Company of Heroes: Eastern Front
Eastern Front Mod (Read-Only) => Eastern Front Replays => Topic started by: thatguy on May 08, 2011, 09:36:02 AM
this is probably a super noobish question but where do u actually download ef replays from.
thanks for any help.
Unzip the files you download from here and save the .rec files to My Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes/playback. Then in CoH, go to Multiplayer, then I think the tab you want is called Game History, and they all show up there. BTW, EF replays only work in EF and vanilla replays only work in vanilla, AFAIK.
thanks for the quick reply but the issue is i dont where to actually download the replays from.
If you will look more closely, there is something in end of first reply called attachment (green clip). Click it and you can download replay ( there are even size and number of downloads).