Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: [2.101] Game crashes/freezes - Post here  (Read 37840 times)

Offline Blackbishop

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[2.101] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« on: May 22, 2013, 07:46:08 PM »
We figured out the TEMP Folder Full Error.
See here for more details.

Please include the following files:

*Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes/warnings.log
*Documents/My Games/Company of Heroes/LogFiles/scarlog.[Date-and-Time].txt
*Temp/RandomLettersAndNumbers.dmp (see below)

How to get the DUMP file
  • Hold Windows Key and click R
  • Enter "%Temp%" (without " " and with % %)
  • Find the .dmp file that was created at the time of the crash

Additional Information
Please provide the following information as well.

*What map were you playing?
*Which factions were involved?
*What were you doing when the crash occurred? Try to be as accurate as possible!
*Do the crashes happen during every or almost every game?
*What game mode were you playing?

Doing this helps us figure out the cause of the crashes easier, and fix them. Posts without any relevant information will be deleted.


That game-type was included due to popular demand, and since CoH Essence engine cannot support the stress of handling too many objects regardless if you use vanilla factions or not, specially if you are fighting against AI(regardless of faction) we can't do anything about it.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 04:13:34 PM by Rikard Blixt »
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline saprize21

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 01:37:35 PM »
Code: [Select]
RELICCOH started at 2013-05-25 13:03
OS NT 6.1 (sp0.0) x64, 8136MB Physical Memory, 6264 Physical Available, 3969 Virtual Available
RUN-OPTIONS -dev -mod Eastern_Front -nomovies -window -novsync -notriplebuffer
WORKING-DIR A:\2. Spel\Company Of Heroes
USER Anton

