 and just stop bothering the rest of us.
Title: Re: EH dying or just out of steam?
Post by: Spieel on August 21, 2011, 11:06:14 AM
Redguard, if all you can do is complain about axis fanboys, a supposed plot to nerf the soviets into oblivion, and troll the forums, then please leave.
No one is forcing you to be here and no one is forcing you to play as the (in your view) underpowered soviets, if you want to play with stronger soviets, play 1.00 and just stop bothering the rest of us.

+ 1
Title: Re: EH dying or just out of steam?
Post by: Dann88 on August 21, 2011, 11:18:10 AM
What did he do to become a Balancer Expert? It's still a mystery to me ???
It's easy to deny and hard/embarrasing to admit faults.
Title: Re: EH dying or just out of steam?
Post by: GodlikeDennis on August 21, 2011, 11:20:05 AM
Troll thread. Lock. Ban

I haven't heard of this "EH" but thankfully EF's popular and will be patched in just a few days.
Title: Re: EH dying or just out of steam?
Post by: Rikard Blixt on August 21, 2011, 12:06:28 PM
Locked. Last Warning RedGuard...