Try to run worldbuilder like this:
Right-click over worldbuilder, choose run as admin.
If you want to check about reading-writing stuff, go to SGB file's properties->General Tab->Uncheck read-only. If the property doesn't seem to change, go to the address bar of the explorer window where you have worldbuilder.exe and type cmd and press enter.
then type attrib and press enter; check worldbuilder entry.
To add an attribute:
attrib filename +someattribute
To remove an attrib:
attrib filename -someattribute
where someattribute could be:
r = read-only
a = archive
s = system
h = hidden
where filename is the fullname of a file:
you can use more than one attrib:
attrib filename +r -s
attrib filename +r +s
attrib filename -r -s +a
attrib filename -r -s +a +h
Perhaps i went too far