13:03:31.21   4 Logical Processors detected
13:03:31.21   Multithreading Enabled
13:03:31.21   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:03:31.21   XTHREAD: Detected 4 core(s) with 4 hardware thread(s)
13:03:31.21   XTHREAD: Main thread now used as XThread 0
13:03:31.21   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 1
13:03:31.21   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 2
13:03:31.21   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 3
13:03:31.21   MATHBOX -- Version=6, Cpu=Intel Pentium III Xeon:f=6,m=10, Mode=SSE
13:03:31.21   GAME -- Company Of Heroes, 2.500.0, Build live.2.500.0, Type live, Language English
13:03:31.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC1, 1.0
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataArtLow\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\DataArtLow\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\Movies\'
13:03:31.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC2, 1.0
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataArtLow\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\DataArtLow\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\Movies\'
13:03:31.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC3, 1.0
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataArtLow\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\DataArtLow\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\Movies\'
13:03:31.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_OPS, 1.0
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Ops\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Ops\Data\'
13:03:31.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front, 1.0
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'RelicOnline\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\RelicOnline\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Engine\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Engine\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'WW2\Data\'
13:03:31.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\WW2\Data\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Data\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Data\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Data\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataArtLow\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\DataArtLow\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataSoundHigh\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
13:03:31.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
13:03:31.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:03:31.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:03:31.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
13:03:31.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
13:03:31.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataAttrib\'
13:03:31.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Movies\'
13:03:31.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Engine\Movies\'
13:03:31.26   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\WW2\Movies\'
[Cope FactionFix] - DLL loaded
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Initialising
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Found Lua's loadfile at 0x6FBF8D97
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Lua's loadfile patched
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Self-test completed
13:03:31.29   GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
13:03:36.93   WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 5.642000s
13:03:37.00   NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
13:03:37.00   Read 710 bytes from network datastore login_cache.bin
13:03:37.00   Read 137946 bytes from network datastore global_cache.bin
13:03:37.00   Read 78058 bytes from network datastore ping_cache.bin
13:03:37.00   QuazalInitializer - static initializing Quazal library
13:03:37.00   PingCache - populating cache with 119 pings
13:03:37.01   Transport - Header Size = 4 bytes + 4 byte nonce + 2 byte consolidation header
13:03:37.01   WinTransport - CreateSocket exclusive broadcast socket was available.
13:03:37.01   WinTransport - CreateSocket listening for broadcasts on default port
13:03:37.01   WinTransport - Host Name: birrebarre, aliases: , type=AF_INET, len=4
13:03:37.01   WinTransport - Host IP Address #0:
13:03:37.01   WinTransport - Interface #0: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_LOOPBACK IFF_MULTICAST
13:03:37.01   WinTransport - Interface #1: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_BROADCAST IFF_MULTICAST
13:03:37.01   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:03:37.01   WinTransport - Quazal address string = udp:/address=;port=6112
13:03:37.01   SessionManager - Peer Header Size = 16 bytes
13:03:37.01   SessionManager - Game Data overhead = 7 bytes
13:03:37.01   SessionManager - Proxy overhead = 7 bytes
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 47535450
13:03:37.01   Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
13:03:37.01   SessionManager::RegisterSession - Registering new session 08aa75b0
13:03:37.01   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:03:37.01   AutomatchInternal: Instantiating
13:03:37.01   PartyInternal: Instantiating
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 50525459
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 51434b4d
13:03:37.01   Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
13:03:37.01   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1:STATE_DISCONNECTED].
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 534d5347
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 474d4343
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 474f424a
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4d4f444d
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 53594e43
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 534d5347
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 474d4343
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 474f424a
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 4d4f444d
13:03:37.01   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 53594e43
13:03:37.03   GAME -- Available memory: 8136MB Physical RAM, 1216MB Pagefile, 4095 Virtual Address Space
13:03:37.06   Transport - Largest received is now 19
13:03:37.06   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:03:38.12   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx10.dll'.
13:03:38.12   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx9.dll'.
13:03:38.12   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
13:03:38.18   SPDx10 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670]: 1994MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2047MB shared system memory.
13:03:42.18   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
13:03:42.26   SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX9 rendering device] version[4,36]
13:03:42.26   GAME -- Resolution set to 1920x1080 (windowed).
13:03:42.26   SPDx9 -- Driver Name = nvd3dum.dll  Desc = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
13:03:42.26   SPDx9 -- Driver Vendor = 0x10DE  Device = 0x1189  SubSys = 0x097A10DE  Rev = 0x00A1
13:03:42.26   SPDx9 -- Driver Version  Product = 0x0009  Version = 0x0012  SubVersion = 0x00  Build = 314.07
13:03:42.26   SPDx9 -- Driver GUID = {D7B71E3E-52C9-11CF-1176-77291CC2C435}
13:03:42.28   SPDx9 -- 4022MB available Texture Memory
13:03:42.28   ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps15]
13:03:42.54   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
13:03:42.61   GameObjLoader 0eb623f0 - resetting counters
13:03:42.61   GameObjLoader 0eb623f0 - Created loader
13:03:42.61   GameObjLoader 0eb62b70 - resetting counters
13:03:42.61   GameObjLoader 0eb62b70 - Created loader
13:03:42.81   GAME -- Beginning FE
13:03:42.81   Sent message game CompanyOfHeroes started 6004 500 allowtraffic
13:03:42.81   RemoteDLManager - Connection Restored.
13:03:42.81   UIFrontEnd - Loading Front End
13:03:42.81   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:03:42.86   SOUND -- Initializing ...
13:03:42.92   INNIMapDCA Key not found: sp_speechducker::time
13:03:43.25   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
13:03:43.25   UIFrontEnd - Initializing Forms
13:03:44.44   CampaignFilter::BindFilterSpecificWidgets()
13:03:44.58   Activating screen: AppLoadingForm
13:03:44.62   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:03:44.62   Got dlman msg [dlmanager version 1.0 peertraffic 1 uploadlimit 2147483647 seedratio 3]
13:03:45.09   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Invasion of Normandy' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\COH.CAMP) with 15 missions, [coh]
13:03:45.09   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Liberation of Caen' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP1.CAMP) with 9 missions, [cxp1]
13:03:45.09   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Operation Market Garden' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP2.CAMP) with 8 missions, [cxp2]
13:03:45.09   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Falaise Pocket' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC3.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc3]
13:03:45.09   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Causeway' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC2.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc2]
13:03:45.11   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Tiger Ace' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC1.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc1]
13:03:45.45   GAME -- Using player profile BIRREBARRE
13:03:45.59   Dx9Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_multiply' in the ShaderDatabase.
13:03:45.67   Dx9Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_depthadditive' in the ShaderDatabase.
13:03:46.42   QuazalLoginService - *** Connecting to server:
13:03:46.42   RendezvousManager: CreateSession - starting profile=Guest login
13:04:01.70   GetBackEndServices()->Login: call returned with (5:2) TransportErrorCode::ConnectionFailure.
13:04:01.70   RendezvousManager - unable to connect to the server as guest
13:04:01.70   OnConnect: connect failure
13:04:01.70   RendezvousManager::Shutdown - deleting instance
13:04:01.70   RendezvousManager - terminating all server calls in progress
13:04:01.70   CallManager - terminating all server calls in progress (1 in progress)
13:04:01.70   RendezvousManager - destroying chat handler
13:04:01.70   ~RendezvousManager - m_state = 7, no need for server disconnect
13:04:01.73   OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
13:04:01.73   AccountStore -- Found matching account rymetyme, ignoring for now
13:04:01.73   installed_products = ( DLC1 DLC2 DLC3 )
13:04:01.73   OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
13:04:01.73   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:04:02.84   Beginning media verification...
13:04:02.84   Validator type : validators\udro\udro.dll
13:04:02.84   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:04:02.87   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:04:02.87   CRC & Version Info : 000001f4:fb8ed04c:cf929579 eastern_front:500:factionfix.dll 1
13:04:02.87   Activating screen: FEMovie
13:04:02.87   Activating screen: OnlineWidget
13:04:02.87   Activating screen: RelicOnlineProfileSelect
13:04:02.94   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:04:02.94   Activating screen: RelicOnlineWait
13:04:02.94   Activating screen: FEMovie
13:04:02.94   Activating screen: OnlineWidget
13:04:02.94   Activating screen: FE_mm_01
13:04:02.94   Activating screen: RelicOnlineWait
13:04:02.95   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:04:02.95   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:04:02.97   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:04:02.97   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:04:02.97   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:04:02.97   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:04:03.98   Activating screen: OptionsMenu
13:04:03.98   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:04:04.00   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:04:11.78   GameApp::ShutFrontEnd
13:04:11.78   GAME -- Ending FE
13:04:11.78   UIFrontEnd - Unloading Front End
13:04:11.78   SOUND -- Shutting down ...
13:04:11.94   SOUND -- Shutdown completed!
13:04:11.95   ~FEAppListener - Flushing queued online notifications
13:04:12.00   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
13:04:12.00   ActionDatabase : [2573] global actions, [0] dummy actions.
13:04:12.00   NetworkManager::Destroy - destroying network manager
13:04:12.00   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 51434b4d
13:04:12.00   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 50525459
13:04:12.00   PartyInternal: Fade to black
13:04:12.00   AutomatchInternal: Fade to black
13:04:12.00   PeerRemoveAll - flushing local session peer data
13:04:12.00   Session::Reset with reason 999 and MatchInternal::PeerRemoveAll
13:04:12.00   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 47535450
13:04:12.00   Session - Requested Disconnect for connectionID 1
13:04:12.00   SessionManager::UnregisterSession - Unregistering session 08aa75b0
13:04:12.00   SessionManager::~SessionManager - uninitializing
13:04:12.02   Net::ThreadFunction - Returning from the network thread function...
13:04:12.03   Transport::~Transport - shutting down transport
13:04:12.03   Transport::~Connection - closing WINaddr:;,WINaddr:;
13:04:12.03   Transport::~Connection - closing WINaddr:;,WINaddr:;
13:04:12.03   Wrote 710 bytes to network datastore login_cache.bin
13:04:12.03   Wrote 137946 bytes to network datastore global_cache.bin
13:04:12.03   Wrote 2170 bytes to network datastore ping_cache.bin
13:04:12.03   Datastore -- uninitialize complete
13:04:12.03   QuazalInitializer - static uninit of Quazal library
13:04:12.03   QuazalInitializer - unhooking memory 0 currently allocated, 504 allocations, total of 50732 bytes
13:04:12.03   MOD -- Shutting down
13:04:12.19   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC1, 1.0
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataArtHigh\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\DataArtHigh\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\Movies\'
13:04:12.19   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC2, 1.0
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataArtHigh\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\DataArtHigh\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\Movies\'
13:04:12.19   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC3, 1.0
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataArtHigh\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\DataArtHigh\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\Movies\'
13:04:12.19   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_OPS, 1.0
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Ops\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Ops\Data\'
13:04:12.19   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front, 1.0
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'RelicOnline\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\RelicOnline\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Engine\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Engine\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'WW2\Data\'
13:04:12.19   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\WW2\Data\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Data\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Data\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Data\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataArtHigh\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\DataArtHigh\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataSoundHigh\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
13:04:12.20   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
13:04:12.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:04:12.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:04:12.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
13:04:12.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
13:04:12.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataAttrib\'
13:04:12.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Movies\'
13:04:12.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Engine\Movies\'
13:04:12.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Anton\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\WW2\Movies\'
[Cope FactionFix] - DLL loaded
13:04:19.47   WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 7.203000s
13:04:19.55   NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
13:04:19.55   Read 710 bytes from network datastore login_cache.bin
13:04:19.55   Read 137946 bytes from network datastore global_cache.bin
13:04:19.56   Read 78058 bytes from network datastore ping_cache.bin
13:04:19.56   QuazalInitializer - static initializing Quazal library
13:04:19.56   PingCache - populating cache with 119 pings
13:04:19.56   Sent message game CompanyOfHeroes started 6004 500 allowtraffic
13:04:19.56   RemoteDLManager - Connection Restored.
13:04:19.56   Transport - Header Size = 4 bytes + 4 byte nonce + 2 byte consolidation header
13:04:19.56   WinTransport - CreateSocket exclusive broadcast socket was available.
13:04:19.56   WinTransport - CreateSocket listening for broadcasts on default port
13:04:19.56   WinTransport - Host Name: birrebarre, aliases: , type=AF_INET, len=4
13:04:19.56   WinTransport - Host IP Address #0:
13:04:19.56   WinTransport - Interface #0: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_LOOPBACK IFF_MULTICAST
13:04:19.56   WinTransport - Interface #1: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_BROADCAST IFF_MULTICAST
13:04:19.56   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:04:19.56   WinTransport - Quazal address string = udp:/address=;port=6112
13:04:19.56   SessionManager - Peer Header Size = 16 bytes
13:04:19.56   SessionManager - Game Data overhead = 7 bytes
13:04:19.56   SessionManager - Proxy overhead = 7 bytes
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 47535450
13:04:19.56   Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
13:04:19.56   SessionManager::RegisterSession - Registering new session 08aa06c8
13:04:19.56   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:04:19.56   AutomatchInternal: Instantiating
13:04:19.56   PartyInternal: Instantiating
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 50525459
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 51434b4d
13:04:19.56   Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 534d5347
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 474d4343
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 474f424a
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4d4f444d
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 53594e43
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 534d5347
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 474d4343
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 474f424a
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 4d4f444d
13:04:19.56   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 53594e43
13:04:19.56   GAME -- Available memory: 8136MB Physical RAM, 1216MB Pagefile, 4095 Virtual Address Space
13:04:19.59   Transport - Largest received is now 19
13:04:19.59   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:04:20.84   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx10.dll'.
13:04:20.84   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx9.dll'.
13:04:20.84   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
13:04:20.89   SPDx10 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670]: 1994MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2047MB shared system memory.
13:04:24.72   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
13:04:24.83   SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX10 Rendering Device] version[4,36]
13:04:24.83   GAME -- Resolution set to 1920x1080 (windowed).
13:04:24.85   SPDx10 -- Adapter Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670
13:04:24.85   SPDx10 -- Driver Vendor = 0x000010de  Device = 0x00001189  SubSys = 0x097a10de  Rev = 0x000000a1
13:04:24.85   SPDx10 -- Driver Version  Product = 0x0009  Version = 0x0012  SubVersion = 0x00  Build = 314.07
13:04:24.85   SPDx10 -- Driver LUID = 0x00000000-0x00008cc5
13:04:24.86   SPDx10 -- 1994MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2047MB shared system memory available.
13:04:24.86   ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps40]
13:04:25.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
13:04:25.53   GameObjLoader 0c2f5ab0 - resetting counters
13:04:25.53   GameObjLoader 0c2f5ab0 - Created loader
13:04:25.53   GameObjLoader 0c2ee530 - resetting counters
13:04:25.53   GameObjLoader 0c2ee530 - Created loader
13:04:25.74   GAME -- Beginning FE
13:04:25.74   Sent message game CompanyOfHeroes allowtraffic
13:04:25.74   UIFrontEnd - Loading Front End
13:04:25.74   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:04:25.80   SOUND -- Initializing ...
13:04:26.29   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
13:04:26.29   UIFrontEnd - Initializing Forms
13:04:27.60   CampaignFilter::BindFilterSpecificWidgets()
13:04:27.65   installed_products = ( )
13:04:27.67   Activating screen: AppResolutionPrompt
13:04:27.67   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:04:27.67   Activating screen: prompt_generic
13:04:27.67   Activating screen: prompt_generic
13:04:27.67   ScreenManager - Flushing recursively, due to activated screens during the previous flush, flush number: 1
13:04:27.67   Got dlman msg [dlmanager version 1.0 peertraffic 1 uploadlimit 2147483647 seedratio 3]
13:04:27.67   Got dlman msg [ack game CompanyOfHeroes allowtraffic]
13:04:27.67   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1:STATE_DISCONNECTED].
13:04:28.52   Activating screen: AppLoadingForm
13:04:28.52   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:04:28.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Invasion of Normandy' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\COH.CAMP) with 15 missions, [coh]
13:04:28.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Liberation of Caen' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP1.CAMP) with 9 missions, [cxp1]
13:04:28.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Operation Market Garden' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP2.CAMP) with 8 missions, [cxp2]
13:04:28.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Falaise Pocket' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC3.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc3]
13:04:28.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Causeway' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC2.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc2]
13:04:28.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Tiger Ace' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC1.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc1]
13:04:29.21   GAME -- Using player profile BIRREBARRE
13:04:30.34   Dx10Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_multiply' in the ShaderDatabase.
13:04:30.70   Dx10Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_depthadditive' in the ShaderDatabase.
13:04:31.48   QuazalLoginService - *** Connecting to server:
13:04:31.48   RendezvousManager: CreateSession - starting profile=Guest login
13:04:46.57   GetBackEndServices()->Login: call returned with (5:2) TransportErrorCode::ConnectionFailure.
13:04:46.57   RendezvousManager - unable to connect to the server as guest
13:04:46.63   OnConnect: connect failure
13:04:46.63   RendezvousManager::Shutdown - deleting instance
13:04:46.63   RendezvousManager - terminating all server calls in progress
13:04:46.63   CallManager - terminating all server calls in progress (1 in progress)
13:04:46.63   RendezvousManager - destroying chat handler
13:04:46.63   ~RendezvousManager - m_state = 7, no need for server disconnect
13:04:46.66   OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
13:04:46.73   AccountStore -- Found matching account rymetyme, ignoring for now
13:04:46.73   installed_products = ( DLC1 DLC2 DLC3 )
13:04:46.73   OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
13:04:46.79   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:05:20.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:06:21.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:07:22.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:08:23.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:09:24.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:10:25.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.3, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:11:26.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:12:27.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:12:40.19   Beginning media verification...
13:12:40.19   Validator type : validators\udro\udro.dll
13:12:40.19   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:12:40.22   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:12:40.22   CRC & Version Info : 000001f4:fb8ed04c:cf929579 eastern_front:500:factionfix.dll 1
13:12:40.23   Activating screen: FEMovie
13:12:40.23   Activating screen: OnlineWidget
13:12:40.23   Activating screen: RelicOnlineProfileSelect
13:12:40.28   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 4 (gold=0)
13:12:40.28   Activating screen: RelicOnlineWait
13:12:40.28   Activating screen: FEMovie
13:12:40.28   Activating screen: OnlineWidget
13:12:40.28   Activating screen: FE_mm_01
13:12:40.28   Activating screen: RelicOnlineWait
13:12:40.31   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:12:40.31   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:12:40.31   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:12:40.31   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:12:40.31   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:12:40.31   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:12:42.88   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:12:42.88   Created Matchinfo
13:12:42.88   Session::Reset with reason 999 and AdvertisementInternal::ResetSession()
13:12:42.88   starting LAN hosting
13:12:42.89   OnJoinAdvertisementSuccess - joined online match, server leave notification required
13:12:42.89   starting local hosting
13:12:42.89   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:12:42.89   Allocated route ID=0 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:12:42.89   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:12:42.89   Session::Host sid = 732580332F4CC3FD, hostURL = , local addresses = WINaddr:;
13:12:42.89   ValidateCustomData: called with 227 bytes of custom data
13:12:42.89   Host accepted Peer 1 into the match at address list=WINaddr:;, routes=WINaddr:;
13:12:42.89   AdvertisementInternal::Process - EVENT_NEWPEER
13:12:42.89   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [2:STATE_CONNECTING].
13:12:42.91   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [3:STATE_CONNECTED].
13:12:42.91   hosting - Session is connected
13:12:42.91   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:42.91   hosting completed successfully
13:12:42.91   HostAsync - completed with HostResult = 0
13:12:42.91   UIFrontEnd::StartRelicOnlineTabs deactivating FE_mm_01
13:12:42.91   Activating screen: OnlineGameSetup
13:12:42.91   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 534d5347
13:12:42.91   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:42.91   MatchInternal::SetMatchType - new type 14 - updating server
13:12:42.91   SetVisible called while !IsConnected
13:12:42.92   SetVisible called while !IsConnected
13:12:42.92   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:42.93   Activating screen: RelicOnlineChat
13:12:42.93   Activating screen: RelicOnlineNewsScreen
13:12:42.93   local host PeerID 1 CONN ack=  0 (  0ms~0) unack=  0, retry=  0, highwaterOOS=0 @WINaddr:; (ping=0ms) 100.00%, pending=0, dead=0
13:12:42.93   MessageCounts: inval=0/0, seek=0/0, join=0/0, integ=0/0, seek_reply=1/0, join_reply=0/0, add=0/0, remove=0/0, drop=0/0, data=0/0, voice=0/0, rchk=0/0, nudge=0/0, peerhdr=0/0, proxy=0/0, ping=0/0, Errors=0/0
13:12:42.94   Transport - Largest received is now 1116
13:12:42.98   Activating screen: RelicOnlineStatsScreen
13:12:42.98   Activating screen: Achievements
13:12:42.98   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:12:42.98   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:12:42.98   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:12:42.98   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:12:42.98   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:12:42.98   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:12:42.98   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:12:42.99   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:12:42.99   Activating screen: GameHistory
13:12:42.99   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:12:42.99   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:12:42.99   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:12:42.99   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:12:42.99   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:12:42.99   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:12:42.99   Activating screen: OnlineGameSetup
13:12:42.99   Activating screen: RelicOnlineTabs
13:12:42.99   AutomatchInternal::OnHostComplete - Completed Host with success=1
13:12:42.99   AutomatchInternal::OnHostComplete - automatcher is no longer active - ignoring
13:12:42.99   QuickMatchInternal::OnHostComplete - Quickmatch not in host state.
13:12:43.00   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:43.00   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:43.00   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:43.08   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:43.13   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:45.38   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:45.38   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:45.38   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:45.39   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:45.42   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:47.17   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:47.17   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:47.17   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:47.17   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:47.20   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:48.60   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:48.60   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:48.60   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:48.64   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:48.67   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:49.35   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:49.35   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:49.36   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:49.36   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:49.39   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:50.97   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:12:51.81   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 0: BASIC_MATCH
13:12:51.81   MatchInternal::SetMatchType - new type 0 - updating server
13:12:51.81   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 0: BASIC_MATCH
13:12:51.81   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:51.81   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:51.82   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:51.83   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:51.85   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 0: BASIC_MATCH
13:12:51.85   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:51.85   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:51.86   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:51.89   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:52.44   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:12:53.18   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 0: BASIC_MATCH
13:12:53.18   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:53.18   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:53.19   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:53.21   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:53.48   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:12:54.29   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:54.29   MatchInternal::SetMatchType - new type 14 - updating server
13:12:54.29   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:54.29   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:12:54.29   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:12:54.29   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:54.30   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:54.33   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:54.33   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:12:54.33   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=22.208530, bars=5, max avg=0.038, sd=0.007, 5 samples =  0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.03
13:12:54.33   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:54.36   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:54.77   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:12:55.52   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:58.63   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:12:58.63   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:12:58.63   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:12:58.67   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:58.71   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:12:59.34   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:13:00.14   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:00.14   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:13:00.14   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:00.15   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:00.18   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:00.59   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:13:01.71   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:01.71   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:13:01.71   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:01.72   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:01.75   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:02.15   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:13:03.00   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:03.00   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:13:03.00   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:03.00   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:03.03   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:03.35   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:13:04.02   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:04.02   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:13:04.03   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:04.03   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:04.07   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:04.62   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:04.62   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:13:04.62   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:04.63   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:04.66   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:08.37   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:13:09.12   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:09.12   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:13:09.12   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:09.14   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:09.17   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:11.86   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:13:12.75   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:12.75   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:13:12.76   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:12.76   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:12.80   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:14.17   Activating screen: RaceSelectionPopup
13:13:14.88   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:14.88   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:13:14.88   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:14.88   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:14.92   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:15.19   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
13:13:16.71   Activating screen: RaceSelectionPopup
13:13:17.35   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:17.35   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:13:17.35   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=6 expected FPS=17.713501, bars=5, max avg=0.052, sd=0.004, 5 samples =  0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.05
13:13:17.37   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:17.40   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:19.29   GameSetupForm - No win/loss reporting and only a single player, disconnecting
13:13:19.29   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:13:19.29   SetVisible called while !IsConnected
13:13:19.29   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:19.30   GameSetupForm - Starting game
13:13:19.30   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:13:19.30   PopulateGameInfo - random seed:[1369480399], guid:[{c68b89d9-c0ef-44e3-9e2d-1d399a783673}], sync level:[2]
13:13:19.30   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:13:19.30   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:13:19.30   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:13:19.30   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:13:19.31   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:13:19.31   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (0) race to: axis
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (0) race to: 3
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (1) race to: axis
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (1) race to: 3
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (2) race to: axis
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (2) race to: 3
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (3) race to: allies_commonwealth
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (3) race to: 0
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (4) race to: allies_commonwealth
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (4) race to: 0
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (5) race to: allies
13:13:19.31   MOD - Setting player (5) race to: 1
13:13:19.31   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:13:19.31   Session is marking the local peer PeerID 1 for death
13:13:19.31   Session::GetEvent DestroyPeer success Peer 1 removed
13:13:19.31   Session::DestroyPeer - deallocating peer 1
13:13:19.31   Session - Requested Disconnect for connectionID 2
13:13:19.31   Deallocated route ID=3 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:13:19.31   Session - Requested Disconnect for connectionID 3
13:13:19.31   Closed route 3<>3 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:13:19.31   AdvertisementInternal::Process - EVENT_DESTROYPEER
13:13:19.31   Destroyed Matchinfo
13:13:19.31   APP -- Game Start
13:13:19.31   Sent message game CompanyOfHeroes allowtraffic
13:13:19.31   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:13:19.31   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:13:19.32   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:13:19.32   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:13:19.32   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:13:19.32   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:13:19.32   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 534d5347
13:13:19.33   Transport - Largest sent is now 8
13:13:19.33   GAME -- Ending FE
13:13:19.33   UIFrontEnd - Unloading Front End
13:13:19.34   SOUND -- Shutting down ...
13:13:19.40   SOUND -- Shutdown completed!
13:13:19.42   GAME -- *** Beginning mission 6p_lenin (1 Humans, 5 Computers) ***
13:13:19.49   GAME -- Recording game
13:13:19.53   Activating screen: GameLoadScreen
13:13:19.54   ReportGameStartStats - no connection to server unable to report
13:13:19.54   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1:STATE_DISCONNECTED].
13:13:19.54   PeerRemoveAll - flushing local session peer data
13:13:19.54   Session::Reset with reason 999 and MatchInternal::PeerRemoveAll
13:13:19.54   Got dlman msg [ack game CompanyOfHeroes allowtraffic]
13:13:20.19   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:13:20.22   SOUND -- Initializing ...
13:13:20.72   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
13:13:20.85   PHYSICS: detected processor(s) capable of handling 4 threads.
13:13:21.00   MOD -- Locating MOD for scenario 'DATA:scenarios\mp\6p_lenin'
13:13:21.00   MOD -- Using Mod 'Eastern_Front'
13:13:21.16   Unable to load/parse precache file [DATA:scenarios\mp\6p_lenin_precache.lua]
13:13:22.85   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 1136
13:13:25.93   PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'HVOK'
13:13:25.93   PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'DMMY'
13:13:25.93   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 1136 to 1741
13:13:28.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.5, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:13:39.29   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 30 to 4556
13:13:43.59   GameObjLoader 0c2f5ab0 - resetting counters
13:13:43.59   GameObjLoader 0c2f5ab0 - LOAD_DONE
13:13:43.65   GAME - SessionSetup
13:13:43.95   CommandBPDatabase - Unable to register function [splat_attach] due to missing CommandBP.
13:13:43.96   TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget [0] of size 2048 x 2048
13:13:43.96   TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget [1] of size 1024 x 1024
13:13:48.29   GAME - CreateGEWorld in 4640 ms
13:13:48.29   TGAIO -- TGA file 'data:simulation/deformdata/Lock_deform.tga' is RLE compressed. For optimal speed, please re-save uncompressed.
13:13:48.64   GAME - SessionSetup finished in 4988 ms
13:13:48.69   GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup
13:13:48.69   GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup finished in 0 ms
13:13:49.39   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 474d4343
13:13:49.50   Regenerating ImpassMap data...
13:13:49.50       Impass Data was already valid, but regenerating...
13:13:49.59   Regenerating CanBuildMap data...
13:13:49.59   Generating CanShoot Map.
13:13:49.59   Pathfinder::Regenerate()...
13:13:49.63   Generating PathSectorMap...
13:13:49.81   Pathfinder::Regenerate() Done.
[Cope FactionFix] - Trying to hook function
[Cope FactionFix] - Got LuaState @0x064a7870
[Cope FactionFix] - patched @0x5ffcb9f0
[Cope FactionFix] - hooked @0x5ffcb9f1
[Cope FactionFix] - patched @0x5ffcadd7
[Cope FactionFix] - hooked @0x5ffcadd7
[Cope FactionFix] - Hook installed
13:13:49.91   ModWorld::LoadWinCondition: - [DATA:Scar/WinConditions/zannihilate.scar] succeeded.
13:13:51.18   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
13:13:51.18   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
13:13:51.56   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4d4f444d
13:13:52.14   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:13:52.14   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:13:52.14   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:13:52.14   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:13:52.14   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:13:52.46   SPEECHMANAGER -- Loaded in 0.294116 seconds
13:13:53.94   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 355
13:13:54.75   GameObjLoader 0c2ee530 - resetting counters
13:13:54.75   GameObjLoader 0c2ee530 - LOAD_DONE
13:13:55.20   PreloadResources took 0ms.
13:13:55.35   GAME -- Loading completed (36 seconds)
13:13:55.35   SIM -- Setting SyncErrorChecking level to None
13:14:29.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:15:30.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:16:31.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:17:32.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:18:02.08   Activating screen: GameScreen
13:18:02.08   Activating screen: Decorators_widescreen
13:18:02.08   Activating screen: Taskbar_widescreen
13:18:02.08   Activating screen: SubtitleScreen
13:18:02.08   Activating screen: TextOverlayScreen
13:18:02.15   PerformanceRecorder::StartRecording for game size 6
13:18:02.15   GAME -- Starting mission...
13:18:03.25   MOD -- Player CPU - Expert set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
13:18:03.25   MOD -- Player CPU - Expert set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
13:18:03.25   MOD -- Player CPU - Expert set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
13:18:03.25   MOD -- Player CPU - Expert set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
13:18:03.25   MOD -- Player CPU - Hard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
13:18:05.46   Activating screen: pause_menu
13:18:05.46   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:18:06.45   Activating screen: pause_options
13:18:09.79   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:18:11.11   Warning: binding repeat_2(Ability: abilities\reenable_capture_ability_engineers) -- ui index '0' out of bounds; range is [1, 12]
13:18:11.12   Warning: binding repeat_5(Ability: abilities\smg_mp40) -- ui index '0' out of bounds; range is [1, 12]
13:18:12.30   Warning: non auto-match upgrade not found in AE, tuning
13:18:23.93   WorldViewSM::ProcessWVEvents - setting pause to 1
13:18:23.93   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:18:25.37   WorldViewSM::ProcessWVEvents - setting pause to 0
13:18:25.37   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:18:33.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:19:06.77   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:19:15.30   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:19:34.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:19:53.11   Activating screen: Command_Tree
13:19:54.07   Activating screen: Command_Branch
13:20:14.26   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:20:29.98   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:20:35.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:20:58.01   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:21:10.84   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:21:19.78   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:21:20.87   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:21:33.65   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:21:36.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:21:46.74   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:22:02.72   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:22:11.27   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:22:36.34   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:22:37.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:23:38.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:23:50.49   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:24:00.40   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:24:01.34   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:24:06.32   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:24:10.81   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:24:17.29   Was already stealing a skeleton when told to steal another [mortar_target].
13:24:39.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:25:02.89   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:25:40.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.3, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:26:12.99   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:26:23.30   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:26:29.01   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:26:39.04   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:26:41.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:26:58.15   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:27:15.85   Warning: binding selection bindings_child6() -- Binding selection bindings_child6: failed bind to widget 'build_max_background'
13:27:42.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:28:42.14   Was already stealing a skeleton when told to steal another [mortar_target].
13:28:43.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:29:16.48   Unable to bind updater for fx [ui\reveal].  It could be looping in a fire-n-forget action.
13:29:19.66   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:29:34.44   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1
13:29:44.00   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.3, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:30:17.31   Activating screen: Command_Branch
13:30:45.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 2.0/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.2, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:30:55.42   Warning: binding repeat_4(Production Item: sbps\races\axis\vehicles\halftrack_squad_with_pioneer) -- ui index '0' out of bounds; range is [1, 12]
13:31:08.32   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 0
13:31:23.92   GAME -- SimulationController::Pause 1

-- Log file for all error messages related to the Scar --

Starting SCAR...
Init Alt CT
Sandbox race= axis
race is axis
player has upgrade tiger
Sandbox race= axis
race is axis
player has upgrade tiger
Sandbox race= axis
race is axis
player has upgrade tiger
Sandbox race= allies_commonwealth
Sandbox race= allies_commonwealth
Sandbox race= allies
EGroup_Create: Group with name eg_ai_ambient already exists, be very careful!
EGroup_Create: Group with name eg_ai_spawners already exists, be very careful!

Dump file:

I was playing Leningard
Wehrmacht & American & Brittish
Building bunkers
The game has crashed in no pop mode and now in normal pop mode
Skrimish & Annalithion (Spelling)
« Last Edit: May 25, 2013, 03:22:49 PM by Rikard Blixt »

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 06:47:18 PM »
Are you sure it is the correct log? Because it says you are playing with version 2.500, which we don't support.
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline saprize21

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2013, 09:34:52 PM »
Well now we know the problem :D I thought i was playing the latest version, i am used to the game automatically updating itself when it gets installed :D Guess i need to update it my self then :D

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2013, 09:37:38 PM »
You should be using the Steam version instead of the Retail one, otherwise EF won't run properly.
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline saprize21

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2013, 10:14:46 PM »
Yeah i just read about the server transfer, since i installed this game again yesterday and last time i played this game servers were fine :P And i read about the if you have retail product you can activate it on steam thingy, so i have done that now and hopefully it will work better now on steam :P

Offline Heroiclarvy

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2013, 05:34:17 AM »
Doesn't let me post unless it looks like this, so sorry for text wall below :/

Code: newbielink:javascript:void(0); [nonactive]
RELICCOH started at 2013-05-28 22:17
OS NT 6.1 (sp1.0) x64, 16075MB Physical Memory, 13487 Physical Available, 3950 Virtual Available
RUN-OPTIONS -dev -mod Eastern_Front -notriplebuffer
WORKING-DIR E:\Steam\steamapps\common\Company of Heroes Relaunch
USER Hades

22:17:05.10   8 Logical Processors detected
22:17:05.10   Multithreading Enabled
22:17:05.10   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Detected 8 core(s) with 8 hardware thread(s)
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Main thread now used as XThread 0
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 1
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 2
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 3
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 4
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 5
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 6
22:17:05.10   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 7
22:17:05.10   MATHBOX -- Version=6, Cpu=Intel Pentium III Xeon:f=6,m=10, Mode=SSE
22:17:05.20   GAME -- Company Of Heroes, 2.700.0, Build live.2.700.0, Type live, Language english
22:17:05.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC1, 1.0
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataArtHigh\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\DataArtHigh\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC1\Movies\'
22:17:05.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC2, 1.0
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataArtHigh\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\DataArtHigh\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC2\Movies\'
22:17:05.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC3, 1.0
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataArtHigh\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\DataArtHigh\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\DLC3\Movies\'
22:17:05.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_OPS, 1.0
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Ops\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\Ops\Data\'
22:17:05.21   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front, 1.0
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'RelicOnline\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\RelicOnline\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Engine\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\Engine\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'WW2\Data\'
22:17:05.21   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\WW2\Data\'
22:17:05.22   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Data\'
22:17:05.22   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\Data\'
22:17:05.22   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\Data\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataArtHigh\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\DataArtHigh\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\DataSoundHigh\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
22:17:05.23   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
22:17:05.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:17:05.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
22:17:05.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
22:17:05.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
22:17:05.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\DataAttrib\'
22:17:05.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Eastern_Front\Movies\'
22:17:05.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\Engine\Movies\'
22:17:05.25   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Users\Hades\Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes Relaunch\WW2\Movies\'
[Cope FactionFix] - DLL loaded
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Initialising
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Found Lua's loadfile at 0x67EFF957
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Lua's loadfile patched
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Self-test completed
22:17:05.27   GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
22:17:11.86   WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 6.587000s
22:17:11.92   NET -- NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
22:17:11.92   NET -- SteamService: region is [US]
22:17:11.92   NET -- SessionInternal: Instantiating
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 202
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 201
22:17:11.92   NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
22:17:11.92   NET -- Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
22:17:11.92   NET -- Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
22:17:11.92   NET -- Transport::PurgeConnections - high water mark is 1
22:17:11.92   Loaded 589 badwords from data:OnlineConfig\Badwords.lua
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 0
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 1
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 2
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 3
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 5
22:17:11.92   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 6
22:17:11.92   NET -- SteamLoginService::SetConnected: Steam connection established
22:17:11.92   NET -- OnConnect: successful connection established, enabling reconnect
22:17:11.92   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:11.92   NET -- OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
22:17:11.92   NET -- SteamLoginService::OnLoginChanged
22:17:11.92   NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
22:17:11.92   NET -- OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
22:17:11.92   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SelectProfileAsync, parent AccountInternal
22:17:11.92   NET -- SteamLoginService::OnLoginChanged done
22:17:11.92   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetRelationshipAsync, parent RelationshipCache
22:17:11.92   NET -- Profile  selected on controller#0
22:17:11.92   NET -- AccountInternal::IsProfileSelected - no profile, no associated profile event.
22:17:11.92   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SelectProfileAsync, parent AccountInternal
22:17:11.92   GAME -- Available memory: 16075MB Physical RAM, 16073MB Pagefile, 4095 Virtual Address Space
22:17:12.78   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx10.dll'.
22:17:12.78   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx9.dll'.
22:17:12.78   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
22:17:12.82   SPDx10 -- Adapter [NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 ]: 1233MB dedicated video memory, 0MB dedicated system memory and 2815MB shared system memory.
22:17:14.06   DLLDriverLinker -- 2 DLL drivers found.
22:17:14.11   SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX9 rendering device] version[4,36]
22:17:14.11   GAME -- Resolution set to 1920x1080 (fullscreen).
22:17:14.11   SPDx9 -- Driver Name = nvumdshim.dll  Desc = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570
22:17:14.11   SPDx9 -- Driver Vendor = 0x10DE  Device = 0x1086  SubSys = 0x15733842  Rev = 0x00A1
22:17:14.11   SPDx9 -- Driver Version  Product = 0x0009  Version = 0x0012  SubVersion = 0x00  Build = 320.18
22:17:14.11   SPDx9 -- Driver GUID = {D7B71E3E-53C6-11CF-105C-7E351CC2C435}
22:17:14.42   SPDx9 -- 4021MB available Texture Memory
22:17:14.44   ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps30]
22:17:14.67   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
22:17:14.75   GameObjLoader 0c8a2558 - resetting counters
22:17:14.75   GameObjLoader 0c8a2558 - Created loader
22:17:14.75   GameObjLoader 0c8a26b8 - resetting counters
22:17:14.75   GameObjLoader 0c8a26b8 - Created loader
22:17:14.75   NET -- QuickMatchInternal::SetTuningInfo - tuning CRC is 218470533.
22:17:14.75   GAME -- Beginning FE
22:17:14.75   UIFrontEnd - Loading Front End
22:17:14.75   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
22:17:14.86   SOUND -- Initializing ...
22:17:14.89   INNIMapDCA Key not found: sp_speechducker::time
22:17:15.09   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
22:17:15.09   UIFrontEnd - Initializing Forms
22:17:15.85   CampaignFilter::BindFilterSpecificWidgets()
22:17:15.94   Activating screen: MovieScreen
22:17:15.94   NET -- SteamGetNumberOfCurrentPlayersAsync::Process: number of players is now 1558
22:17:15.94   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetRelationshipAsync, parent RelationshipCache
22:17:15.94   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent UserStatsCache
22:17:15.95   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:16.21   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:16.21   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:16.24   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent UserStatsCache
22:17:17.19   UpdateBannedList -- 0 users banned.
22:17:17.68   NET -- QuickMatchInternal::SetTuningInfo - tuning CRC is 218470533.
22:17:17.70   Activating screen: AppLoadingForm
22:17:17.70   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 2 (gold=0)
22:17:17.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Invasion of Normandy' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\COH.CAMP) with 15 missions, [coh]
22:17:17.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Liberation of Caen' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP1.CAMP) with 9 missions, [cxp1]
22:17:17.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Operation Market Garden' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP2.CAMP) with 8 missions, [cxp2]
22:17:17.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Falaise Pocket' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC3.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc3]
22:17:17.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Causeway' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC2.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc2]
22:17:17.98   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Tiger Ace' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC1.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc1]
22:17:18.15   GAME -- Using player profile HADES-PC
22:17:18.57   Dx9Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_multiply' in the ShaderDatabase.
22:17:18.68   Dx9Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_depthadditive' in the ShaderDatabase.
22:17:18.98   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 2 (gold=0)
22:17:18.98   CRC & Version Info : 000002bc:62cfc203:9826da6b eastern_front:700:factionfix.dll 1
22:17:18.98   Activating screen: FEMovie
22:17:18.98   Activating screen: OnlineWidget
22:17:18.98   Activating screen: FE_mm_01
22:17:19.00   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 2 (gold=0)
22:17:19.00   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
22:17:19.00   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
22:17:19.00   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
22:17:19.00   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
22:17:19.00   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
22:17:19.00   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
22:17:19.00   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
22:17:19.00   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
22:17:19.01   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
22:17:19.01   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
22:17:19.01   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
22:17:19.01   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
22:17:19.69   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job HostSessionAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:19.69   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
22:17:19.69   NET -- Created Sessioninfo
22:17:19.69   NET -- Session::Reset with reason 999 and AdvertisementInternal::ResetSession()
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Rating_Gm_3_R_0]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Reliability_Gm_3_R_0]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Rating_Gm_4_R_0]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Reliability_Gm_4_R_0]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Rating_Gm_3_R_1]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Reliability_Gm_3_R_1]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Rating_Gm_4_R_1]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Reliability_Gm_4_R_1]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Rating_Gm_3_R_2]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Reliability_Gm_3_R_2]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Rating_Gm_4_R_2]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Reliability_Gm_4_R_2]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Rating_Gm_3_R_3]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Reliability_Gm_3_R_3]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Rating_Gm_4_R_3]
22:17:19.70   SteamMatchService::GetLocalUserRating() -- failed. iSteamUserStats->GetStat() failed. id[Elo_Reliability_Gm_4_R_3]
22:17:19.70   NET -- starting online hosting
22:17:19.70   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job ServiceHostSessionAsync, parent HostSessionAsync
22:17:19.71   NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1:STATE_DISCONNECTED].
22:17:19.71   NET -- SteamHostAsync::Process: calling CreateLobby(Public, 1)
22:17:19.93   NET -- SteamHostAsync::Process: CreateLobby returned 1/OK (pub/mms/1929462705) 109775242846618545
22:17:19.93   NET -- SteamService::AddKnownLobby: added pub/mms/1929462705 (type=100)
22:17:19.93   NET -- SteamService::UpdateKnownLobby: owner of pub/mms/1929462705 set to pub/user/61337745
22:17:19.93   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job ServiceHostSessionAsync, parent HostSessionAsync
22:17:19.93   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyEnter: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, permissions=0, locked=0, response=1/Success
22:17:19.93   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:19.94   NET -- OnServiceJoinSuccess - joined online session, server leave notification required
22:17:19.94   NET -- starting local hosting connection info (steam://100:pub/user/61337745 - 1929462705)
22:17:19.94   NET -- Creating new route for peer 1 with address steam://100:pub/user/61337745
22:17:19.94   NET -- !!Created new route for peer 1 with address steam://100:pub/user/61337745 with connectionID 2
22:17:19.94   NET -- Connection listener, setting remoteID to 2 for localID 2
22:17:19.94   NET -- CHALLENGE -- Session::Host setting m_localPeerPtr->m_challengeToken: 
22:17:19.94   NET -- Transport::PurgeConnections - high water mark is 2
22:17:19.96   NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [2:STATE_CONNECTING].
22:17:19.96   NET -- ValidateCustomData: called with 691 bytes of custom data
22:17:19.96   NET -- SessionInternal::ValidatePeerAdd Station Name Hades-PC
22:17:19.96   NET -- Host accepted Peer 1 into the match at address steam://100:pub/user/61337745
22:17:19.96   NET -- SessionInternal::Process - EVENT_NEWPEER
22:17:19.96   NET -- OnAddSessionMember - sessionID (100), peer is local (yes), is host (yes), and has peerID (1), stationName Hades-PC - raceID 255, metaDataSize 51
22:17:19.96   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 2, sessionID[100]
22:17:19.96   NET -- PeerID 1 is CONNECTED and has avg packet size of 0
22:17:19.96   NET -- Routes for peer 1:
22:17:19.96   NET -- Route at index 0, is steam://100:pub/user/61337745 and is Transport::CONNECTED with localID 2 and remoteID 2
22:17:19.98   NET -- Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [3:STATE_CONNECTED].
22:17:19.98   NET -- hosting - Session is connected
22:17:19.98   NET -- Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
22:17:19.99   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:20.01   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent UserStatsCache
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: sessionID set to "100"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: passworded set to "0"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: sessionName set to "Local Multiplayer"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: mapName set to "4p_achelous river"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: maxPlayerCount set to "8"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: matchType set to "14"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: modName set to "eastern_front"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: modVersion set to "700"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: modDllFile set to "factionfix.dll"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: appBinaryCRC set to "700"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: dataCRC set to "1657782787"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: modDllCRC set to "2552683115"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: syncFlag set to "0"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: isDevMode set to "1"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: quickmatchSettingsCRC set to "218470533"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: isVACBanned set to "0"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: region set to "US"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: sessionAdvertisementTime set to "1369797471"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: hostID set to "76561198021603473"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: adType set to "1"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: sessionData set to "0100000000000000010100008000000000"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: appData set to "00000080FFFFFF7F00000000000000800100008000000000"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: teamCount set to "2"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.0 set to "FF0104"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.0.factionID set to "255"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.0.teamCount set to "1"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.0.teamSize set to "4"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.1 set to "FF0004"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.1.factionID set to "255"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.1.teamCount set to "0"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.1.teamSize set to "4"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyMemberLimit: set pub/mms/1929462705 limit to 8 (was 1)
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber set to "2"
22:17:20.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: version set to "1019"
22:17:20.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:20.06   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:20.09   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent UserStatsCache
22:17:20.24   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:20.28   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:20.29   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:20.31   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:20.33   NET -- HostAsync - completed with HostResult = 0
22:17:20.33   UIFrontEnd::StartRelicOnlineTabs deactivating FE_mm_01
22:17:20.33   Activating screen: OnlineGameSetup
22:17:20.33   NET -- MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Channel 0 already exists
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 3, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- SetMaxPlayers - max players changed to 4
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 4, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 5, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 6, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 7, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 8, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 9, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 10, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 11, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 12, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 13, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 14, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 15, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 16, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 17, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- SetMaxPlayers - max players changed to 4
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 18, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 19, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 20, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 21, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 22, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 23, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.33   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=37.495316, bars=5, max avg=0.026, sd=0.001, 2 samples =  0.03 0.03
22:17:20.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 24, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.34   Activating screen: RelicOnlineChat
22:17:20.34   Activating screen: RelicOnlineNewsScreen
22:17:20.34   Activating screen: RelicOnlineStatsScreen
22:17:20.34   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:20.34   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:20.34   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:20.34   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:20.34   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:20.34   Activating screen: Achievements
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
22:17:20.34   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
22:17:20.35   Activating screen: GameHistory
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
22:17:20.35   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
22:17:20.36   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
22:17:20.36   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
22:17:20.36   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
22:17:20.36   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
22:17:20.36   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
22:17:20.36   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
22:17:20.36   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
22:17:20.36   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
22:17:20.36   Activating screen: OnlineGameSetup
22:17:20.36   Activating screen: RelicOnlineTabs
22:17:20.36   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 25, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.36   NET -- QuickMatchInternal::OnHostComplete - Host complete.
22:17:20.36   NET -- QuickMatchInternal::OnHostComplete - Quickmatch not in host state.
22:17:20.36   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job HostSessionAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:20.39   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:20.39   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
22:17:20.39   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
22:17:20.39   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
22:17:20.39   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
22:17:20.40   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
22:17:20.40   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
22:17:20.40   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
22:17:20.40   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
22:17:20.40   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
22:17:20.40   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
22:17:20.40   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
22:17:20.40   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
22:17:20.40   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetChatChannelsAsync, parent ChatChannelCache
22:17:20.40   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:20.40   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
22:17:20.40   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 26, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.41   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:20.41   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:20.41   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:20.41   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:20.41   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:20.42   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:20.42   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: maxPlayerCount changed from "8" to "4"
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: appData changed from "00000080FFFFFF7F00000000000000800100008000000000" to "00000080FFFFFF7F03000000434F4C530000008054535352000000804B54505601000080E38B20810100008000000000"
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.0 changed from "FF0104" to "000102"
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.0.factionID changed from "255" to "0"
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.0.teamSize changed from "4" to "2"
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.1 changed from "FF0004" to "010002"
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.1.factionID changed from "255" to "1"
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: team.1.teamSize changed from "4" to "2"
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyMemberLimit: set pub/mms/1929462705 limit to 2 (was 8)
22:17:20.43   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "2" to "25"
22:17:20.44   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:20.44   NET -- SteamGetChatChannelsAsync::StartRequest: calling RequestLobbyList (limit:50, distance:3/Worldwide, slots:1, sessionID=102, instance>=1, instance NEAR 1)
22:17:20.44   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "25" to "26"
22:17:20.63   NET -- GetChatChannelsAsync::Process: RequestLobbyList succeeded (lobbies=50)
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 0 is pub/mms/1929407399
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Istanbul"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "5"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929407399 (Istanbul.1) - assigning to channel 3
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 1 is pub/mms/1929461010
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Moscow"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929461010 (Moscow.1) - assigning to channel 4
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 2 is pub/mms/1929419666
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Vienna"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "2"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929419666 (Vienna.1) - assigning to channel 5
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 3 is pub/mms/1929445877
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "New Delhi"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "4"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929445877 (New Delhi.1) - assigning to channel 6
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 4 is pub/mms/1929407041
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Fansite - RelicNews"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929407041 (Fansite - RelicNews.1) - assigning to channel 7
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 5 is pub/mms/1929461859
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Sydney"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929461859 (Sydney.1) - assigning to channel 8
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 6 is pub/mms/1928255363
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Play CoH Mods"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "6"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928255363 (Play CoH Mods.1) - assigning to channel 9
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 7 is pub/mms/1929396633
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Dublin"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "5"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929396633 (Dublin.1) - assigning to channel 10
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 8 is pub/mms/1928790834
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Vancouver"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "5"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928790834 (Vancouver.1) - assigning to channel 11
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 9 is pub/mms/1929383234
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Taipei"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "5"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929383234 (Taipei.1) - assigning to channel 12
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 10 is pub/mms/1929459777
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Seoul"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "5"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929459777 (Seoul.1) - assigning to channel 13
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 11 is pub/mms/1928250741
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Singapore City"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "6"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928250741 (Singapore City.1) - assigning to channel 14
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 12 is pub/mms/1927622154
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Tokyo"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "5"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1927622154 (Tokyo.1) - assigning to channel 15
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 13 is pub/mms/1929459565
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Amsterdam"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929459565 (Amsterdam.1) - assigning to channel 16
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 14 is pub/mms/1928666957
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Brasilia"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "9"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928666957 (Brasilia.1) - assigning to channel 17
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 15 is pub/mms/1929458031
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Wellington"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "7"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929458031 (Wellington.1) - assigning to channel 18
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 16 is pub/mms/1929462676
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Fansite - Penny Arcade"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929462676 (Fansite - Penny Arcade.1) - assigning to channel 19
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 17 is pub/mms/1929460196
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Hong Kong"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929460196 (Hong Kong.1) - assigning to channel 20
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 18 is pub/mms/1929456501
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Stockholm"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "2"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929456501 (Stockholm.1) - assigning to channel 21
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 19 is pub/mms/1929412290
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Athens"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929412290 (Athens.1) - assigning to channel 22
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 20 is pub/mms/1929462538
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Sydney"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929462538 (Sydney.1) - assigning to channel 23
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 21 is pub/mms/1928601333
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Beijing"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "10"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928601333 (Beijing.1) - assigning to channel 24
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 22 is pub/mms/1929446730
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Johannesburg"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929446730 (Johannesburg.1) - assigning to channel 25
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 23 is pub/mms/1929461605
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Fansite - SomethingAwful"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929461605 (Fansite - SomethingAwful.1) - assigning to channel 26
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 24 is pub/mms/1928573719
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "New York"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "8"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928573719 (New York.1) - assigning to channel 27
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 25 is pub/mms/1929071895
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Fansite - PcoH"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "4"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929071895 (Fansite - PcoH.1) - assigning to channel 28
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 26 is pub/mms/1929461565
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Berlin"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "2"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929461565 (Berlin.1) - assigning to channel 29
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 27 is pub/mms/1929314223
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Play CoH Custom Maps"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "4"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929314223 (Play CoH Custom Maps.1) - assigning to channel 30
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 28 is pub/mms/1929462563
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Fansite - SomethingAwful"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929462563 (Fansite - SomethingAwful.1) - assigning to channel 31
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 29 is pub/mms/1929406654
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "London"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "4"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929406654 (London.1) - assigning to channel 32
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 30 is pub/mms/1929461970
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Barcelona"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929461970 (Barcelona.1) - assigning to channel 33
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 31 is pub/mms/1928755367
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Prague"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928755367 (Prague.1) - assigning to channel 34
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 32 is pub/mms/1929379545
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Helsinki"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "2"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929379545 (Helsinki.1) - assigning to channel 35
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 33 is pub/mms/1929461881
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Stockholm"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929461881 (Stockholm.1) - assigning to channel 36
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 34 is pub/mms/1929458472
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Sydney"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "2"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929458472 (Sydney.1) - assigning to channel 37
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 35 is pub/mms/1928963763
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Warsaw"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "4"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928963763 (Warsaw.1) - assigning to channel 38
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 36 is pub/mms/1929459931
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Copenhagen"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929459931 (Copenhagen.1) - assigning to channel 39
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 37 is pub/mms/1929462426
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Hanoi"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "2"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929462426 (Hanoi.1) - assigning to channel 40
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 38 is pub/mms/1927522772
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Manila"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "7"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1927522772 (Manila.1) - assigning to channel 41
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 39 is pub/mms/1929412194
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Hong Kong"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "4"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929412194 (Hong Kong.1) - assigning to channel 42
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 40 is pub/mms/1929460893
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Los Angeles"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929460893 (Los Angeles.1) - assigning to channel 43
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 41 is pub/mms/1929461632
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Wellington"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929461632 (Wellington.1) - assigning to channel 44
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 42 is pub/mms/1929443315
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Rome"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929443315 (Rome.1) - assigning to channel 45
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 43 is pub/mms/1928619030
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Budapest"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928619030 (Budapest.1) - assigning to channel 46
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 44 is pub/mms/1929202560
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "P'yongyang"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929202560 (P'yongyang.1) - assigning to channel 47
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 45 is pub/mms/1929049289
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Jakarta"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929049289 (Jakarta.1) - assigning to channel 48
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 46 is pub/mms/1927727428
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Paris"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "2"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "11"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1927727428 (Paris.2) - assigning to channel 49
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 47 is pub/mms/1929175212
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Fansite - SomethingAwful"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "3"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929175212 (Fansite - SomethingAwful.1) - assigning to channel 50
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 48 is pub/mms/1928538775
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Fansite - GameReplays"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "5"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1928538775 (Fansite - GameReplays.1) - assigning to channel 51
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 49 is pub/mms/1929460856
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Berlin"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "1"
22:17:20.63   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1929460856 (Berlin.1) - assigning to channel 52
22:17:20.63   NET -- GetChatChannelsAsync::Process: requested retry (iteration=1)
22:17:20.65   NET -- SteamGetChatChannelsAsync::StartRequest: calling RequestLobbyList (limit:50, distance:3/Worldwide, slots:1, sessionID=102, instance>=2, instance NEAR 2)
22:17:20.68   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:20.73   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:20.74   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:20.74   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:20.76   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:20.76   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:20.83   NET -- GetChatChannelsAsync::Process: RequestLobbyList succeeded (lobbies=2)
22:17:20.83   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 0 is pub/mms/1927727428
22:17:20.83   NET -- SteamRequestLobbyListAsync::HandleRequestDone: lobby 1 is pub/mms/1926981416
22:17:20.83   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: name set to "Fansite - GameReplays"
22:17:20.83   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: instance changed from "0" to "2"
22:17:20.83   NET -- SteamLobbyService::GetLobbyData: members changed from "0" to "42"
22:17:20.83   NET -- SteamChatService::GetChatChannel: found pub/mms/1926981416 (Fansite - GameReplays.2) - assigning to channel 53
22:17:20.83   NET -- SteamChatService::AddFakeChannels: adding channel 54 as Mexico City.1
22:17:20.83   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job JoinChannelAsyncJob, parent ChatInternal
22:17:20.83   NET -- SteamJoinChannelAsyncJob::Process: channel 34 is valid - joining pub/mms/1928755367
22:17:20.86   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetChatChannelsAsync, parent ChatChannelCache
22:17:20.88   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/59915953 is named "KENKEN"
22:17:20.88   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 27, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.88   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/70615908 is named "[BSF]-Easy-Heroes"
22:17:20.88   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 28, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.88   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/130471743 is named "SirLordTopBloke"
22:17:20.88   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 29, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.88   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/124271010 is named "kooh9"
22:17:20.88   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 30, sessionID[100]
22:17:20.89   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:20.90   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:20.91   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:20.91   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "26" to "30"
22:17:20.93   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:21.04   NET -- SteamJoinChannelAsyncJob::Process: JoinLobby returned 1/Success (pub/mms/1928755367)
22:17:21.04   NET -- SteamService::AddKnownLobby: added pub/mms/1928755367 (type=102)
22:17:21.04   NET -- SteamService::UpdateKnownLobby: owner of pub/mms/1928755367 set to pub/user/28128814
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/49047250 is named "killsavages"
22:17:21.05   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 31, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamChatService::OnLobbyMemberAdded: pub/user/49047250 (killsavages) entered channel 34 (pub/mms/1928755367)
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamChatService::OnLobbyMemberAdded: pub/user/61337745 (HeroicLarvy) entered channel 34 (pub/mms/1928755367)
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/80113952 is named "NuFFSaiDx"
22:17:21.05   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 32, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamChatService::OnLobbyMemberAdded: pub/user/80113952 (NuFFSaiDx) entered channel 34 (pub/mms/1928755367)
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/28128814 is named "LilMissHeadwound"
22:17:21.05   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 33, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamChatService::OnLobbyMemberAdded: pub/user/28128814 (LilMissHeadwound) entered channel 34 (pub/mms/1928755367)
22:17:21.05   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job JoinChannelAsyncJob, parent ChatInternal
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyEnter: lobby=pub/mms/1928755367, permissions=0, locked=0, response=1/Success
22:17:21.05   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1928755367, member=pub/mms/1928755367, success=1
22:17:21.06   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:21.08   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:21.08   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "30" to "33"
22:17:21.19   Activating screen: RaceSelectionPopup
22:17:21.19   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:21.21   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:21.23   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:21.33   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/128624579 is named "KingMan"
22:17:21.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 34, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.33   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/126640091 is named "†NoobNoobNoob†"
22:17:21.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 35, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.33   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/130812650 is named "NukeTown2025"
22:17:21.33   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 36, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.33   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:21.34   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:21.35   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:21.35   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:21.36   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:21.36   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:21.36   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "33" to "36"
22:17:21.38   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:21.44   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1928755367, member=pub/mms/1928755367, success=1
22:17:21.51   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetRelationshipAsync, parent RelationshipCache
22:17:21.53   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetRelationshipAsync, parent RelationshipCache
22:17:21.63   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:21.64   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:21.66   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:21.73   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/46990041 is named "STRICT9"
22:17:21.73   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 37, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.73   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/50391204 is named "314ZDA"
22:17:21.73   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 38, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.73   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/27543046 is named "m00nch1ld"
22:17:21.73   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 39, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.73   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/101226232 is named "StephennJF"
22:17:21.73   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 40, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.74   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:21.75   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:21.76   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:21.76   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "36" to "40"
22:17:21.78   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:21.96   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 41, sessionID[100]
22:17:21.96   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:21.98   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:21.98   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "40" to "41"
22:17:22.09   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:22.11   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:22.13   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:22.19   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
22:17:22.24   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:22.26   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:22.28   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:22.31   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/80050926 is named "attitude of justice"
22:17:22.31   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 42, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.31   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/64643721 is named "Apfelsaft"
22:17:22.31   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 43, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.31   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/128027501 is named "NETPAS"
22:17:22.31   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 44, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.33   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:22.33   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:22.34   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:22.35   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "41" to "44"
22:17:22.36   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:22.64   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:22.66   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:22.68   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:22.84   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/118182632 is named "hE iS bAcK"
22:17:22.84   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 45, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.84   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/128294987 is named "HitYouHard - UK"
22:17:22.84   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 46, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.84   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/127822127 is named "sambala369"
22:17:22.84   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 47, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.84   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/75006512 is named "TCCxNascarcrash8"
22:17:22.84   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 48, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/128442432 is named "UnChained"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 49, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/24051928 is named "HelpingHans"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 50, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/130553370 is named "Perpetum_NOOBILE"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 51, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/23161226 is named "Jolle"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 52, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/128870709 is named "JOSGR7"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 53, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/46852969 is named "...==Jason Moore==..."
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 54, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/130485940 is named "NetT4"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 55, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/52546035 is named "EXPERTSVonIvan"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 56, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/81153045 is named "Ðemo_classic"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 57, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET --
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 58, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/1264715 is named "Deadbolt"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 59, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/117393336 is named "pescadoman"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 60, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/128718501 is named "101MaYi"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 61, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/77615022 is named "Balguez"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 62, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET --
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 63, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/129009609 is named "25Band"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 64, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/89304379 is named "IITCCIITerrorCoolClan"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 65, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/93025789 is named "Woniu"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 66, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/76505283 is named "ChicagoFire"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 67, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/47661906 is named "Spanky"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 68, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/44780369 is named "ISPEP"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 69, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/39261973 is named "6^Scarface™"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 70, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/49706139 is named "[FoG] Snigelnadolf"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 71, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/130597073 is named "ngwayne"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 72, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/107487086 is named "[FOG]-The_HeroX"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 73, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/46753441 is named "Fallout"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 74, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/42884233 is named "LetUwin"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 75, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/11174583 is named "budgiebollox"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 76, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/128265447 is named "pizza1986"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 77, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/46837381 is named "NorthWestFresh"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 78, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/39533638 is named "Inverse"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 79, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/127378070 is named "3LiteCommanDeR"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 80, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/84453038 is named "worlg00"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 81, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/193413 is named "RoMDarealslimshadY"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 82, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/32561660 is named "Obi1"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 83, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/130450416 is named "misterpee"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 84, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/30840819 is named "Winans"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 85, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/39509994 is named "Siberian"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 86, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/131379255 is named "t.pereira"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 87, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/61259819 is named "DontSpeak"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 88, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/103138075 is named "84445698"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 89, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.85   NET -- SteamService::UpdateUserName: pub/user/45124259 is named "Leiarde"
22:17:22.85   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 90, sessionID[100]
22:17:22.86   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:22.86   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardSubAsync, parent SteamGetLeaderboardAsync
22:17:22.88   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:22.88   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "44" to "90"
22:17:22.90   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job SteamGetLeaderboardAsync, parent LeaderboardInternal
22:17:23.13   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:23.14   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:23.16   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:23.93   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 91, sessionID[100]
22:17:23.93   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:23.93   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
22:17:23.93   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 92, sessionID[100]
22:17:23.93   NET -- Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
22:17:23.93   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=4 expected FPS=37.495316, bars=5, max avg=0.026, sd=0.001, 2 samples =  0.03 0.03
22:17:23.93   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 93, sessionID[100]
22:17:23.94   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:23.95   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:23.95   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyMemberLimit: set pub/mms/1929462705 limit to 1 (was 2)
22:17:23.95   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "90" to "91"
22:17:23.96   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:23.96   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "91" to "93"
22:17:24.18   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:24.18   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:24.19   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:24.21   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:24.28   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:24.29   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:24.31   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:24.66   Activating screen: RaceSelectionPopup
22:17:25.01   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent UserStatsCache
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.30   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.56   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.59   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 94, sessionID[100]
22:17:25.60   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:25.61   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:25.61   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "93" to "94"
22:17:25.80   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:25.88   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:25.90   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:25.91   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:26.05   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:26.18   Activating screen: DynamicPopupMenu
22:17:26.30   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:26.56   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:26.81   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:26.94   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 95, sessionID[100]
22:17:26.95   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:26.96   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:26.96   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "94" to "95"
22:17:27.05   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:27.25   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:27.26   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:27.26   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:27.28   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:27.50   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:27.70   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:27.90   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:28.10   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:28.31   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:28.60   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:28.90   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:29.15   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:29.45   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:29.54   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 96, sessionID[100]
22:17:29.55   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:29.56   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:29.56   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: appData changed from "00000080FFFFFF7F03000000434F4C530000008054535352000000804B54505601000080E38B20810100008000000000" to "00000080FFFFFF7F03000000434F4C530000008054535352000000804B54505602000080E38B20810100008000000000"
22:17:29.57   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "95" to "96"
22:17:29.61   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:29.83   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:29.85   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:29.85   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:29.86   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:30.10   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:30.30   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:30.55   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:30.85   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:31.00   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:31.25   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:31.45   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:31.70   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:31.98   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:32.15   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:32.35   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:32.55   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:32.81   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:33.00   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:33.20   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:33.39   Activating screen: RaceSelectionPopup
22:17:33.40   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:33.66   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:33.90   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:34.10   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:34.36   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:34.41   Activating screen: RaceSelectionPopup
22:17:34.60   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:34.80   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:34.99   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 97, sessionID[100]
22:17:34.99   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:35.01   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000448)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561197999527701], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000449)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198009971867], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400044a)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198090862801], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400044b)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198067752814], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400044c)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198007019169], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400044d)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198003149961], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400044e)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561197971440311], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400044f)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198088531175], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000450)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198007103109], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000451)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561197999799366], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000452)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198087643798], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000453)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198044718766], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000454)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561197960459141], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000455)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561197992827388], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000456)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198090716144], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000457)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561197991106547], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000458)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561197999775722], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf084000459)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198091644983], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400045a)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198021525547], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400045b)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198063403803], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SafeSteamCall<struct UserStatsReceived_t>::Update: call timed out (id=fcf08400045c)
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamRequestUserStatsExtAsync::OnUserStatsReceived() -- failed. userID[76561198005389987], failure[1]
22:17:35.01   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "96" to "97"
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.03   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent GetUserStatsAsync
22:17:35.06   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job GetUserStatsAsync, parent UserStatsCache
22:17:35.29   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:35.31   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:35.33   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:55.62   SPDx9 -- 4005MB available Texture Memory
22:17:58.31   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 98, sessionID[100]
22:17:58.31   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:17:58.32   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:17:58.33   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: appData changed from "00000080FFFFFF7F03000000434F4C530000008054535352000000804B54505602000080E38B20810100008000000000" to "00000080FFFFFF7F03000000434F4C530000008054535352010000804B54505602000080E38B20810100008000000000"
22:17:58.33   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "97" to "98"
22:17:58.58   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:17:58.59   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:17:58.61   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:18:08.67   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
22:18:08.67   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 99, sessionID[100]
22:18:08.67   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:18:08.68   NET -- Updating session change number, we're now at 100, sessionID[100]
22:18:08.68   NET -- SessionInternal::SetSessionState - state 1 - updating server
22:18:08.68   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job OnlineUpdateSessionStateAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:18:08.68   MatchSetup: Sending start game message!
22:18:08.68   GameSetupForm - Starting game
22:18:08.68   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
22:18:08.68   PopulateGameInfo - random seed:[1369797488], guid:[{706e5ab5-c9a9-4c80-8572-6ccb152b89c8}], sync level:[0]
22:18:08.68   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
22:18:08.68   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
22:18:08.68   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
22:18:08.68   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
22:18:08.68   MOD - Setting player (0) race to: allies_soviets
22:18:08.68   MOD - Setting player (0) race to: 2
22:18:08.68   ModDllSetup::PlayerSetRewardUnits - playerIndex 0...
22:18:08.68   MOD - Setting player (1) race to: allies
22:18:08.68   MOD - Setting player (1) race to: 1
22:18:08.68   ModDllSetup::PlayerSetRewardUnits - playerIndex 1...
22:18:08.68   MOD - Setting player (2) race to: axis
22:18:08.68   MOD - Setting player (2) race to: 3
22:18:08.68   ModDllSetup::PlayerSetRewardUnits - playerIndex 2...
22:18:08.68   MOD - Setting player (3) race to: axis_panzer_elite
22:18:08.68   MOD - Setting player (3) race to: 4
22:18:08.68   ModDllSetup::PlayerSetRewardUnits - playerIndex 3...
22:18:08.68   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:18:08.68   NET -- SteamUpdateAsync::Process: updated state of pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:18:08.68   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job OnlineUpdateSessionStateAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:18:08.69   APP -- Game Start
22:18:08.69   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'coh'
22:18:08.69   GAME -- Closing state 'coh'
22:18:08.69   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp2'
22:18:08.69   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp2'
22:18:08.69   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'cxp1'
22:18:08.69   GAME -- Closing state 'cxp1'
22:18:08.70   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
22:18:08.70   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
22:18:08.70   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
22:18:08.70   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
22:18:08.70   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
22:18:08.70   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
22:18:08.70   NET -- MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 0
22:18:08.71   GAME -- Ending FE
22:18:08.71   UIFrontEnd - Unloading Front End
22:18:08.72   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::StartDynamic - job LeaveChannelAsyncJob, parent ChatInternal
22:18:08.72   SOUND -- Shutting down ...
22:18:08.78   SOUND -- Shutdown completed!
22:18:08.78   GAME -- *** Beginning mission 4p_achelous river (1 Humans, 3 Computers) ***
22:18:08.86   GAME -- Recording game
22:18:08.89   Activating screen: GameLoadScreen
22:18:08.89   NET -- SteamLobbyService::SetLobbyData: changeNumber changed from "98" to "100"
22:18:08.89   NET -- SteamLeaveChannelAsyncJob::Process: leaving pub/mms/1928755367 (channel 34)
22:18:08.89   NET -- SteamService::RemoveKnownLobby: removed pub/mms/1928755367
22:18:08.89   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job LeaveChannelAsyncJob, parent ChatInternal
22:18:09.02   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
22:18:09.10   SOUND -- Initializing ...
22:18:09.42   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
22:18:09.43   NET -- SteamService::OnLobbyDataUpdate: lobby=pub/mms/1929462705, member=pub/mms/1929462705, success=1
22:18:09.43   NET -- SteamUpdateAdvertisementAsync::Process: updated pub/mms/1929462705 (url=steam://100:pub/user/61337745)
22:18:09.43   PHYSICS: detected processor(s) capable of handling 8 threads.
22:18:09.45   NET -- AsyncJobDriver::DeleteJob - job UpdateSessionAdvertisementAsync, parent SessionInternal
22:18:09.45   MOD -- Locating MOD for scenario 'DATA:scenarios\mp\classic\4p_achelous river\4p_achelous river'
22:18:09.45   MOD -- Using Mod 'Eastern_Front'
22:18:09.46   Unable to load/parse precache file [DATA:scenarios\mp\classic\4p_achelous river\4p_achelous river_precache.lua]
22:18:09.60   Re-winding a compressed stream for file 'data:sound\wav\music_nonstream\m07_ob2_findrocketlo_load.smf'.  Expensive operation
22:18:09.60   Re-winding a compressed stream for file 'data:sound\wav\music_nonstream\m07_ob2_findrocketlo_load.smf'.  Expensive operation
22:18:10.65   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 1024
22:18:11.00   NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
22:18:11.86   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 1024 to 1727
22:18:11.94   PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'HVOK'
22:18:11.94   PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'DMMY'
22:18:16.10   SPDx9 -- 4001MB available Texture Memory.  Unable to create 2x2 texture.
22:18:16.32   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 1375 to 4054
22:18:18.43   GameObjLoader 0c8a2558 - resetting counters
22:18:18.43   GameObjLoader 0c8a2558 - LOAD_DONE
22:18:18.43   GAME - SessionSetup
22:18:18.55   CommandBPDatabase - Unable to register function [splat_attach] due to missing CommandBP.
22:18:18.55   TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget [0] of size 2048 x 2048
22:18:18.55   TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget [1] of size 1024 x 1024
22:18:19.44   GAME - CreateGEWorld in 1003 ms
22:18:19.44   TGAIO -- TGA file 'data:simulation/deformdata/Lock_deform.tga' is RLE compressed. For optimal speed, please re-save uncompressed.
22:18:19.59   GAME - SessionSetup finished in 1156 ms
22:18:19.59   GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup
22:18:19.59   GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup finished in 0 ms
22:18:19.77   Regenerating ImpassMap data...
22:18:19.77       Impass Data was already valid, but regenerating...
22:18:19.83   Regenerating CanBuildMap data...
22:18:19.83   Generating CanShoot Map.
22:18:19.83   Pathfinder::Regenerate()...
22:18:19.85   Generating PathSectorMap...
22:18:19.96   Pathfinder::Regenerate() Done.
[Cope FactionFix] - Trying to hook function
[Cope FactionFix] - Got LuaState @0x08f26e58
[Cope FactionFix] - patched @0x509a5491
[Cope FactionFix] - hooked @0x509a5492
[Cope FactionFix] - patched @0x509a4a07
[Cope FactionFix] - hooked @0x509a4a07
[Cope FactionFix] - Hook installed
22:18:20.04   ModWorld::LoadWinCondition: - [DATA:Scar/WinConditions/vptickerwin-annihilate.scar] succeeded.
22:18:20.35   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
22:18:20.35   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
22:18:20.35   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
22:18:20.35   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
22:18:21.20   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
22:18:21.21   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
22:18:21.21   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
22:18:21.21   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
22:18:21.21   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
22:18:21.45   SPEECHMANAGER -- Loaded in 0.227896 seconds
22:18:22.18   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 249
22:18:22.48   GameObjLoader 0c8a26b8 - resetting counters
22:18:22.48   GameObjLoader 0c8a26b8 - LOAD_DONE
22:18:22.99   PreloadResources took 478ms.
22:18:23.01   GAME -- Loading completed (14 seconds)
22:18:23.01   SIM -- Setting SyncErrorChecking level to Low
22:18:23.41   Activating screen: GameScreen
22:18:23.41   Activating screen: Decorators_widescreen
22:18:23.41   Activating screen: Taskbar_widescreen
22:18:23.41   Activating screen: SubtitleScreen
22:18:23.41   Activating screen: TextOverlayScreen
22:18:23.47   PerformanceRecorder::StartRecording for game size 4
22:18:23.47   GAME -- Starting mission...
22:18:23.93   MOD -- Player CPU - Hard set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
22:18:23.93   MOD -- Player CPU - Normal set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
22:18:23.93   MOD -- Player CPU - Normal set to AI Type: AI Player (frame 1) (CmdAI)
22:18:28.69   Warning: non auto-match upgrade not found in AE, tuning
22:18:43.81   Warning: binding repeat_0(Ability: abilities\reenable_capture_ability) -- ui index '0' out of bounds; range is [1, 12]
22:19:12.00   NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
22:19:26.32   Warning: binding selection bindings_child6() -- Binding selection bindings_child6: failed bind to widget 'build_max_background'
22:19:46.05   Activating screen: Command_Tree
22:19:48.66   Activating screen: Command_Branch
22:20:13.00   NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0
22:20:56.95   Warning: binding repeat_1(Ability: abilities\reenable_capture_ability) -- ui index '0' out of bounds; range is [1, 12]
22:21:14.00   NET -- Transport::Update median kBPS [highest/current] sent = 0/0, recvd = 0/0, total = 0/0, max unsent 0, version mismatches 0 and blocked 0

-- Log file for all error messages related to the Scar --

Starting SCAR...
Init Alt CT
Sandbox race= allies_soviets
Sandbox race= allies
Sandbox race= axis_panzer_elite
Sandbox race= axis
race is axis

All factions excluding British
Archelous River
Victory Point Control
Crossing a bridge with Infantry

.Dmp: www34.zippyshare . com/v/18954355/file.html
« Last Edit: May 29, 2013, 06:14:36 AM by blackbishop »

Offline devastationbg

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2013, 12:44:55 PM »
Big Problem game crash when i press button to start game...

Code: newbielink:javascript:void(0); [nonactive]
RELICCOH started at 2013-06-18 13:34
OS NT 5.1 (sp3.0) x86, 2047MB Physical Memory, 1382 Physical Available, 1968 Virtual Available
RUN-OPTIONS -dev -mod Eastern_Front -nomovies -novsync -refresh 75
USER Johny

13:34:08.46   2 Logical Processors detected
13:34:08.46   Multithreading Enabled
13:34:08.46   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:34:08.46   XTHREAD: Detected 2 core(s) with 2 hardware thread(s)
13:34:08.46   XTHREAD: Main thread now used as XThread 0
13:34:08.46   XTHREAD: Spawned thread on processor 1
13:34:08.46   MATHBOX -- Version=6, Cpu=unknown:f=15,m=3, Mode=SSE
13:34:08.46   GAME -- Company Of Heroes, 2.602.0, Build live.2.602.0, Type live, Language English
13:34:08.48   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC1, 1.0
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataArtHigh\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\DataArtHigh\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC1\Movies\'
13:34:08.48   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC2, 1.0
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataArtHigh\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\DataArtHigh\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC2\Movies\'
13:34:08.48   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_DLC3, 1.0
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataArtHigh\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\DataArtHigh\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\DLC3\Movies\'
13:34:08.48   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front_OPS, 1.0
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Ops\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Ops\Data\'
13:34:08.48   MOD -- Mounting Eastern_Front, 1.0
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'RelicOnline\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\RelicOnline\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Engine\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Engine\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'WW2\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\WW2\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Data\'
13:34:08.48   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Data\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Data\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataArtHigh\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\DataArtHigh\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataSoundHigh\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataSound\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Locale\English\Data\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
13:34:08.50   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Engine\Locale\English\Data\'
13:34:08.53   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:34:08.53   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\DataSoundEnglish\'
13:34:08.53   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
13:34:08.53   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\CoH\Locale\English\Data\'
13:34:08.53   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\DataAttrib\'
13:34:08.53   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Eastern_Front\Movies\'
13:34:08.53   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\Engine\Movies\'
13:34:08.53   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, path does not exist 'C:\Documents and Settings\Johny\My Documents\My Games\Company of Heroes\WW2\Movies\'
[Cope FactionFix] - DLL loaded
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Initialising
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Found Lua's loadfile at 0x1518D97
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Lua's loadfile patched
[Corsix LuaExtCore] Self-test completed
13:34:08.59   GAME -- Resetting fp control word.
13:34:16.57   WW2Mod -- PropertyBagManager Loaded in 7.984000s
13:34:16.68   NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager
13:34:16.68   Read 241 bytes from network datastore login_cache.bin
13:34:16.68   Read 52 bytes from network datastore global_cache.bin
13:34:16.68   Read 28 bytes from network datastore ping_cache.bin
13:34:16.68   QuazalInitializer - static initializing Quazal library
13:34:16.68   PingCache - populating cache with 0 pings
13:34:16.68   Transport - Header Size = 4 bytes + 4 byte nonce + 2 byte consolidation header
13:34:16.70   WinTransport - CreateSocket exclusive broadcast socket was available.
13:34:16.70   WinTransport - CreateSocket listening for broadcasts on default port
13:34:16.70   WinTransport - Host Name: house, aliases: , type=AF_INET, len=4
13:34:16.70   WinTransport - Host IP Address #0:
13:34:16.70   WinTransport - Interface #0: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_BROADCAST IFF_MULTICAST
13:34:16.70   WinTransport - Interface #1: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_BROADCAST IFF_LOOPBACK IFF_MULTICAST
13:34:16.70   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:34:16.70   WinTransport - Quazal address string = udp:/address=;port=6112
13:34:16.70   SessionManager - Peer Header Size = 16 bytes
13:34:16.70   SessionManager - Game Data overhead = 7 bytes
13:34:16.70   SessionManager - Proxy overhead = 7 bytes
13:34:16.70   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 47535450
13:34:16.70   Session::Initialize - info, initializing session object, using threads.
13:34:16.70   SessionManager::RegisterSession - Registering new session 04e2bae8
13:34:16.70   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:34:16.70   AutomatchInternal: Instantiating
13:34:16.70   PartyInternal: Instantiating
13:34:16.70   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 50525459
13:34:16.70   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 51434b4d
13:34:16.70   Net::ThreadFunction - Entering network thread function...
13:34:16.71   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1:STATE_DISCONNECTED].
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 534d5347
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 474d4343
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 474f424a
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4d4f444d
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 53594e43
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 534d5347
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 474d4343
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 474f424a
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 4d4f444d
13:34:16.71   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 53594e43
13:34:16.71   GAME -- Available memory: 2047MB Physical RAM, 1892MB Pagefile, 2047 Virtual Address Space
13:34:16.78   Transport - Largest received is now 19
13:34:16.78   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:34:18.15   DLLDriverLinker -- Adding driver 'spDx9.dll'.
13:34:18.15   DLLDriverLinker -- 1 DLL drivers found.
13:34:19.31   DLLDriverLinker -- 1 DLL drivers found.
13:34:19.39   SPOOGE - Driver[DirectX9 rendering device] version[4,36]
13:34:19.39   GAME -- Resolution set to 1024x768 (fullscreen).
13:34:19.42   SPDx9 -- Driver Name = nv4_disp.dll  Desc = NVIDIA GeForce GT 520
13:34:19.42   SPDx9 -- Driver Vendor = 0x10DE  Device = 0x1040  SubSys = 0x352F1458  Rev = 0x00A1
13:34:19.42   SPDx9 -- Driver Version  Product = 0x0006  Version = 0x000E  SubVersion = 0x00  Build = 320.18
13:34:19.42   SPDx9 -- Driver GUID = {D7B71E3E-5300-11CF-0A70-221500C2CB35}
13:34:19.71   SPDx9 -- 1507MB available Texture Memory
13:34:19.73   ShaderDatabase: using shader profile [ps30]
13:34:20.14   FILESYSTEM -- filepath failure, missing alias 'TOOLSDATA:autoloddecimator.lua'
13:34:20.48   GameObjLoader 07978670 - resetting counters
13:34:20.48   GameObjLoader 07978670 - Created loader
13:34:20.48   GameObjLoader 0798b868 - resetting counters
13:34:20.48   GameObjLoader 0798b868 - Created loader
13:34:20.79   GAME -- Beginning FE
13:34:20.79   Sent message game CompanyOfHeroes started 1704 602 allowtraffic
13:34:20.79   RemoteDLManager - Connection Restored.
13:34:20.79   UIFrontEnd - Loading Front End
13:34:20.79   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:34:20.85   SOUND -- Initializing ...
13:34:20.90   INNIMapDCA Key not found: sp_speechducker::time
13:34:21.29   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
13:34:21.29   UIFrontEnd - Initializing Forms
13:34:22.76   CampaignFilter::BindFilterSpecificWidgets()
13:34:22.82   Activating screen: AppLoadingForm
13:34:22.82   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 0 (gold=0)
13:34:22.82   Got dlman msg [dlmanager version 1.0 peertraffic 1 uploadlimit 2147483647 seedratio 3]
13:34:23.28   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Invasion of Normandy' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\COH.CAMP) with 15 missions, [coh]
13:34:23.29   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Liberation of Caen' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP1.CAMP) with 9 missions, [cxp1]
13:34:23.29   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Operation Market Garden' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\CXP2.CAMP) with 8 missions, [cxp2]
13:34:23.29   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Falaise Pocket' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC3.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc3]
13:34:23.29   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Causeway' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC2.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc2]
13:34:23.29   GAME -- Loaded campaign 'Tiger Ace' (DATA:SCENARIOS\SP\DLC1.CAMP) with 3 missions, [dlc1]
13:34:23.50   GAME -- Using player profile HOUSE
13:34:25.03   Dx9Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_multiply' in the ShaderDatabase.
13:34:25.40   Dx9Program : Unable to find shader script for 'fxshader_depthadditive' in the ShaderDatabase.
13:34:26.15   QuazalLoginService - *** Connecting to server: localhost:30260
13:34:26.15   RendezvousManager: CreateSession - starting profile=Guest login
13:34:41.17   GetBackEndServices()->Login: call returned with (5:2) TransportErrorCode::ConnectionFailure.
13:34:41.17   RendezvousManager - unable to connect to the server as guest
13:34:41.17   OnConnect: connect failure
13:34:41.17   RendezvousManager::Shutdown - deleting instance
13:34:41.17   RendezvousManager - terminating all server calls in progress
13:34:41.17   CallManager - terminating all server calls in progress (1 in progress)
13:34:41.17   RendezvousManager - destroying chat handler
13:34:41.17   ~RendezvousManager - m_state = 7, no need for server disconnect
13:34:41.20   OnConnect: this wasnt a reconnect, no need for autologin
13:34:41.20   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 0 (gold=0)
13:34:41.20   CRC & Version Info : 0000025a:de0493a4:ec3c9e0d eastern_front:602:factionfix.dll 1
13:34:41.20   Activating screen: FEMovie
13:34:41.20   Activating screen: OnlineWidget
13:34:41.20   Activating screen: RelicOnlineLogin
13:34:41.23   SetupProductLoadingArt - choosing bgArt = 0 (gold=0)
13:34:41.23   You have a valid version of the game.
13:34:41.25   AccountStore -- Found matching account %%%DefaultAccountName%%%, ignoring for now
13:34:41.25   installed_products = ( DLC1 DLC2 DLC3 )
13:34:41.25   OnLogin: no previous login, auto selecting profile not required
13:34:41.25   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:34:41.25   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:34:41.25   ScreenManager - Flushing recursively, due to activated screens during the previous flush, flush number: 1
13:34:42.65   Beginning media verification...
13:34:42.65   Validator type : validators\udro\udro.dll
13:34:42.67   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:34:42.70   Activating screen: FE_mm_01
13:34:45.76   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:34:45.76   Created Matchinfo
13:34:45.76   Session::Reset with reason 999 and AdvertisementInternal::ResetSession()
13:34:45.78   starting LAN hosting
13:34:45.79   OnJoinAdvertisementSuccess - joined online match, server leave notification required
13:34:45.79   starting local hosting
13:34:45.79   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:34:45.79   Allocated route ID=0 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:34:45.79   Transport::OpenInternal request to WINaddr:;
13:34:45.79   Session::Host sid = 666C8038758DB834, hostURL = , local addresses = WINaddr:;
13:34:45.79   ValidateCustomData: called with 175 bytes of custom data
13:34:45.79   Host accepted Peer 1 into the match at address list=WINaddr:;, routes=WINaddr:;
13:34:45.79   AdvertisementInternal::Process - EVENT_NEWPEER
13:34:45.79   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [2:STATE_CONNECTING].
13:34:45.81   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [3:STATE_CONNECTED].
13:34:45.81   hosting - Session is connected
13:34:45.81   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to VISIBLE.
13:34:45.82   hosting completed successfully
13:34:45.82   HostAsync - completed with HostResult = 0
13:34:45.82   UIFrontEnd::StartRelicOnlineTabs deactivating FE_mm_01
13:34:45.82   Activating screen: OnlineGameSetup
13:34:45.84   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 534d5347
13:34:45.84   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:34:45.84   MatchInternal::SetMatchType - new type 14 - updating server
13:34:45.85   local host PeerID 1 CONN ack=  0 (  0ms~0) unack=  0, retry=  0, highwaterOOS=0 @WINaddr:; (ping=0ms) 100.00%, pending=0, dead=0
13:34:45.85   MessageCounts: inval=0/0, seek=0/0, join=0/0, integ=0/0, seek_reply=1/0, join_reply=0/0, add=0/0, remove=0/0, drop=0/0, data=0/0, voice=0/0, rchk=0/0, nudge=0/0, peerhdr=0/0, proxy=0/0, ping=0/0, frag=0/0, Errors=0/0
13:34:45.87   Transport - Largest received is now 503
13:34:45.87   SetVisible called while !IsConnected
13:34:45.87   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=2 expected FPS=100.000000, bars=5, max avg=0.000, sd=0.000, 0 samples =
13:34:45.89   Activating screen: RelicOnlineChat
13:34:45.89   Activating screen: RelicOnlineNewsScreen
13:34:45.89   Activating screen: RelicOnlineStatsScreen
13:34:45.89   Activating screen: Achievements
13:34:45.89   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:34:45.89   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:34:45.89   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:34:45.89   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:34:45.90   Transport - Largest received is now 1170
13:34:45.90   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:34:45.90   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:34:45.90   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:34:45.90   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:34:45.90   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:34:45.90   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:34:45.92   Activating screen: GameHistory
13:34:45.92   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:34:45.92   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:34:45.92   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:34:45.92   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:34:45.92   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:34:45.92   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:34:45.92   Activating screen: OnlineGameSetup
13:34:45.92   Activating screen: RelicOnlineTabs
13:34:45.92   Activating screen: ScreenTipPopup
13:34:45.92   AutomatchInternal::OnHostComplete - Completed Host with success=1
13:34:45.92   AutomatchInternal::OnHostComplete - automatcher is no longer active - ignoring
13:34:45.92   QuickMatchInternal::OnHostComplete - Quickmatch not in host state.
13:34:45.92   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:34:45.92   Net::Session::SetVisible - session is set to INVISIBLE.
13:34:45.92   GetMaxFrameTimeFromProfile: players=2 expected FPS=100.000000, bars=5, max avg=0.000, sd=0.000, 0 samples =
13:34:46.03   Activating screen: ScreenTipPopup
13:34:46.03   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:34:46.09   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:34:46.10   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:34:46.10   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:34:46.12   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:34:46.12   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:34:46.12   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:34:46.12   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:34:50.21   GameSetupForm - No win/loss reporting and only a single player, disconnecting
13:34:50.21   GameSetupForm - UpdateMatchType: Setting match type to 14: CLASSIC_COOP_SKIRMISH
13:34:50.21   SetVisible called while !IsConnected
13:34:50.21   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:34:50.21   GameSetupForm - Starting game
13:34:50.21   GameInfo::ResetInfo - SyncLevel set to 0 on reset
13:34:50.21   PopulateGameInfo - random seed:[1371551690], guid:[{d34c7527-67d9-4ae1-ae51-ad865f4530df}], sync level:[2]
13:34:50.21   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:34:50.21   Error loading [DATA:levelingCurve.lua]
13:34:50.21   MOD - Setting player (0) race to: allies
13:34:50.21   MOD - Setting player (0) race to: 1
13:34:50.21   MOD - Setting player (1) race to: axis
13:34:50.21   MOD - Setting player (1) race to: 3
13:34:50.21   Activating screen: MessageBoxPopup
13:34:50.21   Session is marking the local peer PeerID 1 for death
13:34:50.21   Session::GetEvent DestroyPeer success Peer 1 removed
13:34:50.21   Session::DestroyPeer - deallocating peer 1
13:34:50.21   Session - Requested Disconnect for connectionID 2
13:34:50.21   Deallocated route ID=3 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:34:50.21   Session - Requested Disconnect for connectionID 3
13:34:50.21   Closed route 3<>3 for PeerID 1 at WINaddr:;
13:34:50.21   AdvertisementInternal::Process - EVENT_DESTROYPEER
13:34:50.21   Destroyed Matchinfo
13:34:50.23   Transport - Largest sent is now 8
13:34:50.25   APP -- Game Start
13:34:50.25   Sent message game CompanyOfHeroes allowtraffic
13:34:50.25   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc1'
13:34:50.25   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc1'
13:34:50.25   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc2'
13:34:50.25   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc2'
13:34:50.25   GAME -- Setting campaign state to 'dlc3'
13:34:50.25   GAME -- Closing state 'dlc3'
13:34:50.25   MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel 534d5347
13:34:50.26   GAME -- Ending FE
13:34:50.26   UIFrontEnd - Unloading Front End
13:34:50.28   SOUND -- Shutting down ...
13:34:50.39   SOUND -- Shutdown completed!
13:34:50.40   GAME -- *** Beginning mission 2p_angoville farms (1 Humans, 1 Computers) ***
13:34:50.64   GAME -- Recording game
13:34:50.70   Activating screen: GameLoadScreen
13:34:50.70   ReportGameStartStats - no connection to server unable to report
13:34:50.70   Session::GetState - info, session's state changed to [1:STATE_DISCONNECTED].
13:34:50.70   PeerRemoveAll - flushing local session peer data
13:34:50.70   Session::Reset with reason 999 and MatchInternal::PeerRemoveAll
13:34:50.70   Got dlman msg [ack game CompanyOfHeroes allowtraffic]
13:34:51.28   THREAD: Hyper-Threading Technology Processors are not detected.
13:34:51.29   SOUND -- Initializing ...
13:34:51.85   SOUND -- Initialization completed!
13:34:51.87   PHYSICS: detected processor(s) capable of handling 2 threads.
13:34:51.96   MOD -- Locating MOD for scenario 'DATA:scenarios\mp\classic\2p_angoville farms\2p_angoville farms'
13:34:51.96   MOD -- Using Mod 'Eastern_Front'
13:34:51.96   Unable to load/parse precache file [DATA:scenarios\mp\classic\2p_angoville farms\2p_angoville farms_precache.lua]
13:34:52.06   Re-winding a compressed stream for file 'data:sound\wav\music_nonstream\m04_shermans_arrive_low_load.smf'.  Expensive operation
13:34:52.06   Re-winding a compressed stream for file 'data:sound\wav\music_nonstream\m04_shermans_arrive_low_load.smf'.  Expensive operation
13:34:53.79   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 1030
13:34:56.81   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 1030 to 1619
13:34:56.92   PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'HVOK'
13:34:56.92   PHYSICS -- Created node factory 'DMMY'
13:35:17.01   Transport - median kBPS [hi/cur] sent = 0.0/0.0, recvd = 0.8/0.0, #p/sec[s/r] = 0.0/0.3, max unsent 0, version err 0, merge 0
13:35:19.42   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 38 to 3536
13:35:24.46   Re-winding a compressed stream for file 'data:sound\wav\music_nonstream\m04_shermans_arrive_low_load.smf'.  Expensive operation
13:35:30.14   GameObjLoader 07978670 - resetting counters
13:35:30.14   GameObjLoader 07978670 - LOAD_DONE
13:35:30.14   GAME - SessionSetup
13:35:31.42   CommandBPDatabase - Unable to register function [splat_attach] due to missing CommandBP.
13:35:31.59   TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget [0] of size 2048 x 2048
13:35:31.59   TERRAINTEXTURE -- compositor added RenderTarget [1] of size 1024 x 1024
13:35:36.93   GAME - CreateGEWorld in 6797 ms
13:35:37.03   TGAIO -- TGA file 'data:simulation/deformdata/Lock_deform.tga' is RLE compressed. For optimal speed, please re-save uncompressed.
13:35:37.60   GAME - SessionSetup finished in 7468 ms
13:35:37.62   GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup
13:35:37.62   GAME - WaterReflectionManagerSetup finished in 0 ms
13:35:38.01   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 474d4343
13:35:38.06   Regenerating ImpassMap data...
13:35:38.06       Impass Data was already valid, but regenerating...
13:35:38.17   Regenerating CanBuildMap data...
13:35:38.17   Generating CanShoot Map.
13:35:38.17   Pathfinder::Regenerate()...
13:35:38.23   Generating PathSectorMap...
13:35:38.64   Pathfinder::Regenerate() Done.
[Cope FactionFix] - Trying to hook function
[Cope FactionFix] - Got LuaState @0x03c93338
[Cope FactionFix] - patched @0x0554b9f0
[Cope FactionFix] - hooked @0x0554b9f1
[Cope FactionFix] - patched @0x0554add7
[Cope FactionFix] - hooked @0x0554add7
[Cope FactionFix] - Hook installed
13:35:38.84   ModWorld::LoadWinCondition: - [DATA:Scar/WinConditions/vptickerwin-annihilate.scar] succeeded.
13:35:39.18   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
13:35:39.18   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
13:35:39.18   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
13:35:39.18   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
13:35:39.18   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
13:35:39.18   MOD -- Player  (unused player) (frame 0) (KillPlayer)
13:35:39.96   MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel 4d4f444d
13:35:40.82   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:35:40.82   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:35:40.82   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:35:40.82   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:35:40.82   BindingsSystem -- Cannot create binding.  Unknown type 'repair_radius_circle'
13:35:41.25   SPEECHMANAGER -- Loaded in 0.367728 seconds
13:35:42.59   GameObjLoader - upgrading load_count from 0 to 420
13:35:45.45   GameObjLoader 0798b868 - resetting counters
13:35:45.45   GameObjLoader 0798b868 - LOAD_DONE
13:35:46.12   PreloadResources took 594ms.
13:35:46.20   GAME -- Loading completed (56 seconds)
13:35:46.20   SIM -- Setting SyncErrorChecking level to None
13:35:47.78   Activating screen: GameScreen
13:35:47.78   Activating screen: Decorators
13:35:47.78   Activating screen: Taskbar
13:35:47.78   Activating screen: SubtitleScreen
13:35:47.78   Activating screen: TextOverlayScreen
13:35:47.98   PerformanceRecorder::StartRecording for game size 2
13:35:47.98   GAME -- Starting mission...

-- Log file for all error messages related to the Scar --

Starting SCAR...
Init Alt CT
Sandbox race= axis
race is axis
Sandbox race= allies

1 file i found but it's empty. I attached..

Please help...
My patch is 2.602
« Last Edit: June 18, 2013, 12:45:35 PM by Rikard Blixt »

Offline Rikard Blixt

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2013, 12:54:35 PM »
Follow these instructions and then install EF again in the new folder.
Valar Morghulis
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I'll eat a tree if this won't work now
[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: ok
[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: I'll hold you to it
<10 minutes later>
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I think I really gotta eat a tree...
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: got a decent one?

Offline devastationbg

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2013, 01:23:48 PM »
Please make a video lesson im a noob :(

CD-KEY ? my coh is downloaded from torrent i dont have buyed game ?

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2013, 05:06:54 PM »
Then you won't be playing the latest version of EF, because it only runs with Steamworks which means you need a valid CD-KEY. Unless you can get the pirated version of that, otherwise you won't run it.
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline Hendrik 'DarcReaver' S.

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2013, 01:02:31 PM »
Please make a video lesson im a noob :(

CD-KEY ? my coh is downloaded from torrent i dont have buyed game ?
Can pirate games but can't press "proceed" 2 times lol...

Well. Tales of Valor was frequently in steam sales last year, you could get the gold edition for 3$. If you're lucky you can get it that cheap in summer sales this year, too. If not just get tales of Valor, it's like 10$.

Abuse is abuse and has to go.

Offline olbaidel

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2013, 02:17:08 AM »
Hey, do not speak much English, I would like to support me to solve the problem of "Crash Report" please leave the link here to ask ke files.

Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor v2.602
Eastern Front v1.801

Mode: Showdown
Map: lyon
4 players, myself and 3 CPU
Victory Condition: Annihilate
Home Resources: Standard
Weather: Dawn

I hope your help, and THANK YOU for the care provided.

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2013, 04:57:49 AM »
You need to add your cd-key into Steam and download from Steam's library the Company of Heroes (New Steam Version) that will appear there. Then install EF in the new CoH directory instead of the regular one.

If you are using a pirate copy, it is not going to work and you would need to get the version 1.720 instead of 1.801.
Mors Indecepta

Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself...

Offline minhvn

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Re: [1.801] Game crashes/freezes - Post here
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2013, 12:55:33 PM »
there are 2 readme file , one from normal EF , other from beta, both got the same problem, game suddenly frozen and not repsonding anymore